Thursday, 04 July 2024

Kishineff: The quest to debate

Hello, for those who don't know my name, I am a Congressional candidate here in District 5.

As a Green, it is not always easy to get my voice out there, to be heard by you, the voting public. I write these letters, but my good friends that publish the news have limited space and I'm not the only one writing letters; however I'd like to keep the public informed and updated of my quest for a public debate, which seems like one of the best ways a "third party" candidate can get his or her voice heard.

It started out with a challenge to Congressman Mike Thompson, issued through social media, which was ignored. I then wrote a physical letter and mailed a copy to each of his offices and to the newspapers (one paper printed the letter) which also went ignored.

I have been protesting Mr. Thompson's town hall meetings with a sign that says "Debate me, Mike." Mr. Thompson walks right past me, every time, as if I'm a ghost.

I invited my other two opponents to join the protest, but neither one showed up to any of the five protests. So I asked the League of Women Voters to host a debate. I asked one of my opponents to also write to the league (the other has since dropped out). He wouldn't even do that much.

They offered a forum, which would have been spectacular except for one thing: the League's by-laws state that every candidate has to be present or no forum can be held, and Mr. Thompson said that he was unavailable for the two dates the league offered (well over a month in advance).

Well, both dates have come and gone now, and the forums were held, featuring supervisor candidates and info regarding Measures C and D in Napa County.

Looking back at Mr. Thompson's posts on social media, he met with a school supervisor two hours ahead of one of the forums and gave an award to a citizen at 7 a.m. the morning of the other forum.

He doesn't appear to have been truly busy at all, and the voters of this district have a right to know how their "representative" avoids a public debate. Every one of you should be thinking about what doesn't he want the public to know?

Jason Kishineff lives in American Canyon, Calif.

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