Saturday, 28 September 2024


HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE, Calif. — The Lake County Office of Emergency Services invites the public to learn more about the 2023 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Update.

An informational meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 23, at the Hidden Valley Lake Community Services District, 19400 Hartmann Road.

Hazard mitigation planning forms the foundation for a community long-term strategy to reduce disaster-related losses, by breaking the repeated cycle of disaster damage and reconstruction.

There will be a brief presentation followed by discussion and opportunity for public input and feedback.

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. — The Lake County PEG-TV Board of Directors is accepting applications to fill two vacant seats.

PEG-TV provides public access, via Mediacom and the internet, to local government meetings, locally created content and much more.

Board members meet on the second Monday of each month at 6 p.m.

Locations for the meetings alternate between Lakeport and Clearlake.

Visit the PEG Website to learn more about the station and the content created.

If you have interest in community, videography, production or content creation, take a minute to fill out an application at this link.

They will review the applications on April 10 at 6 p.m.

Submit your applications no later than Monday, April 3, at 5 p.m.

For more information or questions, contact Bruno Sabatier at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Babies and a mama American dipper. Photo by Kate Marianchild.

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. — Redbud Audubon will be presenting a fascinating program on Thursday, March 16, starting at 7 p.m. on Zoom with Kate Marianchild.

How many North American songbirds dive fearlessly into raging rapids? How many build large dome shaped nests of moss and flash bright-white eyelids from their dark interiors? How many forage for food on the bottoms of freezing cold streams?

Answer: Only one — the American dipper, Cinclus mexicanus (aka “water ouzel”).

Acting on a tip from a friend, Kate Marianchild spent several afternoons during the summer of 2020 searching the upper reaches of the Russian River for a dipper nest.

After she finally found a large mossy dome on a boulder ledge over thundering whitewater, she began observing, photographing and videoing the nesting behaviors of American dippers, returning several times over the season.

The following two summers she documented another nest on a boulder several hundred yards downstream from the first.

A baby American dipper. Photo by Kate Marianchild.

During her talk about this extraordinary species, Marianchild will show videos and photographs of dippers feeding their babies; flashing their semaphore-like eyes; singing exuberantly; dipping (bobbing up and down), foraging and building a nest.

She will also share sightings of other species she and her friends saw along the river, including an American mink, as well as borrowed underwater images of dippers doing what they are most famous for: foraging for food on river bottoms.

Join Redbud Audubon for a deep dip into the lives of the unique, fascinating and endearing American dipper.

This talk, which is based on Marianchild’s photos and videos of these birds and their nests over the past three breeding seasons, will also include an overview of the world’s four other dipper species.

Please register for the meeting by going to and click on the registration link on the home page.

After you register, the Zoom link for the program will be sent on the day of the presentation.

Kate Marianchild. Courtesy photo.

LUCERNE, Calif. — The Lucerne Area Town Hall, or LATH, will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 16.

The meeting will take place in the Lucerne Elementary School Multipurpose Room, 3351 Country Club Drive.

It also will be available via Zoom; the meeting ID is 857 2312 7967, pass code is 13931.

The meeting will begin with a moment of silence in memory of longtime LATH member Kevin Waycik, who died in February.

The group will discuss nomination of a sub-council, hold a discussion and consideration of updated draft bylaws, seek a definite date for the dredging of the Lucerne Harbor and discuss future items of business.

The council includes Chair Kurt McKelvey, Vice Chair Jason Mohon, Secretary Rebecca Schwanger and Melanie Lim.

The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, or Cal Fire, released a new website this month to provide an enhanced, modernized web experience for both the public and employees.

Within the redesigned website, users can navigate content easily to access information about Cal Fire’s current incidents, wildfire preparedness, fire prevention, hiring and recruitment, and more.

The redesign was driven by analytics and site visits and was created to enhance the user experience for all Californians — representing a significant improvement from the previous site.

“One of the primary objectives of the redesign was to ensure that our website accurately represents our organization while providing critical information and helpful resources for the public when they need it,” said Fire Chief Joe Tyler, director of Cal Fire. “Close attention was given to messaging about our mission, values, capabilities, and commitment.”

Phase two of Cal Fire’s website development will be launched in the coming months and will also include a standalone recruitment website:

This site will be dedicated to potential Cal Fire job candidates, focusing on providing guidance on the hiring process and tips on how to apply for a position.

The newly designed Cal Fire website can be accessed the same way as before at

UPPER LAKE, Calif. — The Western Region Town Hall will meet on Wednesday, March 15.

The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. at the Habematolel community center, 9460 Main St. in Upper Lake.

Community members also can attend via Zoom. The link is here.

The meeting ID is 961 4614 3787, pass code is 528334. Dial by location: +1 669 900 6833.

Agenda items include reports from Lake County Water Resources and Chief Climate Resiliency Officer Terre Logsdon, and the Northshore Fire Protection District.

There also will be discussions regarding drought, road signs, media relations and the bylaws subcommittee.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

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