Monday, 30 September 2024

Carlé Chronicle: Raising money for prom, taking a gold level trip


Here at Carlé High School, we are trying to raise funds for a prom this year.

Students Roy Kirk and Sabrina Farnan are designing key chains to give out for donations. They are printing 100 key chains that they are planning to sell for at least $7 each or buyers have the choice to pay more for a bigger donation. All proceeds from the key chains will go towards funding prom. If any Carlé Chronicle readers want to buy any, call the school to order a key chain, 707-994-1033.

Student council recently chose three representatives from each advisory. The time of the student council meetings have also changed to Tuesdays at sixth period instead of at lunch. Student council will be getting more active in designing and promoting their activities.

Student Alvin Wilder has come on the morning TV bulletin representing student council and students Deandre Morris and Kelly Alvarez came to a staff meeting to report about student council activities.

On February 3 and 4 Alan Siegel will attend the 2014 State Teacher of the Year celebration in Sacramento. Siegel was a member of the committee that selected this year’s five state teachers of the year. In addition, he will be on hand to run the audio/visual for the whole celebration night.

Student Daniel Salvante has been making some fun short videos around campus lately that are definitely worth mentioning. He has showed some on the morning bulletin so far including one with a giant spider, one with an avalanche, one with a giant boulder falling on him, a shape ship shooting lasers from space and many more yet to be premiered.

Lukas Carlson is currently making some thank you items for Willie Sapeta and Mark Hill for letting the hazmat students visit the fire house for a day, learn more about gadgets used in the field, and get suited up in personal protective equipment.

Charles Warren has volunteered to take over writing the Carlé Chronicle after Kasandra Colwell graduates, which will be very soon.

There were two students of the week, those students being Nathan Oakley and Kevin Fisher. Both of them got a front-of-the-lunch-line pass, a free pizza from DJ’s pizza in Lower Lake and a free item from the business. Enjoy!

The CHILY winner was Alvin Wilder, who chose the stuffed animal puppy that resembled a yellow Labrador.

The Scandia gold level trip was on Jan. 31. The students were able to use anything there without limits.

This gold level trip was a reward for those who earned gold level during second and/or third grading period.

The people who attended, earning gold both grading periods, were Kelly Alvarez, Kasandra Colwell, Jacob Davis, Kevin Fisher, Jeremy Hunter, Jasmine McGee, Kobi Minard, DeAndre Morris, Daniel Salvante and Blake Von Rekowski. Those who earned it once were Jade Beatty, Savanna Golden, Troy Lamburth, Dane Pearson, Isaiah Piazza, Chelsea Scholesser, Chenoa Schmidt, Amaree Whiley and Alvin Wilder.

In order to be able to go on a gold level trip, one must earn it. To earn gold level the student must earn at least 15 credits in one grading period with at least 1.5 credits earned in each class.

To earn gold level the student must also have a minimum of 90 percent attendance. If a student earns gold level, they are earning credit at a faster pace than they would at another high school.

The reward for earning gold level is the silver level movie and the gold level trip along with a gold level card which allows the student freedom to leave campus at lunch.

Silver level is the equivalent to earning a normal amount of credit at another high school. The student must earn 12 credits with at least one credit in each class with at least 85 percent attendance to be awarded silver level. The award is the silver level movie.

If a student is as bronze level or lower, they are going slower than the regular high school pace. It is highly recommended for those students to come to school more often and get more work done.

Make sure you are on your way to your goals so you can accomplish them!

Kasandra Colwell is a student at Carle Continuation High School in Lower Lake, Calif.

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