Saturday, 28 September 2024


LAKEPORT – This Friday, May 30, a free concert in Library Park is being presented by the Lakeport Regional Chamber of Commerce, featuring the Lake County Diamonds.

The Diamonds will be playing in the gazebo from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and TNT's On The Lake will serve dinner for $18/person, from 6 p.m. to 7:30pm.


Some of the early arrivals of classic cars participating in the 17th Annual Roundup Car Show will be parked at Library Park that evening as they check in for early registration. Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy and evening of entertainment.


On Saturday, May 31, two huge events will take place at Library Park – Wood and Glory and the annual Car Roundup.


The 10th annual Wood and Glory Classic Boat Show will showcase beautifully restored wooden boats, on display from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The public will be invited to vote for their favorite wooden boat and by doing so will have an opportunity to win a framed copy of this years' Wood & Glory X poster.


A barbecue catered by Lakeview Market will be served at noon. The cost is $18/person, with only a limited number of barbecue meals available to the public.

Jim Williams and Ranch House will be playing in the gazebo from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for everyone's listening pleasure.

The 17th annual Car Roundup car show will have 200 beautiful classic cars on display through 3 p.m.


There will be vendors with a variety of art, crafts, women's unique clothing, jewelry, free tokens for ice cream, auto- and motorcycle-related items, and the Plein Air Artists will have a display in the park.


For further information, contact the Lakeport Regional Chamber of Commerce at 263-5092.


SACRAMENTO – The State Senate voted 25-12 Friday to approve Senate Bill 1557, legislation by North Coast Senator Patricia Wiggins (D – Santa Rosa) to include the reduction of greenhouse gases among the state’s top planning priorities.

SB 1557 amends legislation that Wiggins authored when she was in the Assembly, AB 857, which established planning priorities for state infrastructure.

“This bill adds three simple, but important, provisions to those priorities,” Wiggins said.

“First, it adds a reduction in greenhouse gases as a goal of the state’s planning priorities. Second, it considers a reduction of vehicle miles traveled when citing state infrastructure. Lastly, it updates the state administrative manual to include the planning priorities.”

Former Gov. Gray Davis signed AB 857 in 2002. That Wiggins bill established state planning priorities that would encourage the state to lead by example in development of infrastructure that support smart growth principles. While AB 857 was signed into law, there are varying opinions on whether or not the law has been adequately implemented.

Wiggins said SB 1557 will both update and strengthen the law created by her earlier bill by adding a provision stating that the planning priorities are intended to meet the state’s greenhouse gas emissions limits that will be developed under AB 32, and by including efficient development patterns that will provide a reduction in vehicle miles traveled.

In 2005, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's signed an executive order calling for reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 2010 and 2020. The following year, he signed AB 32 (the California Global Warming Solutions Act, authored by former Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez).

Wiggins represents the state’s 2nd Senate District, made up of portions or all of six counties: Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino, Napa, Solano and Sonoma counties.

Now that it has passed the Senate, SB 1557 next goes to the Assembly for review.

For more information on SB 1557 or other legislation by Senator Wiggins, please visit her Web site at



SACRAMENTO – The State Senate voted 24-13 Friday to approve Senate Bill 1645. The measure, by North Coast Senator Patricia Wiggins (D – Santa Rosa), requires the California Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission to update its “energy aware planning guide” to include model general plan elements to address energy and climate changes with specified elements.

Wiggins said her legislation will help local government agencies better plan for growth.

“SB 1645 requires the California Energy Commission to update its planning guide and to include two model general plan elements: one to address energy issues and one to address climate change,” Wiggins said.

“As local governments join the state in addressing climate change, we must try to provide local governments with the tools and guidance they need to succeed,” she added. “SB 1645 will help provide that guidance.”

The commission is currently charged with preparing plans for dealing with energy shortages, and serving as a central repository for the collection, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information on all forms of energy supply, demand, conservation, public safety and research.

State law also requires cities and counties to adopt general plans which reflect long-term goals and policies that guide local land use decisions. The plans are required to contain several specific elements: land use, circulation, housing, open space, conservation, safety and noise.

After reviewing the energy aware planning guide, Wiggins felt it was important to update the document to stress the importance of climate change and energy to local government planning. But "rather than requiring local governments to include a climate change element in their general plans, SB 1645 will create an overall model element to assist local governments when undergoing their general plan updates," she said.

Wiggins represents the state’s Second Senate District, made up of portions or all of six counties: Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino, Napa, Solano and Sonoma counties.

Now that it has passed the Senate, SB 1645 next goes to the Assembly for consideration.

For more information on SB 1645 or other legislation by Sen. Wiggins, please visit her Web site at


CLEARLAKE Somewhere around l968, Charles Schoenberger, then owner of Ford’s Department store at Austin Beach in Clearlake, decided that if Mark Twain could get frogs to jump in competition in Calaveras County, we could get worms to race here in Lake County.

The first International Worm Races were held that year. Charles was right. Not only did worms race, but the first year’s event held over three days generated more than 1,000 entries.

Now held on the Saturday of the Lyon’s Club Fourth of July Parade and the Clearlake Chamber of Commerce Firework’s display, the races continue.

Through the years, some winning competitors were dug up in distant back yards and vegetable gardens, others were flown in from far away places, but local night crawlers have proven to be the most dependable.

Past winners who inched their way across the finish line ahead of their competitors included such greats as Lightning Harry, Fred, Heliatrophy, Master Gee and Slimey. One year, 8-year-old Eddy Sears not only won first prize with his worm Buddy, but claimed third and fourth place as well. The most recent finalists were simply named Wormie and Squirmie.

People have come from around the world to compete, and from many walks of life, including senators and congressmen.

In l980, NBC had television cameras from the show “Real People” to film the races. The Santa Rosa Press Democrat newspaper and a crew from “Animal Planet” were on hand when Eddy Sears set his record. More recently CBS and “Bay Area Back Roads” joined in the fun. One of their reporters got so caught up in the competition that he made it to the finals, placing second.

Eddy Sears and Buddy have since gone into retirement, leaving the field wide open for anyone to claim the prize. All ages are welcome to try. It’s easy to win. In fact, it’s so easy that last year’s winner was 2-year-old, Anthony Bradley. This year, who knows? Perhaps it’s time for an adult to claim top honors.

Last year's event held a special surprise for the competitors. Perrie Bassham, our first ever International Worms race winner, came back to pay us a visit. She and her dad, Paul Bassham, had spent a Father/daughter day on Clearlake. When they docked their boat, empty-handed, they saw all the excitement around the Worm Races. With a night crawler taken from the same can of worms they had been using to fish with, Perrie Bassham went all the way and won top prize – a brand new fishing pole and reel.

This year's winners in the four age categories – 0 to 5 years; 6 to 10 years; 11 to 17 years, and 18 years and over – will vie for cash prizes and trophies.

So what are you waiting for? If Anthony Bradley, Perrie Bassham and Eddy Sears can win it all, so can you. Worm-master Bill Edmunds and other Clearlake Chamber of Commerce members will be there to cheer you on to victory. You might even see yourself on TV.


CLEARLAKE – The Lake County Democratic Central Committee will meet Thursday, June 5, at 7 p.m. at the Redbud Library Community Room, 14785 Burns Valley Road, Clearlake.

Meetings are open to the public and associate committee membership is open to all registered Democrats.

Contact the Democratic Party of Lake County at 277-0833 or by email, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


LAKEPORT – The Ladies of the Lake Quilt Guild will meet on Saturday, June 7, in the Scotts Valley Women’s Clubhouse at 2298 Hendricks Road, Lakeport.

The doors open at 9 a.m. and the meeting begins at 10 a.m. Come early to browse the quilt library, sign up for special events and socialize.

“Discovering the Artist Within Through Quilts and Wearable Arts” is the topic and Melinda Bula of El Dorado Hills is the speaker.

Bula has had a varied career, first as a flight attendant, then designing wallpaper and quilts, and most recently writing her first book, “Cutting Garden Quilts.” See her Web site at for samples of her award-winning work, featuring lush flowers and glowing colors.

Ladies of the Lake Quilt Guild welcomes all quilters and prospective quilters to its meetings and events. Through a variety of programs and projects, the quilt guild members learn new skills and techniques, benefit the Lake County community, and enjoy themselves immensely.

For more information, contact Dottie at 462-7036 or Donna 262-1201, or visit the Ladies of the Lake Quilt Guild Web site at


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