Sunday, 29 September 2024

Morgan: Center seeks Lake County location

When the Foundation Center's Scott Ullman was giving his grantseeking basics presentation at the Greenview Restaurant earlier this month, the audience wanted to know if the Clearlake Public Library had been chosen as a satellite location for a cooperating collection for doing research on grant funding.

Ullman responded that The Foundation Center is still seeking a location in Lake County. The suggestion was then made that if the library was not adequate, perhaps the Calpine Visitor Center could meet the need. But, what exactly does The Foundation Center require of these cooperating collections? Is the Calpine Visitor Center even appropriate?

The good news is that The Foundation Center is in the process of accepting proposals from qualified institutions. These may include but are not limited to: public, academic, or special libraries, nonprofit resource centers, community or other foundations, state associations, and United Way agencies. The determining factors in designating a new Cooperating Collection are the commitment and readiness of the host organization to work with the Foundation Center to reach organizations and individuals whose needs are not already being met.


Eligible host institutions must:

* Be open to the public, without restriction, a minimum of 25 hours per week

* Be located in an area serving at least 100 nonprofit organizations

* Provide access to a computer(s) connected to the Internet for public use

* Have staff available to become expert in foundation funding resources and to assist the public in their use

* Be prepared to offer training on the basics of grantseeking

* Send a representative to regional and/or national meetings of Cooperating Collection supervisors held at various locations

Fees and Membership Services

Membership Fee — All Cooperating Collections are required to pay an annual membership fee of $995. Collections receive an invoice for that amount upon designation as a CC. CC membership is billed on a calendar year basis (January-December) and covers the following resources and services.

Core Collection

Electronic resources:

• The Foundation Directory Online Professional


• Foundation Grants to Individuals Online

Print publications:

* Board Member's Book (2003)

* The Foundation Center’s Guide to Proposal Writing (2007)

* The Foundation Center’s Guide to Winning Proposals (2003)

* The Grantseeker’s Guide to Winning Proposals (2008)

* The Foundation Directory (2008)

* The Foundation Directory, Part 2 (2008)

* The Foundation Directory, Part 3 (2008)

* The Foundation Directory Supplement (2008)

* Foundation Fundamentals (2008)

* Foundation Grants to Individuals (2008)

* Foundations Today Series (2008)

* Guía para Escribir Propuestas (2008)

* Guide to Funding for International and Foreign Programs (2008)

* International Grantmaking IV (2008)

* Philanthropy Annual (2008)

* Securing Your Organization’s Future (2001)

* Social Justice Grantmaking II (2008)

CCNet — Cooperating Collections are expected to visit and use CCNet, a special web site designed by the Foundation Center for Cooperating Collections. Information and materials provided there enhance the ability of CC supervisors and staff to assist patrons and stay informed about the latest developments at the Foundation Center. CCNet includes training and promotional support, important news, brochure and publication order forms, calendars of upcoming events, a networking directory, and an electronic message board. Since the most expedient, cost-effective communications are electronic, our CC supervisors must have both Internet and e-mail access.

Ready Reference — Cooperating Collection staff at the Center's headquarters in New York—as well as staff at the Center's four regional locations—are equipped to provide "ready reference" services to all Cooperating Collections via CCNet, e-mail, phone, or fax. Upon request, we fax single copies of articles from our extensive library collection.

Brochures and Supporting Materials — Informational brochures, network address lists, and Foundation Center catalogs are available for bulk shipment to CCs for their use as handouts in meetings or seminars. There is no charge for these materials. In addition, user guides and supporting training materials developed by the Foundation Center are made available to CCs through CCNet.

Training Opportunities — The Center provides numerous opportunities for CC supervisors and staff to attend free training sessions offered at our libraries, appropriate regional meetings, and Network Days, our annual conference for Cooperating Collections. Supervisors are also awarded free tuition for the Center's fee-based, full-day grantseeker training courses (as space permits) and they have free access to the Center's online training courses and Webinars.

Center staff regularly conducts site visits to Cooperating Collections, during which they give workshops for the public and staff. Cooperating Collections are invited to arrange for short classes or full-day workshops for the public in their own locales, working with the Center's Coordinator of Cooperating Collections and regional trainers.

It would certainly be a tremendous benefit to all of Lake County to have a Foundation Center Cooperating Collection located within the Calpine Visitor Center. But, are there even 100 nonprofit organizations in Lake County? Would the Calpine Visitor Center be willing to increase its hours of operation to be in compliance with The Foundation Center's 25 hour minimum requirement? Is there a group willing to pay the $995 membership fee? And, what about the staffing needs? There is a lot involved in this undertaking. Who in Lake County is prepared to meet this challenge?

For more information about a Foundation Center Cooperating Collection, visit

Lamar Morgan lives in Hidden Valley Lake.


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