Saturday, 28 September 2024

Henderson: Understanding the seeds of discontent

I have no idea about the origin of the expression, “the seeds of discontent.” I could never understand the animosity of those that outwardly showed discontent for our government. If you did not love it leave it was my outlook, for you see I was born in a time of mom, apple pie and the flag.

I was a wide-eyed person with love of the Constitution, respect for those in authority who stood guard, vigilantly aware that power was placed in their keeping.

I in fact can't say it was true then, only that was what I believed.

With that faith, the Marines were my choice to meet that obligation when my county called, willing to serve – no draft for me.

I tell you this so not to praise but to inform. As I have reached the sun setting on my life I want people to understand why I'm critical of government.

People look on those who protest government as delusional, just town clowns or malcontents; to be sure, some of that must be true. I am not one of them.

You see the decay of our government were the ends justify the means; there's no accountability.

I've made an effort for six years to inform the community and show how the local system of government really works. The understanding is complete. The seeds of discontent are not only sown but sprouting within our government and we are the fertilizer. It's easy to understand when you are one of their victims.

I have not found within Lake County government that “might makes right,” only that the “ends justifies the means.” Now it seems all have clammed up. My faith with this government has been replaced with animosity. This government, with ever-expanding power with a loss of accountability to those that government was intended to serve, most assuredly will not endure.

I will take the side of history that this experiment with freedom will end and the replacement is yet to be seem.

To those who would imply that I'm other than what I say, you're wrong.

James Henderson lives in Lakeport.


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