Saturday, 28 September 2024


LAKEPORT – The American Cancer Society's May Day for Relay encourages everyone to wear purple, put purple ribbons or balloons in your windows and on doors, tie purple ribbons or balloons on trees, fences or on your cars.

Purple is for HOPE and volunteers will be handing out purple Hope Ribbons and brochures about American Cancer Society's Relay For Life.

This overnight, 24-hour event (because cancer doesn't stop) will be held from 10 a.m. Saturday, May 17 to 10 a.m. Sunday, May 18 at Don Owens Stadium, at Clear Lake High School in Lakeport.

Relay For Life is American Cancer Society's largest event and the world's biggest fundraiser with more than three million participants.

The funds are used to CELEBRATE survivors, REMEMBER those lost to cancer and to FIGHT BACK against this disease through research, education and advocacy and to support programs for people touched by cancer in our communities.

Please join in painting our town purple on May 1.

For information, contact event chair, Beth Berintiat, at 274-1482.


Allison Busch-Lovejoy and Nita Brake-Mills celebrate with the Green California Leadership Award given to Project Recycle. Nita, wearing a blue Project Recycle bag, is the Caltrans District 1 Adopt-A-Highway Program Coordinator and creator of Project Recycle. Nita also chairs the Caltrans District 1 Green Team, of which Allison is a member. Photo courtesy of Caltrans.


EUREKA – Caltrans is proud to announce receiving a Green California Leadership Award for Project Recycle, an innovative solution to divert litter from landfills and increase recycling in the Adopt-A-Highway program.

Green California Leadership Awards are given to state and local governments to acknowledge outstanding achievements in environmental sustainability.

There were 80 entries statewide, and one winner in each of eight categories. Caltrans’ Project Recycle won in the Waste Management category.

Project Recycle provides a simple yet effective answer to allow Adopt-A-Highway volunteers to collect recyclable containers.

When gathering litter, volunteers carry a litter picker in one hand and a trash bag with the other. It is difficult to carry a second bag for recyclables, and full trash bags must be left at the roadside for pick-up. Volunteers cannot take full trash bags away for sorting.

Project Recycle provides over-the-shoulder bags for Adopt-A-Highway volunteers to separate and store recyclables while gathering trash from the State Highway right of way. Project Recycle also models “closing the recycling loop” by using bags made from 100 percent certified recycled plastic bottles.

Developed in 2003 by Caltrans District 1 Adopt-A-Highway Coordinator Nita Brake-Mills, Project Recycle has proven to be very effective. In the past five years in District 1 alone, ten tons of recyclable materials have been collected from the roadside. Caltrans has now enacted Project Recycle across California.

In addition to Project Recycle, Caltrans also won a Green California Leadership Award in the Transportation category for the Statewide Stormwater Management Program. Caltrans is committed to environmental responsibility while maintaining the largest highway system in the world.

For more information on the District 1 Adopt-A-Highway Program, please contact program coordinator Nita Brake-Mills at (707) 441-5761.


LAKE COUNTY – On National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, May 7, teens nationwide are asked to go to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy's new teen Web site and take a short, scenario-based "quiz" that asks young people what they would do in a number of sexual situations. Lake Family Resource Center has agreed to help spread the word to make sure that the 2008 National Day is a success.

The teen pregnancy rate declined 5 percent between 2002 and 2004 according to new data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics. Overall, the teen pregnancy rate has declined 38 percent between 1990 and 2004.

Research is pointing to teenage pregnancy prevention programs, contraception availability and just overall more education on the problems associated with teenage pregnancy and unsafe sex to the drop in numbers.

“The continued decline in the nation's rate of teen pregnancy is good news, but not unqualified good news," said Sarah Brown, chief executive officer of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.

Data released in December 2007 show a 3-percent increase in the teen birth rate between 2005 and 2006, the first increase in the teen birth rate in 15 years, said Brown.

Lake Family Resource Center understands the importance of informing teens about pregnancy prevention and through the Challenge Program is presenting information to Lake County youth in 11 schools and other locations throughout the county. Topics such as abstinence, healthy relationships and the consequences of being sexually active are just a few of the subjects discussed in these groups.

Teen pregnancy is closely linked to a host of critical social issues poverty and income, overall child well-being, health issues, education, child welfare and other risky behavior. Teen pregnancy prevention should be viewed as an issue that works to improve all of these measures.

Lake Family Resource Center offers teenaged parents support through the Adolescent Family Life and Cal-Learn Programs. On average the center serves 88 teen parents a month. Last school year 25 participants in the center's teen parenting programs graduated from high school and another 20 participants are anticipated this year.

As a teen, finding out that you are pregnant is a life-altering and scary event. As a parent, finding out your teen is pregnant can both shock you and cause despair as you wonder, now what? Before this ever happens, you can help your teen learn important lessons on how to prevent teen pregnancy.

Teaching teenagers about safe sex and the problems associated with pregnancy can go a long way in helping the teenage pregnancy rate to continue to drop. Most teens say their parents are their No. 1 influencer when it comes to making the decision to wait to have sex.

For more information on the National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy and for more tips on how to talk to your teen visit

For more information on the programs provided by Lake Family Resource Center please visit or call 707 262-1611


SACRAMENTO – The State Senate voted 24-12 Monday to approve Senate Bill 1431, legislation by Senator Patricia Wiggins (D-Santa Rosa) to enable the state Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) to expand the use of conservation easements to protect state parklands.

SB 1431 clarifies that DPR is allowed to acquire a conservation easement if DPR determines that it is necessary to protect a unit of the state park system from an incompatible use or to preserve and enhance the natural resource, cultural, or historic value of a state park unit.

The Wiggins bill would also enable DPR to make grants to a state or local government agency, or a nonprofit, to purchase and hold a conservation easement with funds that have been appropriated to the department for land acquisitions. Grant recipients would be required to monitor and enforce the easement and agree to restrict the use of the land in perpetuity.

“As the population of our state continues to grow, and urban growth expands into previously undeveloped areas, additional pressures are being placed on the resources of the State Parks and Recreation system,” Wiggins said.

“DPR is authorized to purchase land for the purpose of protecting parks from development and other impending threats, but this solution is not always economically feasible,” Wiggins added. “An easement is a good tool for the department to use to preserve the state park system; it costs less, and also allows the land to remain in the hands of the private land owner. Further, it defends the land from incompatible use issues, and it relieves the department from incurring maintenance costs."

SB 1431 next moves to the Assembly for consideration.


CLEARLAKE – The board of Konocti Senior Support Inc., welcomes new directors Susanne La Faver, Hidden Valley Lake, and Elizabeth Turman, Clearlake.

The organization provides free peer counseling throughout Lake County and administers the Friendly Visitor Program in South County.

“Recipients of senior peer counseling, mostly home-bound, benefit from talking with people who have experienced life changes and understand their concerns,” said Lawrence Grant, board president.

Volunteer peer counselors receive training and have ongoing group supervision and support by Clinical Consultant Kim Baughan Young, Marriage Family Therapist.

The Friendly Visitor Program offers friendship, understanding and companionship on a regular basis to South County seniors having limited access to outside activities. Volunteers are trained and participate in monthly supervision meetings.

In addition to President Lawrence Grant and new directors La Faver and Turman, board members include Hope H. Brewer, vice-president; Jane McKnight, secretary; Charmaine Webb, treasurer; and Gwen Snyder.

Konocti Senior Support Inc., incorporated in 1995, is a nonprofit public service corporation dedicated to enhancing seniors’ quality of life. All services are free.

For more information, contact Gwen Snyder at 995-1417.


NICE – The first meeting of the Lake County Historical Society in their new area in Nice will begin Sunday, April 27, 2 p.m. at the clubhouse.

The speaker is Bob Lossius, assistant director of Public Works, who will talk on the "History and Future of the Levee" that forms the Reclamation Area near Upper Lake.

This area contains points most unusual in the history of Lake County. This is also the initiation of our new clubhouse, almost in sight of the area being discussed.

Lossius will hold forth for a question-and-answer session and, of course, the topic will be opened to general discussion. We expect the audience from that area, to be full of interesting information on the history of the area.

Secondly, K.C. Patrick, author of the nenwly published “Images of America: The Pomo of Lake County” will speak briefly about her book and be available to sign copies.

Please feel free to bring your favorite goodies, cake or cookies to share. Coffee and light refreshments will be available.

President Randy Ridgel also suggests you follow the directions to our location, as it is not on Mapquest. We are located in part of the county park in Nice, (Keeling Park). If coming from the east on Highway 20, a few blocks past the intersection of Highway 20 and Nice-Lucerne Cutoff, turn right on Carson Street (Floyd Street intersects at the same place on the left). Proceed to the intersection of Carson and Lakeshore (about five to six blocks) and turn left into our lot up the driveway. (We are across the street from the county park on the lake.)

Coming from the east on Highway 20, pass up the first entrance to Lakeshore Drive, pass through most of Nice until the second chance to turn left on Lakeshore Boulevard (the old Nice-Lucerne Cutoff), just past where Manzanita goes off to the right. Turn right into our parking lot up the grade.

Please bring some folding chairs for your use. We do welcome visitors.

The Lake County Historical Society Web site is



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