Thursday, 04 July 2024

Kishineff: Vote for change

A friend of mine recently said that it’s funny how there are always just enough Democrat votes to pass the really horrible bills, but whenever there's a really great bill, they never quite have the votes.

It’s starting to become a well-known fact that corporations and the very wealthy (including those invested in weapons manufacturers) contribute financially to the campaigns of both "major" parties.

So now, the president is bombing Syria in response to a gas attack that some say there is no evidence of, or that there is no evidence of who may have carried it out, and just before chemical investigators can get there.

Our Democrat officials, including our own Mike Thompson, have been very public in their criticism, despite having voted to expand the already bloated war budget by more than $70 billion.

On top of this, when Trump struck Afghanistan last year, the sole elected Democrat to say one word against the action was Rep. Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii.

This is what we on the real left (not the corporate centrist left that elected Democrats represent, but the true left) call the McResistance. It’s fake. Phoney. A show.

Remember the words of Carlin, "It’s a big club and you ain't in it."

The Syrian people have had ISIS killing them, the U.S. killing them, al Nusra killing them, even Russians killing them. Whether this alleged gas attack was real or not, or done by Assad or not, killing more Syrians is not helping Syrians.

Our government is only humanitarian when there is oil or rare minerals involved. U.S. foreign policy is outright imperialism. And this is not just the current administration. We have supported strongmen, dictators, drug lords and genocide for decades, and regardless of whether the president is Republican or Democrat at any given time.

The fact is that the war profiteers that have been pushing for this action since before the 2016 general election own the politicians on both sides of the field, as well as the news stations that have been pushing for war against Syria, Iran and yes, Russia for so long.

This is why it is important to vote Green. The Green Party puts people and planet before corporate profits and has non-violence built into its key values. And our society has become so violent.

I’m asking you to vote for change, instead of the 10-term corporate incumbent who has, during the course of the last few years, taken money from oil companies, all kinds of Wall Street investment firms, Walmart and weapons manufacturers like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin.

Vote Green. Rock on and be excellent to each other.

Jason Kishineff lives in American Canyon, Calif., and is a Green Party candidate for California’s Fifth Congressional District.

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