Saturday, 28 September 2024


LAKE COUNTY – Many remember the S.S. Minnow from the 1960s Sitcom “Gilligan’s Island.” that voyage was crewed by a mighty sailing man (Gilligan) and a sure and brave skipper. They were only going to be out for a three-hour tour but ran into some bad weather.

What most people don’t know is that the brave and sure skipper never filed a float plan, failed to check the weather forecast, and did not carry an emergency positioning indicating radio beacon (EPIRB). The outcome was an extended stay on an uncharted island.

Filing a float plan with friends, relatives or a local marina increases your chances of surviving what can be a deadly situation. When properly completed, the float plan contains information to make a search faster and easier, increasing the probability of a positive outcome. In the case of the Minnow, it was quite entertaining to see the antics of these stranded boaters. In real life, these situations occur, but they aren’t nearly so funny.

A float plan asks such questions as what type of boat, what is your proposed itinerary, do you have a radio, how many people on board, and so on. The answers can shorten the process of locating a missing boater, and an EPIRB takes the search out of “search and rescue.”

Although we have made a little light out of the voyage of the Minnow, safe boating and seamanship is no joke. The Coast Guard Auxiliary is offering boating safety classes this Saturday, April 12, as well as on May 10 and June 21.

Signaling devices and float plans are a fraction of the information offered in this one day classes. With the boating season bursting open, do your family, friends and yourself a service and be an informed boat operator. Eight out of 10 boat operators have never taken a boating class.

Taking a class just might save your life. Some parents require their teenager(s) to take a boating class. In terms of wise boating, this is right up there with filing a float plan and having sufficiently appropriate signaling devices.

Contact Betty Strach, 928-9811, Flotilla Staff Officer for Public Education, for information about these classes. America’s Boating Course is a boating course approved by the United States Coast Guard.


KELSEYVILLE – A benefit to help a son of a longtime local family will be held later this month.

On Feb. 12, Mike Clement – son of Jim and Nancy Clement of Kelseyville – was involved in a serious motorcycle accident after work hours.

He underwent a lengthy surgery to fuse four vertebrae, and at this point is paralyzed from the waist down.

The Kelseyville Lions Club is hosting a benefit tri-tip barbecue dinner for Mike Clement to help with this tragic accident.

The dinner will be held on Saturday, April 26, at the Kelseyville Lions Club, 4335 Sylar Lane, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The donation is $15 per person.

Mike Clement grew up in Kelseyville and attended school here. He is a 1992 graduate of Kelseyville High School. He was active in football, track, wrestling and K-CORPS. He and his wife, Jennifer, and their two children currently reside in Paradise.


CLEARLAKE – The Americana Dinner, planned for May 3 this year, is the main fundraiser for the Clearlake fireworks display. For this year’s fundraiser organizers have put together a fabulous evening of comedy by local comedian Marc Yaffee who is joined by Lynn Ruth Miller and Johnny Steele. Emcee for the evening will be Joey Luiz.

Chic le Chef will be catering the American feast including: Santa Maria tri-tip, Kansas City chicken, herb potato salad, corn salad, Boston baked beans, garlic bread, and finishing with a dessert of red, white and blue shortcakes.

Music will be provided by the Morgan Walker Band with Dennis Chrisp.

A live auction will be held during this event.

Remember, 100-percent of the proceeds from the Americana Dinner will go toward the fireworks display being held during Independence Day weekend. The Clearlake fireworks display is put together by the Clearlake Fire Department, the City of Clearlake, Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce and the fireworks display company Pyro Spectacular.

Tickets are on sale now for $50 per person or a table of eight for $400. You can purchase tickets at the following locations:

Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce (accepts check and cash only)

4700 Golf Ave., Clearlake

Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Perfect Printers (accepts check, cash and credit cards)

14096 Lakeshore Drive, Clearlake

Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


LAKEPORT – The Lakeport Planning Commission will hold a regular meeting this Wednesday, April 9.

The meeting begins at 6 p.m. in the City Council chambers at City Hall, 225 Park St.

As part of the consent agenda, the commission will consider a request by Ernest Pino for an extension of the expiration date for a lot line adjustment and Tentative subdivision map project and an extension of the expiration date for the Victorian Village Tentative Subdivision Map for Phase 3.

The commission also will elect a secretary at the Wednesday meeting.

In other business, the commission will host a public meeting and consideration of an application for a fence variance to allow fencing exceeding the 6-foot height limitation on numerous lots along the north and south sides and within the Victorian Village project at 1930 S. Main St.

The commission also will hold a public hearing and consideration of a correction/amendment to Section 17.24.110 of the Lakeport Municipal Code to limit the maximum number of guest bedrooms in Bed & Breakfast Inns to five.

A third public hearing will be held for the commission to consider applicant Gregory Gill's application for a use permit to allow the operation of a bed and breakfast inn in an R-1 Low Density Residential Zoning District. The subject property is located at 2 16th St. and is further described as APN 26-181-22. The issue was continued from the March 12 Planning Commission meeting.


LAKE COUNTY – As a follow-up to the upcoming "Gear Up For Business Success" workshop on April 12th at the Konocti Harbor Resort and Spa The Foundation Center will be offering some special programs Lake County nonprofits.

There is a class on proposal writing basics with instructions on how to apply for to the James Irvine Foundation's Creative Connections Fund. You will learn valuable proposal writing skills and hear insider tips on how to apply to the James Irvine Foundation's new Creative Connections Fund at this two-part program offered at several sites in California.

Thanks to sponsorship from the James Irvine Foundation, this program is offered FREE OF CHARGE, and all attendees will receive a free copy of The Foundation Center's Guide to Winning Proposals and The Foundation Center's Guide to Proposal Writing. Registrants MUST represent an arts organization working outside of the San Francisco Bay Area.

Part One: Learn about the basics of writing a proposal

Topics covered will include:

  • The key components of a proposal to a foundation or corporation.

  • Information on which staff should be involved in submitting proposals.

  • How to package your proposal.

  • Steps to take if a proposal is turned down.

  • Where to find more information on proposal writing, including sample proposals.

Part Two: How to Apply to the James Irvine Foundation's Creative Connections Fund

After the Foundation Center's Proposal Writing Basics presentation, a program officer from the James Irvine Foundation will provide an overview of the goals and priorities of the Creative Connections Fund, advice on avoiding common mistakes, and how to make the most compelling case for support. Irvine staff will also be able to answer individual questions applicants might have about applying to the Creative Connections Fund. For more information on the Creative Connections Fund, please visit:

If you have yet to sign up for the Lake County Business Services Network's "Gear Up" workshop, there is still time. Simply call 707-263-2580 for more information. This workshop is a follow-up to the Grantseeking Basics presentation by Scott Ullman of The Foundation Center back on March 3rd. "Gear Up" should be a great lead-in to what The Foundation Center plans to introduce in the coming months.

Also, you can get an interesting preview of what the "Gear Up" workshop has to offer nonprofits by listening to Sonya Christian of the Developing Consulting Network on the online talk show, Power Networking.

This interactive podcast can be accessed 15 minutes prior to the show's time by visiting However, it is recommended that all those wanting to actually participate in the program visit the site in advance of the program date and play the online videos to become familiar with how the show operates.

It is also recommended that you register on the site at that time. Registration is free. If you would like to listen to previously recorded programs visit


LAKEPORT – The Lakeport City Council will look at further updates of its business plan on a meeting April 8.

The council adjourned its regular April 1 meeting until April 8, for the purpose of reviewing, adjusting and updating the city's business plan.

The meeting will take place at 3 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at Lakeport City Hall, 225 Park St., Lakeport.


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