Saturday, 28 September 2024


On May 11, 2008 the Real ID Act is to be imposed upon U.S. citizens. Before we all applaud this “fail safe system” of identification, we should look at a few historical facts and ask ourselves if we truly wish to allow history to repeat itself.

With the Real ID Act in place, we will be forced to provide personal recorded documentation, upon demand, in order to identify ourselves as citizens. Sound familiar? If not, think a little harder. This system was used in Germany by Hitler, whereupon, persons were forced to produce documentation concerning their private lives in order to identify themselves as Germans. In Nazi Germany, it was sold as a way to protect the security of the motherland. In the U.S., the Real ID Act is being sold to us as a way to improve homeland security.

Speaking of private lives, remember back in the day when only criminals were fingerprinted? Nowadays, for whatever reason, we have allowed ourselves to be treated like criminals. First we give up a fingerprint and then an iris scan. Eventually, it should be no problem giving up our bodies for a chip. Sound far-fetched? It is already being done, not for national security but to make it easier to pay a bar tab. Yes, our right to privacy, the protection of our bodies, seems to have diminished along with our good sense. So, why not take it a step further?

As if identity theft isn’t bad enough, why not put ALL our information in one place? Let’s think about this for a moment. In your home, do you keep all your valuables out where people can see them and know exactly where they are at all times? I would hope not. Is your life valuable? I would hope so. So, why then would we ever want to keep all of the valuable personal information about our life in one place where everyone in the world knows where it is and has access to it? Think about how many times a day your information is accessed and who accesses it from a card, currently. How many times a day does a card of yours get swiped, recorded and filed? (Yes, they keep records now, even on what you buy with that little discount card at the grocery store.)

Now, imagine this access coming from a single card. Your driver’s license, your bank card, your social security card, do you really want all that information in one place? Well, with the Real ID Act, it is only a step away. Don’t believe me? Look it up, they now have a way to pay your gas with your driver’s license. Do you really want the person running the gas station or the kid who slings your burgers to have access to all your personal identification information, in the future?

If we are willing to voluntarily give away our right to privacy in order to some clerk to buy groceries, beer and cigarettes, do you really think it is going to matter if the new card is tamper-proof and read by machine? Remember, we decided to make our California Driver’s License tamperproof by adding the hologram and making it machine readable. Did that stop anyone from ID theft? No, I daresay, it didn’t.

Think this ID won’t be used and abused for these purposes in the United States Of America? Did you know that originally the social security card was to be used strictly for tax id purposes? In fact, it originally stated very clearly on the card that it was NOT to be used for ID purposes. In fact, it was applied for when you were ready to get a job and not as soon as you were born, contrary to what it is today. Now, ask yourself, what is the number one use of the social security card today? Now, think again, do you really want to get behind a Real ID?

Or do you want to get in front of it and stop it before it is too late? At least three states have opted out of the Real ID Act, altogether. At least 16 others have passed resolutions against it. California Assemblyman Pedro Nava of Santa Barbara introduced resolution AJR 51 which asks California Congressional delegates to re-appeal the Real ID Act or opt out, as well.

I urge you to write to our congressional representatives, our governor and even our president, concerning this issue, before it is too late and history repeats itself.

Andrea Anderson lives in Lakeport.


At first, it might not make sense for profit-making businesses to give away rather than charge for, wireless Internet access. However, a growing number of hotels and restaurants have found that it pays to offer free WiFi Internet access. This perk attracts customers and provides a real bottom-line payback for a relatively small capital investment, according to free WiFi pioneers.

Cities and community development organizations across the country have embraced free WiFi to boost economic development and attract visitors to downtown areas. A handful of small airports in the shadow of large hubs offer free WiFi to attract travelers.

One free WiFi pioneer is John Woolsey. He is the chairman, CEO and president of the restaurant chain, Schlotzsky’s Inc. in Austin, TX. Woolsey is not shy about sharing details of what he calls the "strong ROI" from the company’s free WiFi service. According to him, the free WiFi results in an additional 15,000 visits per restaurant per year by customers who spend an average of $7 per visit.

Keep in mind this was data from back in 2003, back when Schlotsky’s had only 30 company-owned or franchised Schlotsky’s Delis WiFi enabled. Nevertheless, back then WiFi service brought in more than $100,000 per year per outlet in return for an investment of about $8,000 per restaurant. The wireless infrastructure also required T1 connectivity.

Woolsey also uses the free WiFi as a high tech marketing tool. When wireless users first connect to Schlotsky’s WiFi Network, they are shown an in-house "splash" Web page the the chain uses to promote itself and its bill of fare. Schlotsky’s has even brought high-gain WiFi antennas into the process. These antennas are designed to transmit the splash page as far outside its deli restaurant as possible.

One Austin outlet beams its signal into dorm rooms at the University of Texas, and another beams it into a competing Starbucks. According to Woolsey, this high-tech guerrilla marketing campaign to grab the eyeballs of potential customers is less expensive and potentially more targeted than buying a 30-second TV commercial.

Today, a good and secure WiFi connection is a lot more affordable than it was back in 2003. The wireless service can also be achieved with either a cable or DSL connection rather than an expensive T1 line. Thanks to WiFi service companies like The Wifi Company of Denver, CO, creating a secure WiFi hot spot is both easy and cost-effective. The installation of the pre-flashed wireless router is simply plug-and-play.

While it is possible to have a WiFi hot spot by just connecting a wireless router to a cable or DSL modem, that connection will not be secure. And, that could result in serious problems for the wifi hot spot owner should the hot spot get hacked or exposed to viruses.

A good, secure WiFi hot spot is one that is connected to Virtual Private Network and monitored remotely 24/7 to make sure everything works properly and remains secure. The WiFi Company of Denver, CO provides all of it customers throughout the nation with that kind of protection.

These days, free WiFi can be found almost anywhere people congregate - not just in restaurants, coffee shops and book stores. For that reason, do not be surprised if you see free WiFi offerred in parks, marinas, automotive repair shops, schools and government offices. In fact, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is being asked to creatively use wifi hot spot advertising as a means to help lower California's $10 billion deficit rather than to seek closure of state parks.

Some small businesses have no desire to be a WiFi hot spot. They only want the cost-effective, targeted audience exposure provided by a splash page advertisement. This advertisement can take the form of an audio message (think radio commercial), video message (think Youtube) or HTML (display ad) in high traffic areas. CDMM, a small marketing company, is working with The WiFi Company to help make that possible.

Lamar Morgan lives in Hidden Valley Lake.


Sometimes it's the smallest gestures that, ultimately, give the most meaning to our lives, and have the greatest impact on the lives we touch.

One of those small gestures we too often dismiss is the simple act of saying “thank you.” And, yet, for some people, hearing those words can make all the difference.

Today, March 30, is an important day to think about not just saying “thank you” but also “welcome home” to our Vietnam veterans. That's because this is the inaugural “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day,” approved by resolutions of both houses of Congress last year.

Thirty-five years ago on this date, the US finalized its pullout of combat troops from Vietnam, after more than a decade of US presence in that country, eight of those years engaged in combat that resulted in more than 58,000 deaths and 300,000 casualties among US Armed Forces members. More than 1,700 soldiers are still missing in action from that war.

Whether or not we'll ever have a truly accurate count of that war's walking wounded – the men and women who came home with post traumatic stress disorder, other mental health issues and drug problems – may never be known.

Believe it or not, many of the men and women who served in Vietnam have never had anyone thank them for their service, or felt really welcome home to the country they served.

I've talked to many veterans about what they encountered when they came home. It ranges from indifference from friends and family, to physical attacks and taunting by those who disagreed with the war.

I also have some personal interest in the subject. My own uncle, Darrel Gray, was a Green Beret in Vietnam, a winner of the Bronze Star for Valor, wounded or injured five times, and a victim of Agent Orange exposure, all in the space of one year, 1968.

The son of a World War II vet and great-grandson of a Confederate soldier, he had been in the Army for years by the time he landed in Vietnam.

Now in his early 60s, my uncle still suffers from the effects of post traumatic stress disorder, hearing loss, a body ravaged by the impacts of old wounds and the rigors of his service. Not only did he encounter a bad reception in the US, but an ongoing battle with the Veterans Administration, which didn't want to recognize Agent Orange exposure as a health issue.

Luckily, he had a family who loved and respected him to come home to when his service was up. Personally, I always looked on him with awe. He was my fun uncle, a man who never let on to how much he truly was suffering.

Between my uncle and Dean Gotham, I've learned a lot about the trials of Vietnam veterans.

Gotham is one person who I think should rightfully be called a local hero because of his efforts to reach out to fellow veterans and the community on the many issues Vietnam veterans still face – besides just being an all-around good guy. Quite frankly, his whole chapter is filled with good guys, good gals and heroes.

He's president of Lake County's Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 951, and he and chapter members worked over the weekend to bring attention to veterans issues and this new day of remembrance through the first-ever sales locally of Agent Orange and POW/MIA clovers.

It was tough duty, standing outside in cold weather, but Gotham joked that he'd had tougher perimeter watch while in Vietnam.

Gotham is an expert at spotting fellow Vietnam vets, many of whom still wear their service as a badge of shame.

As I stood talking to him outside of Bruno's Shop Smart on Friday, a man came up to make a donation and Gotham handed him clovers. Shaking the man's hand, Gotham asked him if he was a Vietnam vet and the man said, somewhat abashedly, that he was.

Gotham said he can recognize Vietnam vets because of the “faraway look” in their eyes.

The more cynical among us might suggest that a welcome home celebration today, so many years shamefully overdue, can't make a difference.

But, I disagree. I think it's a start.

Today should be a day of healing for our vets, and gratitude from the rest of us because they did the frightening work while we enjoyed life at home. They kept the watches through the night and guarded the perimeters to protect their country, even though they were thousands of miles away.

The fact that we're coming full circle, that today you find people who are opposed to the Iraq War yet who still are careful to pay respect to the soldiers who are doing their job, is – I believe – thanks to the lobbying over the last three decades by Vietnam veterans.

In fact, Vietnam Veterans of America have as their motto, "Never again will one generation of veterans abandon another." Many local vets affiliated with the local Vietnam Veterans of America have worked hard to look out for young vets coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day day isn't yet a national holiday, but it should be. It's the least we can do in an effort to repair the hurt suffered by the men and women who have waited to be welcomed home all these years. Likewise, it's a reminder of the path we've traveled, and the course we shouldn't ever follow again.

Some moments in our national history will always be a source of pain and division. The Vietnam War is one of them. But the disagreement and pain of that division should no longer rest on the shoulders of the soldiers who went to serve. It's their time to rest.

To our veterans: Thank you for your service. Welcome home. What you did mattered and it won't be forgotten.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


There is a paradox about salmon: We love them, but we are part of their problem.

We love them as an important food, as the base of fishing economies, for sport recreation, and as symbols of fresh water and renewal. But we harvest them, dam, pave and pump their streams, pollute their water and mix their gene pool with hatchery fish.

Then there’s global warming and changing ocean currents.

When we look at Central Valley Spring Run salmon decline, we look back to the 1990s and realize, shocked, that the populations have crashed by over 90 percent. Estimates may make that 95 percent or worse.

But that only looks at a few years. We don’t like to acknowledge that less than two centuries ago, the fish were so plentiful that they supported cultures. They were so abundant, in fact, that they could be harvested with pitchforks. The run of fish supported animals, the soil and plants, and were a significant wild ocean resource as well.

Now the runs are on the ropes, and wild salmon will be disappearing from our plates, as well as our rivers, for the next couple of years … at least.

The problems that salmon, as a group of species, have encountered are epic. They include loss of habitat, fishing in the ocean, changing ocean and inland conditions, less water, more pollution and predation from other marine life. In addition, we have introduced hatcheries into the life cycle of the fish.

Our runs are hatchery-dominated, with survival and pathogen issues plaguing the raised fingerlings. The hatcheries stand with the dams, the mitigations for cutting off spawning habitat, adding up to hundreds of miles of major rivers and thousands of miles of tributaries, the small streams where fish reproduce.

Ocean-farmed fish are not a solution. There are so many problems of disease, escapement and pollution that California doesn’t allow factory salmon farms in state waters.

The problem of salmon collapse is not restricted to the Central Valley. We have lost significant salmon and steelhead runs in the Russian, the Eel and the Klamath Rivers as well, creating economic disasters for fishermen and the sport-fishing industry. Emergency relief funding will only last so long, and we cannot support the fishing community on handouts from the government (nor do they wish to be supported in this way).

On April 1, the Senate passed my bill (SB 562) to support salmon monitoring and restoration with nearly $5.3 million. This money, which may enable our state to secure up to $20 million in federal matching funds, will go to basic science and the repair of specific problems on creeks and rivers. It is an investment in this resource.

But we will need more than simple patience and investment to get salmon back to respectable runs. We will need cooperation from fishermen, farmers, water users, the tribes, power companies, the governor’s office and the Legislature to find an effective path to recovery.

We also need help from every citizen to “think at the sink” and “use your brain at the drain,” and not introduce oil, detergents and chemicals into our waters.

No less than recovery is necessary for our fishing and sport-fishing economy, for our responsibility to the species, and to have great tasting, healthy wild salmon as part of a continuing California tradition.

Patricia Wiggins represents California’s 2nd Senate District, which includes portions or all of six counties (Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino, Napa, Solano and Sonoma). She also chairs the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture. Visit her Web site at


Last year an untrained junior Environmental Protection Agency political staffer got away with red-lining a report, originally drafted by scientists in his own agency and focused on development of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

The draft report looked at economic and environmental problems associated with well drilling, including pipeline and road construction, river diversions, deforestation, large scale infrastructure changes, interruption of historical wildlife migration patterns and other elements. It was comprehensive in nature and was well-based on the engineering, biology, and geology of the North Slope.

The subsequent red-lined report was the product of one individual,or maybe several in concert, certainly not acting alone but assuredly acting at the behest of those entrepreneurs from our economy whose interests lie in oil well drilling and the many ancillary side-lines this produces.

Taking this story to my point, the political arm of the California Department of Fish and Game (DFG), masquerading as scientists, have, entirely without scientific justification, put forth a whole "New Detection and Enforcement Arm," the "quagga-sniffing dogs."

In an effort to trigger a response from somebody (ANYBODY!) from the scientific community in Lake County, I have, as someone with a doctorate in aquatic biology, offered arguments against "quagga-sniffing" dogs, both through the mail, in person before the Board of Supervisors and face-to-face with citizens who I'd hoped would distinguish between the fallacy, "Gee, wouldn't it be neat if my dog (cross-trained in smelling bear-gall bladder and cadavers) could sniff out quagga mussels?”

Does that “cross-training” suggest the “real” reason that cops (DFG wardens, by the way, are cops, with guns on their hips, a badge on their chest and the rule of law as their umbrella) would also pretend quagga detection, and push this, in order to pull in that miscreant with one too many abalone? Do your cynical best and think about it.

Any of you good folks who'd wish to challenge me on the duplicity of the "quagga sniffers" (and sure, toss in the Willits training if you'd like, and the frozen mussels, and their "latent vapors," or any parts of this cockamamie fiction and I'll be pleased to respond.

In the same way the EPA subordinate caved in to his political superiors, a local DFG warden saw her future unfolding before her: "... The route to my guard dog [the real reason] is through quaggas, and nobody knows any better.” This officer brags about California being "cutting edge" in the quagga detection dog industry. Does she, or do any of you, really believe that she was the first and only "investigator" to flash on any animal with a better sense of smell than, say, guinea pigs to toss into the lake or drop into the bait tank, and get the "Ah, ha, quaggas!" sign?

So politics being what it is, the DFG lieutenant warden got her silver bars a dog, and so much media bulk that unless there's just a huge up-cry from the media and the scientific community the lieutenant will just keep plugging onward and upward until she's a major.

John Brookes lives in Kelseyville.


When the Foundation Center's Scott Ullman was giving his grantseeking basics presentation at the Greenview Restaurant earlier this month, the audience wanted to know if the Clearlake Public Library had been chosen as a satellite location for a cooperating collection for doing research on grant funding.

Ullman responded that The Foundation Center is still seeking a location in Lake County. The suggestion was then made that if the library was not adequate, perhaps the Calpine Visitor Center could meet the need. But, what exactly does The Foundation Center require of these cooperating collections? Is the Calpine Visitor Center even appropriate?

The good news is that The Foundation Center is in the process of accepting proposals from qualified institutions. These may include but are not limited to: public, academic, or special libraries, nonprofit resource centers, community or other foundations, state associations, and United Way agencies. The determining factors in designating a new Cooperating Collection are the commitment and readiness of the host organization to work with the Foundation Center to reach organizations and individuals whose needs are not already being met.


Eligible host institutions must:

* Be open to the public, without restriction, a minimum of 25 hours per week

* Be located in an area serving at least 100 nonprofit organizations

* Provide access to a computer(s) connected to the Internet for public use

* Have staff available to become expert in foundation funding resources and to assist the public in their use

* Be prepared to offer training on the basics of grantseeking

* Send a representative to regional and/or national meetings of Cooperating Collection supervisors held at various locations

Fees and Membership Services

Membership Fee — All Cooperating Collections are required to pay an annual membership fee of $995. Collections receive an invoice for that amount upon designation as a CC. CC membership is billed on a calendar year basis (January-December) and covers the following resources and services.

Core Collection

Electronic resources:

• The Foundation Directory Online Professional


• Foundation Grants to Individuals Online

Print publications:

* Board Member's Book (2003)

* The Foundation Center’s Guide to Proposal Writing (2007)

* The Foundation Center’s Guide to Winning Proposals (2003)

* The Grantseeker’s Guide to Winning Proposals (2008)

* The Foundation Directory (2008)

* The Foundation Directory, Part 2 (2008)

* The Foundation Directory, Part 3 (2008)

* The Foundation Directory Supplement (2008)

* Foundation Fundamentals (2008)

* Foundation Grants to Individuals (2008)

* Foundations Today Series (2008)

* Guía para Escribir Propuestas (2008)

* Guide to Funding for International and Foreign Programs (2008)

* International Grantmaking IV (2008)

* Philanthropy Annual (2008)

* Securing Your Organization’s Future (2001)

* Social Justice Grantmaking II (2008)

CCNet — Cooperating Collections are expected to visit and use CCNet, a special web site designed by the Foundation Center for Cooperating Collections. Information and materials provided there enhance the ability of CC supervisors and staff to assist patrons and stay informed about the latest developments at the Foundation Center. CCNet includes training and promotional support, important news, brochure and publication order forms, calendars of upcoming events, a networking directory, and an electronic message board. Since the most expedient, cost-effective communications are electronic, our CC supervisors must have both Internet and e-mail access.

Ready Reference — Cooperating Collection staff at the Center's headquarters in New York—as well as staff at the Center's four regional locations—are equipped to provide "ready reference" services to all Cooperating Collections via CCNet, e-mail, phone, or fax. Upon request, we fax single copies of articles from our extensive library collection.

Brochures and Supporting Materials — Informational brochures, network address lists, and Foundation Center catalogs are available for bulk shipment to CCs for their use as handouts in meetings or seminars. There is no charge for these materials. In addition, user guides and supporting training materials developed by the Foundation Center are made available to CCs through CCNet.

Training Opportunities — The Center provides numerous opportunities for CC supervisors and staff to attend free training sessions offered at our libraries, appropriate regional meetings, and Network Days, our annual conference for Cooperating Collections. Supervisors are also awarded free tuition for the Center's fee-based, full-day grantseeker training courses (as space permits) and they have free access to the Center's online training courses and Webinars.

Center staff regularly conducts site visits to Cooperating Collections, during which they give workshops for the public and staff. Cooperating Collections are invited to arrange for short classes or full-day workshops for the public in their own locales, working with the Center's Coordinator of Cooperating Collections and regional trainers.

It would certainly be a tremendous benefit to all of Lake County to have a Foundation Center Cooperating Collection located within the Calpine Visitor Center. But, are there even 100 nonprofit organizations in Lake County? Would the Calpine Visitor Center be willing to increase its hours of operation to be in compliance with The Foundation Center's 25 hour minimum requirement? Is there a group willing to pay the $995 membership fee? And, what about the staffing needs? There is a lot involved in this undertaking. Who in Lake County is prepared to meet this challenge?

For more information about a Foundation Center Cooperating Collection, visit

Lamar Morgan lives in Hidden Valley Lake.



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