Thursday, 04 July 2024

Lang: Create a wave in Lake County

I am a relative newcomer to Clear Lake, having come in 2012.

We like this area and the proximity to family in the Bay Area.

We looked for two years, all around the lake, before choosing our home in Clearlake.

As beautiful as this part of California is, it’s disheartening to hear the talk from citizens about all the problems in our county.

I recently served on jury duty and overheard many discussions about the sad state of affairs here.

If people put as much energy into lifting up the county, as they do bemoaning it, what a transformation we could make.

And I’m not talking about spending money.

I’m talking about pride in the place we have chosen to live.

My husband and I support a local nonprofit, Citizens Caring 4 Clearlake (, and we pick up trash. Every day, members of our group walk the streets of Clearlake, picking up litter, lots of it.

We are almost professionals, after clearing more than 66 tons of litter and recycling from the streets of Clearlake in 2017, all by volunteers.

The difference shows. The city, C & S Waste Solutions company and local businesses help us dispose of garbage, mattresses and tires.

People comment on the progress we are making.

Universal garbage collection begins here in April, and we hope it will make a huge difference in how much trash is left around the city.

It’s a simple thing; start at home, adopt a corner, street or neighborhood to clean.

We can make a change in Lake County if we all pitch in.

Citizen’s Caring 4 Clearlake is proposing “create a wave” in Lake County.

On the second Saturday of every month, volunteer in cleaning up an area around the lake.

Through Adopt A Highway, CC4C cleans the west side of Highway 53 from Lower Lake to 18th Avenue. There are plenty to choose from.

Invite a friend or four. Bring your children. Show you care about where you live. Do something. Show the love for our wonderful home.

Molly Lang lives in Clearlake, Calif.

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