Thursday, 03 October 2024


LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Lake County residents who vote by mail should be getting absentee ballots in their mailboxes this week.

Lake County Registrar of Voters Diane Fridley said that her staff delivered absentee ballots for the Nov. 2 general election to the Lakeport Post Office on Monday.

Approximately 16,072 vote-by-mail ballots went out, she said.

Fridley – who noted she got her own absentee ballot in the mail on Wednesday – said voters should have the ballots no later than next week.

Her office already is getting some completed ballots back from voters, she said.

It's also still possible to register to vote. The deadline to vote in the Nov. 2 primary is 15 days before the election.

“We received quite a few registrations today,” she said on Wednesday.

Sample ballots for county voters went out in the mail from a Sacramento vendor on Wednesday morning, according to Fridley.

An addressing glitch on the vendor's end caused a delay, said Fridley, noting that she likes to have the sample ballot and vote by mail ballots go out at the same time.

Missing from local mailboxes is the state's voting information pamphlets, said Friday.

“We're waiting for the state to give us a schedule,” she said, noting that Lake appears to be one of the counties that hasn't received the pamphlets.

For the general election, there are 32,098 registered voters, Fridley said. That's down from the 32,763 voters registered at the time of the June 8 primary.

In the primary, 6,279 precinct ballots were cast, for a 19.2 percent voting rate, as opposed to the 9,280 vote by mail ballots cast that time, a 28.3-percent return, based on county election records. Overall, 47.5 percent of the county's registered voters cast ballots in the primary.

There were 14,167 Democrats registered to vote in the primary; of that group, 7,628 cast ballots for a 53.8 percent voting rate, records showed.

Democrats cast more ballots by mail than at precincts, with 4,493 absentees, or 31.7 percent, versus 3,133 ballots, or 22.1 percent, cast at polling places.

The county's registered Republicans, 9,574 in all for the primary, also favored absentee voting, with 3,526 absentee ballots case, a 36.8 percent return rate, and 25.6 percent, or 2,546 voters, casting their ballots at precincts. Overall, 6,072 Republicans cast ballots, amounting to 63.4 percent of the registered voters for that party.

The two major parties had higher turnout rates among their own voters than the American Independent, Green, Libertarian, and Peace and Freedom parties, according to the Registrar of Voters Office. For a full rundown, see

The last general election, which was the 2008 presidential election, “was rather unique,” said Fridley, with high voter interest and turnout.

“The turnout and interest always seems to be greater in a presidential election than a general election,” she said.

A better comparison for looking at potential voter turnout in the November election is to look at the November 2006 election, she suggested.

However, there are still marked differences between this year and 2006, when the District 3 supervisorial race was heavily contested, but the sheriff and district attorney's races – which this year are producing the most interest – were single-man races.

In November 2006, there were 31,564 registered voters in the county, slightly less than the 32,098 voters so far registered for this November, according to Fridley.

In the general election four years ago, actual voter turnout was at 62.6 percent, with 10,316 absentee and 9,441 precinct votes cast, said Fridley.

Fridley said county residents can still request absentee ballots through the mail, with the deadline set at Oct. 26. Voters needing a vote by mail ballot after this date must appear in person in the Registrar of Voters Office on the second floor of the Lake County Courthouse, 255 N. Forbes St., Lakeport.

In order to be counted, ballots must be received at the Registrar of Voters Office by 8 p.m. on Election Day – Tuesday, Nov. 2.

However, Fridley recommended that voters return ballots no later than Oct. 27.

She said vote by mail ballots returned close to Election Day – including ballots dropped off at the polls – will be processed and counted during the 28-day official canvass following Election Day.

For candidate statements for the races for Congress, state Senate, Lake County district attorney, Konocti Unified School District Board of Trustees, and council races for the cities of Clearlake and Lakeport, visit .

For additional information about absentee voting or the upcoming election, the Registrar of Voters Office can be reached at 707-263-2372.

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WASHINGTON, DC – In the first-ever decision of its kind, on Tuesday Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar approved large-scale solar energy plants that will be built on public lands.

The two projects, both located in California, are the first in a series of renewable energy projects on public lands under final review by the Department of the Interior that would potentially provide thousands of U.S. jobs and advance U.S. clean energy technologies.

“These projects are milestones in our focused effort to rapidly and responsibly capture renewable energy resources on public lands,” Salazar said in signing the final Records of Decision for the initiatives.

Salazar said the projects advance President Barack Obama's agenda for stimulating investment in cutting-edge technology, creating jobs for American workers, and promoting clean energy for American homes, businesses and industry.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger applauded the development.

“Today’s announcement only further cements California’s national leadership in renewable energy development – and it couldn’t have been done without our federal partners,” Schwarzenegger said. “Our great partnership is helping to improve public health, grow our green economy, promote energy independence and strengthen our national security.”

Salazar’s approval grants the U.S.-based companies access to almost 6,800 acres of public lands for 30 years to build and operate solar plants that could produce up to 754 megawatts of renewable energy, or enough to power 226,000 to 566,000 typical American homes. The projects will generate almost 1,000 new jobs.

The projects Salazar approved will employ two different types of solar energy technology. The Imperial Valley Solar Project, proposed by Tessera Solar of Arizona, will use Stirling Energy System's SunCatcher technology on 6,360 acres of public lands in Imperial County. The plant is expected to produce up to 709 megawatts from 28,360 solar dishes, enough to power 212,700 to 531,750 homes.

The Chevron Lucerne Valley Solar Project, proposed by Chevron Energy Solutions of California, will employ photovoltaic solar technology on 422 acres of public lands in San Bernardino County, and will produce up to 45 megawatts from 40,500 solar panels, enough to power 13,500 to 33,750 homes.

The project has also gotten support from national environmental groups, including the Natural Resources Defense Council.

Johanna Wald, the group's senior attorney, called the permitting of the projects “a major milestone in renewable energy on public lands and a down payment on America’s transition to a clean energy economy.”

She added, “Perhaps most importantly, the process provided valuable lessons that careful planning, siting and designing up front will lead to renewable projects that are smart from the start.”

Wald said the Natural Resources Defense Council, Wilderness Society and Defenders of Wildlife played “an instrumental role in getting these projects to where they are today, and encouraged important mitigation measures to minimize their impacts on diverse wildlife, precious water supplies and other key desert resources.”

In April of 2009, Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) committed to helping the nation reach its clean energy future by guaranteeing coordinated processing, full environmental analysis and public review for specific renewable energy projects where the companies involved demonstrated they were ready to advance to the formal environmental review and public participation process.

“We’re confident that our solar program is smart from the start. With something as momentous as the introduction of large-scale solar development on the public lands, we have one chance to do things right,” said BLM Director Bob Abbey. “That's why we did complete environmental analyses on both these projects with expanded opportunities for public participation.”

The “fast track” program is part of the administration’s overall strategy to spur a rapid and responsible move to large-scale production of renewable energy on public lands.

Through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, renewable energy developers that have their projects under construction by the end of 2010 or meet one of the program’s safe harbor provisions can qualify for significant funding.

The recovery act’s payment for specified energy property in lieu of tax credit program makes Tessera and Chevron eligible for approximately $273 million and $31 million, respectively.

Each project has undergone thorough environmental review, including public scoping, draft environment impact statements (EIS) and final EISs.

The companies have undertaken extensive mitigation efforts to minimize any impacts to wildlife, water and other resources. State and federal agencies have set up a joint compensation fund operated by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to ensure that impacts are mitigated.

“There are 11 million acres of public lands in the California Desert, and a large majority of those lands are managed for conservation purposes,” Salazar said. “These projects, while a significant commitment of public land, actually represent less than one-hundredth of 1 percent of that total area. Given the many benefits, the extensive mitigation measures, and the fair market value economic return, approval of these projects is clearly in the public interest."

Salazar also praised the unprecedented partnership between Interior and the State of California in encouraging renewable energy projects. On Oct. 12, 2009, Salazar and Schwarzenegger signed an agreement directing Interior agencies and California state agencies to create a unique federal-state initiative to advance development of environmentally appropriate renewable energy on U.S. lands in California.

The Imperial Valley Solar Project is one of the projects being jointly processed through the BLM and the California Energy Commission cooperative model.

“Our collaborative approach shows how separate government processes can be streamlined, without cutting any corners or skipping any environmental checks and balances in the process,” Salazar said. “I commend Governor Schwarzenegger and the people of California for their leadership and partnership on these important renewable energy projects.”

Schwarzenegger reported that there are more than 250 renewable energy projects interested in building and running facilities in the Golden State.

The California Energy Commission approved six large-scale solar projects totaling nearly 3,000 MW in clean, renewable energy which are expected to start construction in California by year's end. Those include the world’s largest solar energy project, which is expected to reach 1,000 MW.

The projects are part of a group of nine solar thermal projects scheduled to go before the California Energy Commission for decisions by the end of the year in order to qualify for federal stimulus dollars, the Governor's Office reported. If all nine projects are approved, more than 4,300 MW of solar power will be added to our grid, providing more than 8,000 construction jobs and more than 1,000 operational jobs.

Additionally, there are 12 other large wind and photovoltaic projects working to break ground in California, the Governor's Office reported.

On top of being home to the world’s largest solar energy project, California is also home to the world’s largest wind energy project, the Alta Wind Energy Center, officials said.

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Officials are looking for 8-year-old Elisa Cardenaz of Fresno, Calif., who was abducted from her home on Monday, October 4, 2010. Courtesy photo.


The California Highway Patrol issued a statewide Amber Alert late Monday for a child abduction case.

Eight-year-old girl Elisa Cardenaz was abducted from her Fresno home just before 8:30 p.m. Monday, the CHP reported.

The suspect, who was not named, is possibly a 25-year-old Caucasian or light-skinned Hispanic male, about 6 feet tall and 200 pounds, with brown hair, according to the report. The man was last seen wearing a white tank top and blue jeans.

He may be driving a brown and red 1980s or 1990s model single cab Ford pickup with a white horizontal pin strip on the side and an unknown license plate number.

When she disappeared the child was wearing a light purple sweater with Winnie the Pooh on the front and light-colored blue jeans, officials reported. She is described as 4 feet tall and 60 pounds, with brown hair and brown eyes.

To report possible sightings, the public is asked to call 911.

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LAKEPORT, Calif. – Hungry youngsters are believed to be behind the weekend burglary of a local school.

The Lakeport Police Department received a report early Monday that Terrace Middle School's kitchen area had been ransacked.

A school employee found the evidence of a break-in shortly before 5:30 a.m., and Officer Jim Bell took the report.

Bell said the suspects appear to have pried open a side window to gain entry. They then used paper and plastic bags to cover a window while they were inside.

They ransacked and emptied a cappuccino machine – tossing coffee powder all over the place, he said.

Based on details supplied to Bell by the school, the suspects took 20 fruit snacks, 24 cereal bars, 12 whole grain Pop Tarts, numerous frozen yogurts, eight cans of juice, about 20 bags of baked chips, 10 packs of chile picante and 5 pounds of lunch meat.

A two-way radio stolen from the site later was found, Bell said.

He said he found a few footprints on the stainless steel counters, and also got some smudgy fingerprints.

Bell said he's sure that children are behind the caper.

“It wasn't a professional hit, that's for sure,” he said.

Although he can't be sure exactly when the burglary happened over the weekend, Bell pointed out that homecoming for the nearby Clear Lake High School took place on Friday night, with the homecoming dance on the following evening.

After the burglary was reported Monday, Bell said he did a quick sweep through the Terrace Middle School campus, which is located next to Lakeport Elementary and Clear Lake High School on Lange Street.

“It's amazing to me that these kids did not leave a trail,” he said.

Anyone with information on possible suspects should call Bell at the Lakeport Police Department, 707-263-5491.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at and on Facebook at .

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – This campaign season there have been a lot of complaints of disappearing signs, and on Monday Caltrans urged candidates to be cognizant of state right-of-ways to avoid having their signs taken down.

Caltrans issued the reminder to all candidates registered in the upcoming election, their representatives and campaign personnel, and campaign workers for ballot measures of the policy regarding placement of “temporary political signs” within view of a state highway.

According to Caltrans, Section 5405.3 of the State Outdoor Advertising Act allows an exemption for the placement of the temporary political signs along certain state highways.

But the law requires the signs not be placed within the state highway right-of-way, and if they're within view of a state highway candidates are required to file a statement of responsibility form with Caltrans.

To meet the temporary political sign requirements, the signs have to encourage a particular vote in a scheduled election, be placed no sooner than 90 days prior to the scheduled election and removed within 10 days after that election, be no larger than 32 square feet and have a statement of responsibility form filed with the Department of Transportation certifying a person who will be responsible for removing the signs, Caltrans reported.

Caltrans spokesman Phil Frisbie said they don't track how many signs belonging to specific candidates are taken down.

“We do track when we have a call to remove large signs but that is very rare and most of those are other advertising signs, they're not political signs,” he said.

Figuring out just where the right-of-way is, however, can be a challenge, he said.

“The right-of-way varies a lot throughout Lake County,” Frisbie said. “It depends upon where it's at, how old the highway is at that section.”

In some places, the right-of-way is about 10 feet from the edge of the pavement, in other places it extends as much as 80 feet from the road's edge, he said.

“If they're not sure, a general rule is in most places if there is some sort of fence off the road, generally that fence is on the right-of-way line,” he said.

Hanging the signs on fences also isn't allowed, he said, because the fence is still considered the right-of-way.

Because most people aren't aware of the right-of-way's location, illegal signs are a year-round problem, Frisbie said.

Not allowing the signs in certain areas has several reasons behind it, according to Frisbie.

“It's visibility and safety, but also it's an inappropriate use of state property,” he explained.

State law directs Caltrans to remove unauthorized signs. Maintenance crews will pull the signs when they can, although Frisbie said the removals are a low priority compared to other duties.

Because the signs are removed during the normal course of road work, the removal costs are insignificant, he said.

If someone calls to look for the signs, Frisbie said Caltrans crews will make arrangements to get them returned, with no charge.

Frisbie said candidates and their representatives can call him at 707-441-4678 to get more information on how to retrieve signs.

“We would much prefer that they call us rather than have to go out and remove an improper sign,” he said. “That inconveniences both of us.”

Candidates also can get a copy of the statement of responsibility form for temporary political signs at .

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at and on Facebook at .

THE GEYSERS, Calif. – A moderate-sized earthquake was reported near The Geysers on Monday afternoon.

The quake, measured at 3.0 in magnitude, was reported at 12:34 p.m., according to the US Geological Survey.

It was reported as being a “poorly constrained” shallow earthquake, listed at a depth of zero miles, the survey reported.

The US Geological Survey's data showed that the quake was centered two miles north of The Geysers geothermal steamfield, 15 miles southwest of Clearlake and 25 miles north of Santa Rosa.

It was immediately followed by two smaller quakes, measuring 1.3 and 1.0 in magnitude, respectively, in close proximity, the US Geological Survey reported.

The only shake reports received on the quake came from Eureka, 247 miles away, and Mammoth Lakes, 365 miles distant, according to survey records.

The last time the US Geological Survey reported a quake measuring 3.0 or above near The Geysers was on Aug. 15, as Lake County News has reported.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at and on Facebook at .

Lake County Sheriff's Det. Mike Curran recently picked up stuffed animals donated to the agency by Riviera Elementary School students in Kelseyville, Calif. The stuffed animals are given to children who need comfort during certain potentially traumatic or uncomfortable situations. Courtesy photo.


KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – Students in Kelseyville are showing their community spirit by collecting toys for children facing traumatic circumstances.

Riviera Elementary School's Friday Night Live Club sponsors a stuffed animal drive, according to teacher and club advisor Deanna Madeson.

Det. Mike Curran with the Lake County Sheriff's Office recently picked up a number of the stuffed toys that he said the school had had since the end of the school year.

Curran said the students make two toy donations annually.

“The stuffed animals are used at our office to give to kids for comfort during uncomfortable topic interviews, at the Child Interviewing Center located at Victim Witness, accident scenes and by our civil division on occasions,” Curran said.

Madeson said the students also collect stuffed toys as part of their October Red Ribbon Week celebration, which this year takes place from Oct. 25 through 29.

The Red Ribbon Week events focus on themes, such as “Hugs Not Drugs,” Madeson said.

Students are encouraged to bring with them stuffed animals from home, and also are asked to donate toys.

“It's the whole entire school that gets involved,” she said.

She explained that the club, founded in the 1980s, encourages children not to do drugs.

At Riviera Elementary, the fourth and fifth graders are involved with the club. “We try to do a lot of promotion at school and in the community by getting the kids involved,” she said.

Activities include poster contests, service to community members including projects for rest homes, and the annual “Peacemaker Essay” that takes place around Martin Luther King Day in January.

Find out about the California Friday Night Live Partnership at

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A third scoping meeting is planned for a proposed wind generation project that would be located on Walker Ridge.

The meeting on the AltaGas Renewable Energy Pacific Inc. proposal will be held from noon to 3 p.m. this Friday, Oct. 8, in the Bureau of Land Management's Sacramento office, 2800 Cottage Way.

Two previous scoping meetings were held on the project, one on Sept. 9 in Lakeport and the second on Sept. 10 in Colusa.

The project would be located on several thousand acres leased from BLM in the Walker Ridge area, in Lake and Colusa counties.

The Canadian company's plans include generating up to 70 megawatts with 29 Siemens wind turbines, company officials reported at the Sept. 9 meeting.

The company's plan of development for the project is available on its Web site at and on the BLM Web site at

The public comment period on what issues should be addressed in the environmental impact statement that will be prepared on the proposed win park closes on Oct. 13.

Public comments on the plan should be sent to Bethney LeFebvre, BLM Ukiah Field Office, 2550 N. State St., Ukiah, CA 95482; telephone 707-468-4000; fax 707-468-4027; e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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New sign lettering is installed on the Carnegie Library in Lakeport, Calif., on Friday, September 17, 2010. Photo by Richard Knoll.


LAKEPORT, Calif. – Lakeport's Carnegie Library recently got some new touches to its exterior signage.

In 2009, vandals broke the historic sign lettering at the Lakeport Carnegie Library.

The Carnegie Library Building, built in 1918, is on the National Register of Historic Places and as such it is required that replacement of the letters be of original style and like-kind materials.

After looking at options, the city selected Sleeper Woods Design in Lakeport to fabricate the new letters.

John Moorhead and Rose Davidson, the owners of the Lakeport-based Sleeper Woods Design, specialize in such projects. The business' motto is “Honoring Tradition with Technology.”

After coordinating with city staff, Sleeper Woods Design began the process of fabricating the redwood letters in a style consist with the original lettering, no easy task.

It was decided that Sleeper Woods Design would fabricate two sets of redwood letters reinforced with plastic backing to ensure longevity.

Created from tight-grained old growth redwood, these isometric letters were carved with a CNC router, then adhered to an 1/8-inch plastic backing using marine epoxy.

A golden burnishing sealant was then applied as an undercoat, followed with the bright 23k gold leaf.




The bright new lettering on the Carnegie Library in Lakeport, Calif., had to be historically accurate because the building is on the National Register of Historic Places. Photo by Richard Knoll.



Ben Mansell and Travis Costs, students at Clear Lake High School, participated in the project as part of a job shadowing program.

The students reviewed the proposal with the city of Lakeport and assisted in the production of the replacement letters.

They observed the CNC operation, cutting out the letters, and also assisted in sanding – lots of sanding – and the application of the gold leaf, under Davidson's direction.

Moorhead, the woodworking instructor at Clear Lake High School, sourced and prepped the redwood for cutting and worked with Mansell and Costs in the job shadow program.

On Sept. 17, with the help of the Lakeport Public Works Crew, Moorhead and Davidson installed the new lettering and restored the Carnegie Library Building to its full glory.

Funding for the sign lettering project was provided by the Lakeport Redevelopment Agency.

The city of Lakeport is very pleased to have worked with Sleeper Woods Design and the students of Clear Lake High School on this great example of historic preservation and community involvement.

Richard Knoll is Lakeport's community development and redevelopment agency director.

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John Moorhead and Rose Davidson, owners of the Lakeport, Calif.-based Sleeper Woods Design, fabricated the new library letters. They were assisted by Clear Lake High School students Ben Mansell and Travis Costs, who took part in a job shadowing program. Photo by Richard Knoll.

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Following a cool morning and early afternoon on Monday, Lake County residents got a sample of the changing weather to come with brief rain, some thunder and even a little lightning in areas of the county.

The National Weather Service issued a statewide winter storm advisory on Monday that was set to last through Tuesday at 11 a.m., warning of stormy conditions across Northern California.

The agency reported that an upper level, low pressure system was developing over California, with the system expected to produce significant snow above the 8,500 foot mark in certain areas of the state, particularly the Sierras. Campers and hikers in those areas were advised to move to lower elevations.

In Lake County specifically, the National Weather Service issued a special weather statement which expected a partly sunny Tuesday, with a high near 71 degrees and a north northeast wind between 8 and 11 miles per hour, developing into partly cloudy conditions with a low of 56 degrees.

A 20-percent chance of showers is reported for Wednesday, with partly sunny conditions and a high near 69 degrees, with a light and variable wind before a mostly cloudy evening with a high of 52 degrees, the National Weather Service reported.

Thursday should be mostly sunny with cloudy conditions at night, with a high of 70 degrees down to a low of 53 degrees.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday are expected to be clear and sunny with high temperatures at 72, 78 and 80 degrees, respectively. Next Monday, Columbus Day, should be sunny with a 72-degree high, the National Weather Service reported.

For current weather news visit the weather section on the Lake County News homepage.



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Dachshunds race in Lake County's first dachshund derby during Oktoberfest on Saturday, October 2, 2010, in Lakeport, Calif. Photo by Tera DeVroede.



LAKEPORT, Calif. – Downtown Lakeport celebrated German customs, food and culture with the annual Oktoberfest held Saturday.

The Lake County Chamber of Commerce hosted the event.

Several blocks of Main Street were closed, with visitors checking out vendor booths that were positioned in the middle of the street.

Master of ceremonies Tony Barthel directed the action from the Oktoberfest stage at Third and Main streets, where there were performances during the day from the Sweet Adelines, Clear Lake Clickers, Twice As Good and the Kelseyville Jazz Band.

It proved a busy day for activities in the city, with the Sponsoring Survivorship walk to raise funds for fighting cancer starting off the day.




Lannette Huffman and Keegan Huffman were costume contest winners at Lakeport's Oktoberfest celebration on Saturday, October 2, 2010. Photo by Tera DeVroede.



Also taking place Saturday was the annual Konocti Challenge bike race around Lake County, which started and ended in Lakeport. After the event, numerous cyclists still in their riding togs came down to visit Oktoberfest.

There were plenty of pretzels, bratwursts and steins filled with beer to be found throughout town during the day.

Besides the food and fun, Oktoberfest proved to be a wiener dog wonderland, with dozens of dachshunds and their proud owners parading through downtown.

They were there for the dachshund derby – heralded as the county's first – held in front of the Old Courthouse Museum.

Chamber Chief Executive Officer Melissa Fulton said a total of 29 dachshunds had been signed up for the races, which drew a crowd that clustered tightly around the small race course.

The first race was a bit bumpy – after the starting signal was given, the dogs didn't seem clear on the concept and stood around at one end of the race course, until their owners began running with them toward the finish line.




Participants in the dog costume contest parade through the ring near the Old Courthouse Museum in downtown Lakeport, Calif., on Saturday, October 2, 2010. Photo by Tera DeVroede.



As the races progressed, everyone got the hang of it, with the dogs getting help from humans waiting at the finish line to coax them there. Some of the dogs who had participated in the pre-race costume contest ran in full costume – one, notably, dressed as a hot dog.

The humans also got their opportunity for dress up, with many people decked out in Lederhosen and dirndls.

Lannette Huffman won the dirndl costume contest for women, with Keegan Huffman winning the Lederhosen contest.

The event wound up with an evening performance by the LC Diamonds, who played at a street dance that ended at 9 p.m.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at and on Facebook at .



The Kelseyville High School Jazz Band played during the afternoon portion of Oktoberfest in Lakeport, Calif., on Saturday, October 2, 2010. Photo by Tera DeVroede.




A collection of German beer steins were on display at The Kitchen Gallery, where visitors could vote for their favorite stein. Photo by Elizabeth Larson.

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