Wednesday, 02 October 2024


NICE – A town hall meeting for the Nice community will take place Wednesday, Feb. 24.

District 3 Supervisor Denise Rushing invites the public to attend the meeting, which will begin at 5:30 p.m. at the Sons of Italy Hall, 2817 Highway 20.

County staff will provide updates on the redevelopment process, local projects and other issues.

The agenda includes an open forum to discuss issues of interest to the community. Sheriff’s office representatives will be in attendance.

For more information contact Rushing at telephone 707-263-2368 or via e-mail, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

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THE GEYSERS – A 3.0-magnitude earthquake was reported near The Geysers geothermal steamfield Friday morning.

The quake occurred at 9:50 a.m., according to the US Geological Survey. Its epicenter was located one mile east northeast of The Geysers, four miles west southwest of Cobb and six miles west northwest of Anderson Springs at a depth of 1.2 miles.

US Geological Survey records showed that the quake was followed by five smaller aftershocks – ranging in size from 0.6 to 2.1 in magnitude – within about seven minutes, and all located within a mile of The Geysers.

The last earthquake measuring 3.0 in magnitude or above in Lake County was reported Jan. 30 two miles north of The Geysers, and measured 3.6 in magnitude, as Lake County News has reported.

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LAKE COUNTY – It's time once again for local nonprofits to apply for funds made available through Lake County's premier fundraising organization.

The Lake County Wine Alliance Board of Directors this week announced that nonprofit organizations, agencies and programs in Lake County may now apply for a share of the proceeds from the 2010 Lake County Wine Auction.

The 11th annual benefit will be held on Saturday, Oct. 16, at the National Guard Armory in Lakeport.

The Wine Alliance has contributed $770,202 in proceeds to Lake County groups since the inception of the annual charity event in 2000.

This past year, 18 nonprofit organizations – including agencies, programs and high schools – received $57,200 from the proceeds of the 2009 wine auction held last September.

Awards are made in the fields of the arts, health services and the community.

Proceeds include ticket sales, donations from sponsorships, live and silent auction income, and sales of special edition, fine art posters by Lake County artist John R. Clarke.

Local wineries, winegrape growers, restaurants and other businesses are generous supporters through their donations to the live and silent auctions and to the food and beverages served at the gala affair. Other Lake County and regional businesses provide support through sponsorships.


Applications need to be postmarked by March 5, 2010. Application forms may be obtained online from the Wine Alliance Web site, , or by contacting Judy Luchsinger, chair of the Beneficiaries committee, at 707-263-3280, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

The charter of the Wine Alliance directs its efforts to foster the arts, benefit health services, and support the community, while promoting Lake County as a premier grape growing and fine wine region.

The Wine Alliance is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization of Lake County wineries, winegrape growers, and business and community supporters that annually presents the wine auction as a fundraising charity benefit.

Members of the Wine Alliance board are Margaret Walker-Stimmel, president; Marie Beery, vice president; Pamela Shine-Duncan, secretary; Rob Roumiguiere, treasurer; and Kaj Ahlmann, Judy Luchsinger, Wilda Shock, and Janet Thompson, directors.

The Lake County Wine Alliance may be contacted by phone, 866-279-9463, or by mail to P.O. Box 530, Kelseyville, CA 95451.

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CLEARLAKE – Lake County health officials on Friday offered an update on efforts to monitor a natural release of geothermal gases discovered this week in Clearlake.

Reports of a noxious odor in a Clearlake neighborhood on Wednesday afternoon led to the discovery of a naturally occurring release of gases including hydrogen sulfide, as Lake County News has reported.

The Lake County Air Quality Management District (LCAQMD) conducted initial testing of air samples at a site located in a vacant lot where the gas was observed to be venting from a hole in the soil.

Calpine Corp. environmental staff provided additional laboratory testing of the vent gases, according to the report from Lake County's Environmental Health and Public Health departments.

Testing revealed the presence of hydrogen sulfide at levels capable of causing adverse health effects, officials said.

In addition to LCAQMD, Lake County Fire Protection District, city of Clearlake Police Department and Public Works Department, and Lake County Health Services all responded to the site.

Many residents of the neighborhood in Clearlake are familiar with the periodic venting of geothermal gases, the report stated.

The noticeable increase is the consequence of saturation of the soil by recent heavy rains, causing gases that are normally present in low concentrations in the soil to collect in pockets and release to the surface through any available channel. This concentration of the gases can be seen as a bubbling in the soil and can be detected as a rotten-egg or skunky odor.

The gases are comprised of a mixture that includes hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide and methane.

Hydrogen sulfide is known to produce a range of harmful health effects depending on its concentration and the duration of exposure. In addition, venting of the gases to an enclosed space can be dangerous by displacing oxygen necessary for breathing.

Responders to the Clearlake incident near Robinson Avenue and Division Street conducted air sampling at the site of the initially discovered vent. Hydrogen sulfide levels were found to be significantly elevated at the source, with levels that would be expected to cause eye and respiratory tract irritation and potentially more serious effects with prolonged exposure over hours.

Temporary measures were taken to reduce the release by covering the site with plastic sheeting, which reduced the hydrogen sulfide levels in the immediate area to less than half of the initial measurements. Levels taken at the closest home, approximately 60 feet from the site were only 1 percent to 2 percent of the original level at the source.

Residents in the immediate vicinity of the gas release were notified and advised to consider precautionary evacuation on a voluntary basis.

With assistance from the American Red Cross, one family was housed in a local hotel, officials reported.

Additional air sampling over a wider area, including Burns Elementary School, was conducted early Thursday morning. There were no detectable levels of hydrogen sulfide at the school.

A Public Health advisory also was distributed to residents in the areas impacted by the geothermal gas release.

Since hydrogen sulfide gas can produce symptoms, the health advisory encouraged residents of the affected neighborhood with recent, unexplained onset of irritation of the eyes, nose or throat, difficulty breathing or worsened asthma, headaches, poor attention span or poor memory to see their doctor for evaluation.

Young children and people with existing medical conditions are generally considered more susceptible to the adverse effects of this type of exposure. Staying away from the source of exposure is the recommended prevention and treatment.

As of mid-day Thursday, air samples from approximately 50 feet away from the geothermal vent showed essentially little to no detectable levels of hydrogen sulfide. Although levels may fluctuate slightly, these findings provide reassurance that significant exposure can be avoided by simply staying at least 50 feet away from the vent site, reducing the level of concern for households in the area.

Later in the day, with the assistance of Calpine engineers, a filtering device was installed to filter the escaping gas.

Following installation of the device, the filtered air showed no detectable hydrogen sulfide. This device will remain in place as long as necessary and will continue to be monitored by appropriate agencies.

With the filtering device in place, concerns about exposure of neighborhood residents largely subsided, but responders remain at the scene and are currently reassessing some leakage of gas that has been detected adjacent to the filtering device, officials reported.

Multiple agencies continue to monitor the area and, though the initial vent area has been capped, additional vents may be present.

Additional measures may be necessary if significant vents or large areas of gas release occur.

This seasonal release of naturally occurring gases is a temporary situation that is expected to resolve once the soil is no longer saturated with water, according to the report.

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UKIAH – Finding help in Mendocino County is now easier than ever before.

On Thursday – dubbed "2-1-1 Day” – FIRST 5 Mendocino, Mendocino County Health & Human Services Agency and United Way of the Wine Country announced the countywide launch of the 2-1-1 Mendocino phone service.

By simply dialing 2-1-1, Mendocino County residents can reach a caring, trained specialist, who will match their needs with local community services, such as housing and shelter assistance, senior services, employment assistance, physical and mental wellness, and much more.

Available 24 hours a day, 2-1-1 is also an integral component of Mendocino County’s disaster-response infrastructure.

“Mendocino County is proud to become a 2-1-1 service area that is financially supported by the county and the private sector," said Mendocino County's Assistant Chief Executive Officer Carmel Angelo. "This leveraged public-private partnership is based on the knowledge that 2-1-1 is a vital public communication vehicle through which individuals, families and whole communities gain access to comprehensive and up-to-date health, housing and human service information.”

In California, more than 90 percent of the state is covered by 2-1-1. Nationally, 2-1-1 serves 75 percent of the American public.

In the Bay Area, 2-1-1 was introduced in San Francisco County in early 2006, in Santa Clara County in early 2007, Alameda County in mid 2007, Contra Costa, Napa, Marin and Solano counties in 2008, and Sonoma County in 2009.

Walter Collins, president and chief executive officer of United Way of the Wine Country, said, “Finding help in Mendocino County is now as simple as dialing 2-1-1 – residents can quickly connect with local community services that meet their needs.”

He noted that without 2-1-1, people often make up to nine phone calls before finding the correct service, while many give up before getting the help they need.

Collins added, “2-1-1 is simple, easy-to-remember, toll-free, and available 24-7. Both on a daily basis and in times of disaster, 2-1-1 is the one number people need to know to get help and information."

The 2-1-1 Mendocino effort is a public-private partnership between FIRST 5 Mendocino, Mendocino County Health & Human Services Agency, and United Way of the Wine Country. In addition to these founding partners, 2-1-1 Mendocino is generously supported by PG&E, Bank of America and Community Foundation of Mendocino County.

For everyday needs and in times of disaster, 2-1-1 is an easy-to-remember, toll-free phone number that connects Mendocino residents with local community services, such as food, shelter, counseling, employment assistance, quality child care and more. It's confidential and available 24 hours a day.

The service also serves as a vital link for individuals seeking to volunteer and provide resources to nonprofit organizations.

The service's Web site,, includes a searchable database. There are more than 500 agencies and services in the 2-1-1 Mendocino County databases.

The 2-1-1 service’s role in disaster response and recovery has been important in major events across the country.

The importance of 2-1-1 during disaster was underscored during the October 2007 wildfires in Southern California, where 2-1-1 San Diego call volume peaked at 30,000 calls a day – up from 800 daily – as residents sought information about evacuation sites, road closures, shelters, medical assistance, pet and large-animal care and more.

Calls to Texas’ statewide 2-1-1 system increased from 2,500 to more than 10,000 a day after Hurricane Katrina in 2005, as people sought food, shelter and other assistance. Three weeks after Katrina, more than 170,000 Texas callers had received 2-1-1 assistance.

When a major disaster strikes Mendocino County, 2-1-1 will provide residents with critical information about evacuation routes, food and shelter, as well as support with finding new jobs and permanent housing during long-term recovery.

In the United States, 2-1-1 started in Atlanta in 1997, and currently reaches approximately 198 million people through 2-1-1 systems covering all or part of 41 states.

In 2000, responding to advocacy by the Alliance of Information & Referral Systems (AIRS) and United Way of America, the Federal Communications Commission agreed to designate 2-1-1 as the nationwide three-digit community services telephone number.

In January 2007, both houses of Congress re-introduced the Calling for 2-1-1 Act, which will authorize $250 million to state entities to help implement and sustain 2-1-1.

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) ruled in 2003 that 2-1-1 service would be established on a county-by-county basis, as opposed to deploying a statewide system.

California’s first 2-1-1 service launched on Feb. 11, 2005, in Ventura County. In Southern California, 2-1-1 is available in Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, Santa Barbara, San Diego and San Bernardino Counties.

What's the difference between 2-1-1, 6-1-1, 9-1-1, etc.? The following is a breakdown.

2-1-1: Community services

4-1-1: Directory assistance

5-1-1: Traffic and transit

6-1-1: AT&T repair service

7-1-1: For hearing impaired

8-1-1: Underground utility lines

9-1-1: Life-threatening emergency services

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That quintessential romantic holiday is here and you know your significant other wants a romantic meal with you. But you’ve put off making reservations, can’t cook and are thinking “I don’t know how to do any of that stuff!” Well, guess what? It’s not that difficult. I have a plan for you.

I am by far not the most romantic man around (and my wife agrees since she let that through the editing process) but I have a book on hold right now all about making romantic meals.

How does a guy like me who isn’t the most romantic man in the world write a book about making

romantic meals? Because I know the secret.

It’s not a matter of knowing how to make rose petal crepes with crème fraise (pronounced krem fresh) that you think your significant other is hoping you make, but a matter of you showing that you were thinking about them.

In some relationships that may be as simple as making a bowl of corn flakes and serving it in bed. That’s it, sometimes. It isn’t that your significant other wants you to make something extravagant, but rather that you make it yourself with them in mind; truly, THAT is the most romantic meal.

Every relationship is different. My wife actually has become accustomed to my odd way of looking at the world and now feels all warm and fuzzy when she is called “scary,” or told that she has “minnow eyes,” “kelp hair,” or “dolphin lips.” Really! Those are compliments! Oh, and I call her “Moose.” OK, actually I call her “Mousse” because she's sweet and fluffy and light ... Get it?

My world is a far more interesting place (“Babylon 5” reference for the nerds) than most people may be used to, but my wife has adapted to it. That’s one of the reasons people may not completely understand the nature of some of my columns, because I see things differently than most people and need some getting used to.

Today I’m not going to give you the history of St. Valentine’s Day since you aren’t going to be making any points by gazing across the table at each other and saying, “It is believed that Valentine’s Day

was created by early Christians as a way to supersede the pagan holiday of Lupercalia, just like they did with Christmas and Saturnalia ...”

The idea that you should keep in your mind is that today is the day that your significant other wants you to be thinking about them first, not the trivia of an early Christian saint. That is, unless you’re my niece Elizabeth, but she’s freakishly smart.

If you remember the classic American movie “Dr. Detroit,” starring Dan Aykroyd, there’s a scene that illustrates my tip for the day.

In a pinch for a dinner party, they took fast food fried chicken, coated it in an Indian curry sauce and pretended that the meal was catered. This type of deception – no, we’ll call it resourceful meal creation – isn’t something you can really pull off with well known fast food unless you are really good at it.

That’s not to say you can’t work around the basic idea. Try this: get a roasted whole chicken from the deli center at the grocery store (plain, lemon garlic, rosemary, it doesn’t matter), some pistachios, raspberry jam, a basting brush, steam-in-the-bag frozen vegetables, and a freshly baked loaf of French


When you get home, shell about twenty pistachios and chop or smash the nuts into small pieces, mix them with about half a cup of the raspberry jam, then mix in a little water or even soda so it has a

paint-like consistency.

Throw the vegetables in the microwave according to the instructions.

Now using the basting brush, lightly paint the jelly/nut mixture all over the chicken (raspberries and pistachios are both rumored to be aphrodisiacs). Serve the vegetables in a bowl, carve the chicken and

cut the bread at the table. Voila! A beautiful unique meal, just for your sweetie. Candles lit on the table will put you over the top.

Whether you are a guy or a girl preparing for a guy or a girl, this simple little throw-together is just impressive enough and has a unique enough of a flavor to impress. Tah dah!

If you aren’t able to have dinner with them, you can surprise them sometime with bringing a picnic lunch to their workplace. Tell your significant other the day before that you want to have lunch with them and make an appointment for when you will show up.

The day of your lunch simply go to the deli and pack up on sandwiches, potato salad, salads, bottled soda or water, and be sure to ask the deli person for some plastic utensils and plates (they usually have some, get extras for serving). Throw in a blanket to set up on, and you’re set to go.

You don’t even need to have a special picnic basket. Don’t bring any alcohol; you don’t want to cause any trouble with the boss.

Show up about 15 minutes early and set it up where coworkers can see but you won’t be in the way. Keep anything like napkins or paper plates weighted down or kept in the bag so they don’t accidentally

blow away with the next breeze. I did this for my wife once and her coworkers talked about it enviously for weeks.

It’s that easy. So go out an impress your significant other and have a Happy Valentine’s Day.

Ross A. Christensen is an award-winning gardener and gourmet cook. He is the author of "Sushi A to Z, The Ultimate Guide" and is currently working on a new book. He has been a public speaker for many years and enjoys being involved in the community. Follow him on Twitter, .

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Work continued late Thursday, February 11, 2010, to install a scrubber system off of Division Avenue in Clearlake, Calif., where a natural hydrogen sulfide leak was discovered the previous day. Photo by Elizabeth Larson.

CLEARLAKE – For the last day and a half local health and public safety officials have been working to put safety measures in place in response to a natural hydrogen sulfide leak discovered in a Clearlake neighborhood.

The leak was found in an empty lot off of Division Avenue between Pearl and Uhl avenues late Wednesday, according to Doug Gearhart, Lake County's air pollution control officer.

Work continued throughout the day on Thursday to put equipment in place that would help diminish the problem, Gearhart said.

On Thursday evening, Gearhart and crews were finishing up operations to mitigate the leak, which was giving off a very strong sulfur smell reminiscent of a truckload of rotten eggs.

In addition to Gearhart from Lake County Air Quality Management, officials working to install the equipment and manage the scene included Lake County Fire Protection Battalion Chief Willie Sapeta, Clearlake Police Chief Allan McClain and some of his officers, Environmental Health Director Ray Ruminski, Clearlake Public Works Director Doug Herren, as well as Office of Emergency Services and Lake County Public Health staff.

Ruminski estimated there were eight homes within 200 feet of the leak.

“Nobody's in acute danger at this point,” he said.

Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless but highly flammable gas that is emitted by volcanoes and hots springs. An Occupational Health and Safety Administration fact sheet on the gas explains that it is heavier than air and collects in low-lying, poorly ventilated areas, and is both an irritant and an asphyxiant.

Such leaks aren't uncommon in Lake County, which owes its geothermal resources to the volcanic forces underneath the ground that emit such gases. Ruminski said it's part of the landscape, and it's one of the reasons why Lake County and surrounding areas have mineral springs.

Ruminski said that in an industrial setting like the geothermal operations at The Geysers, there are occupational health and safety staff who manage gases like hydrogen sulfide on a routine basis.

In certain concentrations, hydrogen sulfide can be poisonous, and when strong enough “it's very, very dangerous,” said Ruminski.

Ruminski said there was a similar incident of a natural hydrogen sulfide leak in the Clearlake area several years ago.

In that instance, a family with small children found the gas entering their home, he said.

He added, “They never did go back in that particular case.”

Gearhart said there are many such vents around Clear Lake giving off hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide and methane.

“This is the first one strong enough to be considered a health hazard,” Gearhart said.

Ground saturation had sealed the natural fissures through which the gas normally escapes, Gearhart said. So the gas ended up moving laterally until it could find a spot to get out, doing so in a concentrated fashion.

He said they made a gravel cone – which they later covered with soil – to help direct the gas through the vent, which was a large white pipe with a charcoal filter on the top. Ruminski called it a “scrubber system.”

A small, battery-operated fan that can run for weeks at a time exerts a slight negative pressure that is helping draw out the gas, Gearhart explained. A venting hose was placed so that it ran up a nearby power pole.

“We're creating an easy spot for the gas to come out,” he said.

By late Thursday the rotten egg smell was still extremely strong, but Gearhart said, “This is really good for what it was.”

The equipment setup at the Division Avenue site is considered a short-term measure, Gearhart said.

“The is a temporary thing but we don't know how long it will be needed,” he added.

By summer he said the ground will be dry and the gas will start moving out of natural fissures again.

The readings were zero after the equipment was in place, Gearhart said.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at and on Facebook at .




The white pipe, part of the scrubber system, includes a charcoal filter which helps disperse the hydrogen sulfide found leaking out of the ground off of Division Avenue in Clearlake, Calif., on Wednesday, February 10, 2010. Photo by Elizabeth Larson.

WILLITS – On Wednesday Mendocino County Sheriff's deputies arrested a Willits man who was high from sniffing a chemical and who burned a portion of carpet at a Willits casino.

Gerald Crandell Simpson, 40, was taken into custody for inhaling toluene, an industrial solvent used as an intoxicant, and for arson, according to a report from Lt. Ron Welch.

On Wednesday shortly before 9:30 a.m. deputies were dispatched to Black Bart Casino regarding a patron under the influence of toluene, Welch said.

Upon their arrival deputies contacted Simpson, who was seated near the front of the casino. Welch said Simpson allegedly had evidence of toluene consumption on his person – including paint on his hands, face and clothing – as well as the heavy chemical toluene odor about his person.

Simpson was under the influence to the point he could not answer questions, nor walk without assistance, Welch said.

Deputies learned through their investigation that Simpson had entered the casino while under the influence. While in the casino, Simpson allegedly had lit a napkin on fire dropping in to the floor, burning a portion of the carpet, Welch said.

Simpson was arrested and booked into the Mendocino County Jail on charges of toluene influence, and arson of property, Welch said. Bail was set at $100,000.

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KELSEYVILLE – A crash Friday evening in the Kelseyville area resulted in major injuries and trips to area hospitals for some of those involved.

The crash occurred at around 5:30 p.m. on Highway 29 near the S-Bar-S Ranch, according to the California Highway Patrol.

Full details about the number of vehicles involved and the number of injured parties were not immediately available, however a Chevrolet Suburban and a Ford Crown Victoria were reportedly involved, based on the CHP reports from the scene.

The CHP reported that some subjects – including a small child – were trapped inside one of the vehicles involved.

Highway 29's northbound lane was diverted at Red Hills Road from Kit's Corner, the CHP report said.

A helicopter was requested to come to the scene, and the CHP said there were children involved in the crash transported to Sutter Lakeside Hospital and a driver was transported to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital.

Tow trucks were called to help remove the vehicles from the scene, the CHP reported.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at and on Facebook at .

Sgt. 1st Class David J. Hartman, 27, and two fellow soldiers died on Wednesday, February 5, 2010, in Timagura, Pakistan after their unit was hit by an improvised explosive device planted by insurgents. Photo courtesy of the US Army Special Operations Command.



LAKE COUNTY – An effort is under way to raise funds to assist a local family that lost a son last week in a bombing in Pakistan.

Sgt. 1st Class David J. Hartman, 27, died in Pakistan Feb. 3 after he and members of his unit were hit by a roadside bomb planted by insurgents, as Lake County News has reported (see the full story here: elseyville family mourns son killed in roadside bombing in Pakistan ).

Hartman, a member of the Army's special forces, was on his way to the opening ceremonies for a girls' school when the bombing occurred.

He left behind a wife, a young son and a baby on the way. His father, Greg, and stepmother, Kate, live in Kelseyville, as do other family members.

A memorial service for Hartman is planned for this weekend in Los Banos in Merced County, where he was raised, according to Ginny Craven, founder of Operation Tango Mike, who has been working to assist the family.

Hartman is to be interred at Arlington National Cemetery in a ceremony in the near future, Craven said. While the military will cover some expenses, that does not include air travel, lodging, food, ground transportation and incidentals for extended family members.

Donations are being accepted to assist the Hartman family during their time of need.

Craven said donations may be made care of Operation Tango Mike at Umpqua Bank, 805 11th St., Lakeport, or by mail to 5216 Piner Court, Kelseyville, CA 95451.

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Pictured are the four teams that took part in the 30th annual Lake County Academic Decathlon competition on Saturday, February 6, 2010, in Upper Lake Calif. Two teams came from Lower Lake High School, and one team each came from Middletown High and Upper Lake High. Also pictured are coaches Ryan Callen of Middletown and Nancy Harby of Lower Lake. Courtesy photo.

LAKE COUNTY – The Lake County Office of Education has reported the final scores for all four teams that competed in last weekend's Lake County Academic Decathlon.

The 30th annual competition was held in the gymnasium at Upper Lake High School on Saturday, Feb. 6, as Lake County News has reported.

Upper Lake High School, coached by Steve Harness and Anna Sabalone, won the overall title again this year, with a total score of 36,779.8 out of a possible 60,000 points.

Nancy Harby coached Lower Lake High Team 1 and Lower Lake High Team 2, which scored 29,295.5 points and 25,514.5 points, respectively.

Coach Ryan Callen's Middletown High School Academic Decathlon team scored 22,685 points.

Decathlon officials also reported that a tie occurred in the scoring for the top scoring student from each school or team.

Honors-level stuent Teodora Toshich previously had been reported to have received the gold medal for Lower Lake High Team 2, but Bianey Madrigal, also an Honors level competitor, tied for the gold medal.

Upper Lake High now moves on to the state competition, which will take place in Sacramento March 12-15.

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