Saturday, 28 September 2024

Gebhard: Suffering from amnesia?

Perhaps I am delusional, but are Republicans suffering from amnesia?

Eight years of their disastrous leadership has crippled this country, financially, morally, made us a laughing stock and, worst of all, made us hypocrites. Yes, made us into those who say, “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Now, they stubbornly refuse to assist our president in straightening out their mess. They seem to be copying California by allowing partisan politics to stalemate government. We are so fortunate that three Republicans broke from their fellows in the Senate, or we would be “up a creek.” Though I agree tax cuts are necessary for the middle class, but not for the rich.

The rich reap the greatest rewards from our government and system of laws. Money gives great freedom and the greatest variety of choice: choice to travel, own yachts, planes, great houses, jewelry, all the best. Our system protects them, their investments, their properties. Our laws and organizations like the Securities Exchange Commission, the banking system, all give protection to the wealthy.

But many feel that wealth should be kept in the family, even when it is excessive, or in the millions of dollars. An aristocracy is not in the best interests of this nation. Horatio Algers are not coming from the Eric Princes of this world (Blackwater Inc.).

Innovation will come from the educated youth, and the H-1B workers who used to supplement our creative brain trusts in Silicon Valley. In fact, the H-1B workers who are no longer allowed into this country have created one-third of the innovative businesses in Silicon Valley. Now the brain drain is going out not in, too bad for us.

Madison Avenue helped the Republicans attain and hold power for eight years, it would be great if they could utilize their talents to win the hearts of the rest of the world, which has turned on us, due to an arrogant administration during the past eight years.

Dave Gebhard lives in Lakeport.


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