Sunday, 29 September 2024

Carlé Chronicle: End of the first grading period, new Back to School Night date


Here is an update on what’s going on at W.C. Carlé High School.

Student Austin Weldon made a very special plaque for our wonderful math/P.E. teacher Steve Hamann, congratulating him on his introduction into his college’s Hall of Fame. Thank you Austin and congratulations Steve!

Another plaque was made by Mayra Pantoja, welcoming our new English teacher Robin Shrive. In addition, Mayra also was selected this week’s Student of the Week by the staff. Mayra is a consummate student who is also one of our leaders in community service. Congratulations, Mayra!

The end of last week was the end of our FIRST grading period! It’s already going by very fast! Advisors will meet individually this week with each student to go over the first report cards and credit histories.

The cancellation of our Back to School Night was regrettable, but sometimes you can’t prevent what life throws your way.

We have rescheduled the Back to School night for 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 11. All of the previous information about it still applies: your child will get extra credit for showing up, it’s a potluck so bring something with you and try other foods, and come and learn more about Carlé yourself. We hope to see many of you there.

Carlé's official key chain contest is now over, but the next contest is designing mugs, so get your designs in, everyone.

We’d like to give a great big thank you to our secretary Barbara Dye for not only being just the best, but also going beyond that.

Here at Carlé we have CHILY(Carlé High is Liking you) awards for doing good things at the school.  Not only did Barbara crunch all the numbers in record time to get us our report cards she also does everything to make sure the weekly Chile awards are a success. She actually wears so many hats around here that a new title needs to be created for what she does for us.

Now speaking of awards I’d also like to briefly mention our Sustainability Awards. We here at Carlé have levels of status that dictate just how well an individual is doing. These levels are bronze, silver and gold.

Every time a student attains silver or gold level more than one time in a row they are awarded Sustainability Awards created of course by Barbara. The more times you hold or better a level the better the prizes you receive from our media design and production program.

Finally, this past week we had the CASHEE for 11th and 12th graders here at Carlé. The California Exit Exam is a requirement for any and all to graduate.

We would like to thank Pat Howell who did so much to make sure the CAHSEE was a success here at Carlé.

In addition, Ms. Howell did an amazing amount of work to make sure our big barbecue during the fleetball tourney was a success.  

Thanks also go out to student Chelsey Chearney who did so much to assure the barbecue’s success.  

More information on the fleetball tourney, rosters and results will be in next week’s article.

Jesse Harrell is a student at Carlé Continuation High School in Lower Lake, Calif.

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