Thursday, 04 July 2024

Awtrey and Sartori: Vote for Shanda Harry for judge

It’s been 30 years since Betty Irwin, the only woman to serve as a Lake County judge, retired after a distinguished career. When she died in 2013, Judge Richard Freeborn wrote, “Her term was notable for an intelligent and compassionate application of the law.”

We have a perfect opportunity on June 5 to vote for only the second woman to join the bench in Lake County’s long history – after a 30-year absence.

Your vote for Shanda Harry, who is running for Superior Court judge, Department 4, will not only be a vote to bring diversity back to the court but will also be a vote for the most experienced candidate with the best judicial temperament.

Diversity is important. Composition of the judiciary should be reflective of society, in much the same way defendants expect to be tried before a jury of their peers. More than 50 percent of Lake County’s “society” is female. Why, for 30 years, have we not had a woman judge in Lake County? It is a well-known fact that judiciaries that are reflective of the populace are considered more legitimate and generate greater confidence and trust from the public.

Shanda Harry is a graduate of UCLA and UCLA Law School. Her family has lived in Lake County for three generations. During her 18 years of legal practice, she has built a broad base of civil, criminal and governmental experience. This is important because our Lake County Courts are approximately 50/50 criminal and civil and a judge who will be ready to be effective on Day 1 needs to have expertise in all areas of the law.

She has promised to focus on procedural justice – ensuring impartiality, consistency and transparency, and unbiased and even-handed sentencing and respect for all in her courtroom.

Studies show that it is easier for people to accept outcomes they do not like if they feel the process was fair and they were treated with dignity and respect.

To learn more about Shanda Harry, visit her Web site to see her full background and take note of her impressive and diverse endorsements covering all geographic locations in Lake County and all political affiliations.

Vote for Shanda Harry June 5 for Superior Court judge Department 4.

Doyle Awtrey and Steven Sartori live in Lakeport, Calif.

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