Friday, 04 October 2024


LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Cal Fire's Sonoma-Lake-Napa Unit reported that fire season is coming to a close.

Effective at 8 a.m. Monday, Nov. 1, Cal Fire will transition into winter preparedness mode, the agency reported.

The transition will include a reduction of seasonal firefighters – 185 personnel – as well as winter closing of selected Cal Fire fire stations and the end of fixed-wing aircraft for the season, officials said.

Cal Fire said the air tankers and air attack resources were released from service on Oct. 26, once the heavy rains blanketed the local area reducing the threat of a wildland fire.

However, Unit Chief Tim Streblow encourages residents to remember that even with increased rainfall, dry winds can still result in increased fire danger as fuels become dry.

The burn suspension was lifted on Oct. 25, but Cal Fire urged property owners interested in conducting control burns to check with their local fire agency and air pollution district to ensure they meet all fire and air pollution permit requirements prior to burning.

The unit includes the State Responsibility Areas (SRA) within six counties, Sonoma, Lake, Napa, Yolo, Solano and Colusa.

The Sonoma-Lake-Napa Unit responded to more than 545 wildland fires within the six counties during the peak season, according to a Thursday report. The vast majority of these fires were less than 10 acres, due to aggressive initial attack by Cal Fire and local fire agencies.

Residents creating and maintaining 100 feet of defensible space around their homes had a major role in keeping these fires small, reducing the threat to life and property, the agency said.

“Creating a defensible space around structures has lead to many positive outcomes for the homeowner, as well as the firefighters who protect these structures during a wild and incident,” Streblow said.

Cal Fire reported that it will continue to respond to medical aids, hazmats, earthquakes and floods, or any statewide emergency from staffed stations throughout the unit.

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The notion that military people are too busy training, fighting or moving between assignments to pay close attention to personal finances is challenged by results of a new survey.

The first-ever “Military Financial Capability Study” finds that service members are more likely than civilians to keep up with monthly expenses, save for their kids’ education, avoid payday lenders, invest in stocks and bonds, and even check on their own credit scores.

Where military members clearly need more financial counseling is credit card balances. Twenty-seven percent carry more than $10,000 in credit card debt versus only 16 percent of civilians surveyed.

But overall “we can definitely say that [military personnel] are more savvy than the general population” regarding personal finances, said John M. Gannon, president of the FINRA Investor Education Foundation.

FINRA, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, is the largest independent regulator of securities firms doing business in the United States. Its Investor Education Foundation, which sponsored the survey, operates on the fines collected from security firms that violate laws to protect investors.

Since 2006, the foundation has partnered with the Department of Defense to improve military financial readiness. It holds financial forums for service members, provides continuing education to on-base financial counselors and offers fellowships for military spouses to become Accredited Financial Counselors.

The foundation’s campaign to educate military people got its initial funding from $6 million paid by First Command Financial Planning Inc., of Fort Worth, Texas, in 2005 to settle charges brought by the Securities and Exchange Commission that the company had mislead military investors.

The new survey of 700 service members and 100 spouses was conducted online in June and July of 2009. The results were linked to a national civilian survey on financial capabilities FINRA conducted earlier.

The report cautions that some disparities in answers from military and civilian respondents reflect demographic differences.

Military respondents were more likely to be younger, male, employed full time and high school graduates.

Also, the military sample didn’t precisely reflect the current force. There was a higher proportion of officers surveyed (31 percent) and a smaller proportion of young enlisted (10 percent in pay grades E-1 to E-4).

Still, Gannon said, the results capture financial challenges for military families and serve as a good baseline for future surveys.

Feedback from Defense and military officials who track financial matters, Gannon said, is that “our data is very spot on” in identifying issues that the troops face.

The report can be found online at:

It’s no mystery why the survey shows military people more financially literate than the civilian population, Gannon explained.

“If you look at the level of effort that the Department of Defense has put into financial readiness compared to private sector employers, it’s really tremendous,” he said.

He noted that a personal financial manager can be found on every base and the services have mandatory financial education requirements, starting from boot camp. “There aren’t too many private sector employers that have such substantial programs,” he said.

The survey found that 36 percent of military respondents have trouble paying their monthly bills but that compares favorably to nearly two thirds of civilians reporting trouble.

Fifty percent of military respondents reported having emergency money saved to cover at least three months of living expenses if needed. That varied by rank, of course, falling to 39 percent for junior and mid-grade enlisted and rising to 67 percent for officers.

“Fortunately, military personnel and their spouses are less exposed to the financial risks of unexpected medical emergencies than civilians as they are covered by health insurance,” the report notes.

Fifty-two percent of military respondents with financially dependent children were saving to send them to college. Only 41 percent of civilians with children were doing so.

Among respondents with bank accounts, which is virtually all service members, 21 percent of military respondents versus 24 percent of civilians had taken out some sort of non-bank loan over the last five years. That could be payday loans, auto title loans, pawn shops or “rent-to-own” stores. A third of junior enlisted respondents had used these services.

Worried that such lenders preyed on the military, Congress in 2007 set a cap of 36 percent on annual interest that can be charged military borrowers. Its full effect likely isn’t seen yet in this survey, Gannon said.

Military respondents, Gannon said, already are “much more likely to comparison shop for financial products and they’re much more willing to check their credit report and credit scores. That is something that the Department of Defense, through its financial readiness program, has always stressed and the numbers are really outstanding. I mean 72 percent of military respondents have obtained a credit report in the last 12 months [compared] to 40 percent of civilians. That’s really good.”

Given this and other positive survey results, the foundation will turn more of its attention to educating on credit card debt, Gannon said.

“Non-bank borrowing is still an issue [but] at least, based on our data, the military is doing better than the civilian population,” he added.

More disturbing is that 36 percent of military respondents versus 26 percent of civilians had at least four credit cards. Ten percent of the military reported over $20,000 in credit card debt versus seven percent of civilians.

To comment, send e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or write to Military Update, P.O. Box 231111, Centreville, VA, 20120-1111.

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LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Know someone special who deserves the community's recognition?

Nominations are now being sought for the 14th annual Stars of Lake County community recognition program.

The award ceremony will take place on Saturday, Feb. 26, 2011, at Robinson Rancheria Resort & Casino in Upper Lake.


The awards committee is actively seeking nominations from throughout Lake County in 21 categories.

The program is sponsored by more than 30 Lake County businesses, and provides recognition for the hardworking volunteers, businesses and organizations that do so much for Lake County.

“It is the only recognition program of its kind in the county,” said Lake County Chamber of Commerce President Armand Pauly.

Pauly said that without those sponsorships the program could not take place.

More than 260 Star Awards have been given in the past 13 years of this program.

It is only through the residents of Lake County that the Chamber learns of nominees. Look around at the people, businesses and organizations you deal with daily, for potential nominees. Who will your nominee be?

The nomination form for Stars of Lake County 2011 is online at

For more information, contact the Lake County Chamber of Commerce at 707-263-5092.

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MENDOCINO COUNTY, Calif. – Officials are trying to locate a timber company employee reported missing earlier this week.

At 6 p.m. Wednesday the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office was contacted by the Mendocino Redwood Co. regarding Eric Grant, a company forest service technician whose truck had been located in the 200 block of North Highway 1 in Albion, according to Liz Evangelatos, an administrative assistant with the sheriff's office.

Evangelatos said sheriff's deputies were advised that Grant, a Fort Bragg resident, commonly takes his lunch breaks at the area of the bluffs in the afternoon, but did not return his truck to work or home.

Deputies, with the assistance of Mendocino Redwood Com. employees, Albion Fire, the U.S. Coast Guard and others searched the area of the bluffs as well as the trails and area of the sea shore to no avail.

At 9 a.m. Thursday the Mendocino County Search and Rescue team also joined the effort, which Evangelatos said is continuing.

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Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is continuing to come under fire for cuts he made to child care services earlier this month at the state budget process wrapped up.

On Tuesday, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell criticized Schwarzenegger's line-item veto of funding for the CalWORKS Stage 3 program, which provides subsidized child care services to low-income families.

O'Connell said the veto will have “far-reaching effects” that stretch beyond the loss of child care for struggling families.

Schwarzenegger has issued no statements from his office explaining his decision or responding to the criticisms, although the state finance department said he exercised line-item veto power to reduce general fund spending with a view to creating “a prudent reserve.”

O'Connell held a press conference in Oakland Tuesday to discuss the issue, and was accompanied by parents who may have to choose between welfare and their jobs because they can't afford child care.

“We stand at the cusp of a disaster,” O'Connell said. “The governor's veto has set the stage for a cascading set of circumstances that will disrupt struggling parents' employment, eliminate jobs of child care workers, force the closure of child care businesses, cause loss of early learning opportunities for kids, and worsen California's economic downturn.”

As Lake County News reported last week, Schwarzenegger made the cuts to the 12-year-old program on the evening of Oct. 8.

The move was completely unexpected, according to Teri Sedrick, co-director of Rural Communities Child Care, a program of North Coast Opportunities.

In Lake County, Sedrick said 73 local families, 149 children and 100 child care providers will be impacted by the cuts to the program, which helps families that have worked their way off of welfare and have been without cash aid for 24 months. This year's budget for CalWORKS Stage 3 in Lake County was $475,458.

The program ends effective Nov. 1, although legislators have indicated they plan to try to restore the $256 million in child care funds through other avenues, including seeking funds from the California First Five Commission and using savings from Assembly budget cuts, as Lake County News has reported.

O'Connell said Tuesday that the cuts will impact thousands more children around the state.

He said more than 187,000 children are already on long waiting lists for child care services, and Schwarzenegger's veto added 54,000 more names to the waiting list, which O'Connell said is a nearly 30-percent increase.

In addition, some 1,500 names will be added to the list of those children who would have moved into Stage 3 from Stage 2, O'Connell said.

Under CalWORKS, a family usually progresses from Stage 1 to Stage 3 as their employment situation stabilizes and working parents need help to cover the prohibitively high cost of child care in order to go to work and remain off public aid, state officials reported.

“The governor's veto is turning out to be a job reduction act at a time when California's unemployment rate is at a near-record high 12.4 percent,” O'Connell noted.

That's because California's subsidized child care system generates more than 130,000 related jobs, according to a study released by the Berkeley Center on Health, Economic & Family Security entitled, “Cutting Child Care Out from Under Californians,”

Sedrick said last week that supporters of the program had put out a call for people to contact the governor's office to lodge complaints.

The governor's office, in turn, directed the resulting calls to O'Connell's office, which reported being inundated with messages from people told by Schwarzenegger's staff that there are other child care programs with available funding that can help them right away.

O'Connell said Schwarzenegger and his staff knew that thousands of California children are already on waiting lists for these scarce child care services. He called that message of false hope to parents “cruel and shameless.”

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at , on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

POTTER VALLEY, Calif. – Mendocino County Sheriff's officials are investigating a case involving the attempted murder of a Potter Valley man who was robbed of more than two dozen marijuana plants.

The incident occurred late last Friday, according to Lt. Rusty Noe.

Just after 11 p.m. Oct. 23 Mendocino County Sheriff's deputies were dispatched to a local area hospital to contact a victim of a gunshot wound.

Upon arrival deputies contacted 45-year-old Kevin Paul Allen, who reported he was inside the garage area of his residence located on DeShields Ranch Road in Potter Valley at 10 p.m. with four or five Hispanic males suddenly entered the building, according to Noe.

Allen noticed one of the men had a rifle. When Allen confronted the men about their presence in his garage the man with the rifle immediately shot him one time in the right arm, Noe said.

After being shot Allen was restrained with rope, duct tape and a pair of handcuffs. Noe said the suspects took possession of Allen’s pickup truck keys and he was physically beaten.

Sometime afterward Allen was placed inside of a shed near the residence while still wearing the restraints. Noe said Allen was able to free himself and fled his property while the males were possibly still at his residence.

Allen summoned the help of a neighbor who drove Allen to the hospital where he obtained medical treatment for his injured arm, Noe said.

Allen believed the males were at his residence to rob him of the 25 marijuana plants he was growing at the location, according to Noe.

The Hispanic males were described as being average height, having dark hair, dark eyes and a dark skin tone.

Noe said the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office Detective Unit is conducting further investigations into the incident.

Anyone having information is urged to contacted the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office tip line at 707-467-9159. Noe said information can be left anonymously.

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A mailer circulating around the country has officials concerned and led Congressman Mike Thompson to issue a warning about it on Wednesday, calling it “nothing but a scam.”

Thompson urged seniors to ignore an informational card sent from the “National Processing Center” warning about impending cuts to Medicare.

The mailing reportedly includes an informational card requesting personal information that it then asks the recipient to mail back.

“This mailing is a scam,” said Congressman Mike Thompson. “It is not official or factual.”

He added, “Do not be frightened of it or allow them to take advantage of you. Congress is investigating it.”

Those who receive the mailer in Lake County can make a consumer complaint to the California Attorney General's Office at

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LOWER LAKE, Calif. – The Lake County Sheriff's Office is continuing the search for two armed suspects believed responsible for an attempted home invasion robbery and shooting early Monday at a Morgan Valley Road residence.

The incident led to a daylong search of the Lower Lake area and lockdowns at local schools that lasted for about three hours Monday morning, according to Capt. James Bauman of the Lake County Sheriff's Office.

Bauman said the two males suspects in the incident are still at large and should be considered armed and dangerous.

Both are described as black male adults. One is between 5 feet 6 inches and 5 feet 10 inches tall, with short, wavy hair, wearing a black beanie and all black clothing with several tattoos about the arms. The second man had braided hair, was wearing a black beanie and gray sweatshirt, and was possibly armed with a .40-caliber semi-automatic handgun.

The suspects allegedly broke into a home where they confronted Dustin Lee Wilson, 33, of Clearlake, the son of local businesswoman and council candidate Jeri Spittler, and Michelle Truong, 27, of Hercules.

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Wilson and Truong had been taken into custody on Oct. 22 for drug and weapons charges after a traffic stop in Middletown. A California Highway Patrol officer found them in possession of more than 2 pounds of processed marijuana and a handgun with two loaded magazines, the CHP reported.


Wilson also had been arrested by Clearlake Police on Oct. 16 for several felony drug charges and for attempting to bribe an officer, according to jail records.

Bauman said sheriff’s deputies responded to the Morgan Valley Road residence at around 8 a.m. on a report of a possible home invasion with shots fired. Units from the California Highway Patrol and the Clearlake Police Department also responded to assist.

When the first deputies arrived, Bauman said they found Wilson on the side of Morgan Valley Road, wearing only a pair of sweat pants with a bleeding arm that had suffered minor cuts when Wilson had run through a barbed wire fence while fleeing the home.

Wilson told deputies that he and Truong were asleep inside her home when they were awakened by two unidentified men, one of which had a gun to Wilson’s head, according to Bauman.

A struggle ensued between Wilson and the man with the gun, while Truong struggled with the second suspect, Bauman said. At some point, both suspects converged on Truong and Wilson fled the home as one of the men fired several shots at him from the front porch.

Wilson, who wasn't hit by the gunfire, went to the home of a neighbor, who called 911 after hearing the shots and seeing Wilson running to her house, Bauman said.

Bauman said Wilson told deputies he believed Truong, and possibly his 10-year-old son, were being held hostage in the home by the men.

During the ensuing 45 minutes, law enforcement secured a perimeter in the area and contacted outside agencies seeking air support, Bauman said. Lt. Brian Martin had told Lake County News earlier in the day that weather had prevented the sheriff's office from getting a helicopter from Sonoma County.

The sheriff's SWAT team also was called out, Bauman said.

Bauman said officials also notified area schools at around 8 a.m. to lock down their campuses – schools would be in lockdown until just before 11 a.m.

The schools closed down were Lower Lake Elementary, Lower Lake High School, Carlé Continuation High School and Lewis Alternative School, as Lake County News has reported.

When a call was made into the home, Bauman said Truong exited the residence and told deputies the men were gone. Deputies then entered the home and verified the suspects were in fact gone and the SWAT team was canceled.

Bauman said deputies later learned that Wilson’s son had already gone to school when the suspects entered the home.

Truong told deputies that after Wilson fled, the two men forced her into a bathroom and closed the door. She heard the men rummaging through things in the house, and then heard her vehicle start up and drive down her driveway, Bauman said. When she came out of the bathroom, she saw one of the men running from the home towards the back of the property.

Truong apparently remained in the home, not knowing where the suspects were, until the call was made into the home and deputies had her step out, Bauman said.

He said it appeared Truong's car keys were taken from the home along with some other unidentified property. Deputies located her car with the trunk open at the bottom of her approximate 200 yard driveway, abandoned at a locked gate.

Tire tracks and other items of evidence were located on a road in the back of the property. Bauman said it looked like one of the suspects tried to flee in Truong’s car until coming to the locked gate, and then presumably abandoned the car and fled on foot.

Investigators believe the other suspect fled to the back of the property and presumably drove away in the vehicle used to get to the house, Bauman said.

Deputies conducted an extensive search of the area for about five hours but were unable to locate either suspect, Bauman said.

Crime scene technicians were called in and processed the scene for evidence until about 3 p.m., according to Bauman.

He said the investigation is continuing into the home invasion, with officials looking at the motive and whether or not the victims and suspects may have been acquainted.

Anyone with information about the incident or the possible location and identities of the suspects is encouraged to call the Sheriff’s Major Crimes Unit at 707-262-4200.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at , on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

LOWER LAKE, Calif. – Local law enforcement is continuing the search for two men wanted in connection with a shooting incident reported Monday.

Lake County Sheriff's deputies, California Highway Patrol and Clearlake Police are working the incident, which led to a lockdown of four county schools, according to sheriff's Lt. Brian Martin.

Martin said two male suspects reportedly fired several shots at individuals at a location on Morgan Valley Road near Lower Lake. No one was injured in the shooting.

The motivation for the shooting is still under investigation, Martin said.

Sheriff's officials believed the two suspects were possibly on foot in the area.

The first suspect is described as a black male adult, 5 feet 6 inches to 5 feet 10 inches tall, who goes by “Ty” but whose real name may be “Mike.”

The man is said to have short and wavy hair, is wearing a black beanie hat and is dressed in black clothing, with several tattoos on his arms and open sores on his body.

The second suspect is a black male adult wearing a black beanie, with his hair in braids and wearing a gray sweater.

Officials said that both men are considered armed and dangerous, and anyone with information about them should immediately call 911 and not attempt to apprehend them.

As a result of the shooting, Lower Lake Elementary School, Lower Lake High School, Carlé Continuation High School and Lewis Alternative School were put under lockdown after 8:30 a.m. Monday, Martin said.

He said the lockdown was lifted shortly after 11 a.m.

Sheriff's officials had tried to have a helicopter brought in from Sonoma County to aid in the search, but weather earlier in the morning kept the helicopter grounded, Martin said.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at , on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – This week the Lake County Air Quality Management District and Cal Fire lifted local burn bans and declaring an end to fire hazard season.

Lake County’s joint fire and air quality management district’s open burning program has incorporated both fire safety and air quality management since 1987. County officials say that the program has greatly contributed to the community’s superior fire safety and air quality.

Cal Fire said the recent wet weather has alleviated the dry fuel conditions which triggered the permit suspension earlier in the summer in the State Responsibility Areas.

“Although the suspension has been lifted, permits are still required, and that despite the welcomed rainfall, a period of dry windy condition could dry fuels to the point where wild land fires are possible,” said Cal Fire Sonoma-Lake-Napa Unit Chief Tim Streblow.

Both local and state officials emphasized that burn permits are still required for all burning.

Contact your local fire protection agency for a burn permit or the Lake County Air Quality Management District to obtain a Smoke Management Plan.

A smoke management plan is required for all burns over 20 acres in size, multi-day burns, standing vegetation burns, and whole tree or vine removals over an acre.

A fee is required for all burn permits, payable at the time the permit is issued. Agricultural and Residential burn permits, as well as Smoke Management Plans, are $22 and Land Development/Lot Clearing burn permits are $68.

Only clean dry vegetation that was grown on the property may be burned. Residential burn permits

require a one-acre or larger lot, a burn location that is located at least 100 feet from all neighbors and 30 feet from any structure. Lot Clearing burns require special permits available at your local Fire Agency.

Burn only the amount of material that can be completely consumed during the allowed burning hours. Read your “burn permit” carefully and follow all the conditions.

Each day of the burning season is designated as a “no burn day,” a “limited burn day” or a

“permissive burn day.”

On “no burn days” all open burning is prohibited, unless an exemption has been given for a specific burn. Burning is generally allowed from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. only on permissive burn days. Read your permit for allowed hours of burning.

To determine the daily “burn day” status, use the contact information found on your issued burn permit.

Consider using the vegetative waste pickup provided with your waste collection services or composting

as an alternative to burning leaves. Contact your local fire safe council for chipping information. For

South County go to or your local fire station, for all other areas of the county call 707-279-2968.

The law requires that an able-bodied adult supervise all fires. Burning even a small amount of illegal

material can result in toxic ash and smoke that contain cancer-causing substances and contribute to other health problems. Burning prohibited materials can also result in significant fines.

Some people have smoke allergies and/or respiratory problems and their health is degraded by even small amounts of smoke. Please be considerate of your neighbors.

A permit does not allow you to create health problems for others and you can be liable for fines and other costs associated with your burning. Thank you for your cooperation this burn season.

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LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – The state reported that a mosquito sample from Lake County tested positive for West Nile Virus.

The sample was confirmed last week, officials reported. It was one of 10 such samples confirmed positive around the state.

So far this year, approximately 1,294 mosquito samples from 24 counties have tested positive for West Nile Virus, the California West Nile Virus Web site reported. That's up from the 1,051 reported at this time last year.

Other than mosquito samples, Lake has reported no other West Nile Virus-positive cases this year, with no local cases reported in humans, horses, birds, sentinel chickens or squirrels, the state reported.

The state said the number of counties impacted by West Nile Virus this year is 35, down from 42 last year.

Statewide, human cases are down – 82 this year versus 92 in 2009 – while sentinel chicken cases dropped from 422 in 2009 to 271 this year, with dead bird cases also down, from 504 to 401 over the year, according to state data.

Horse cases have gone up slightly, from 17 in 2009 to 19 this year, with the state also reporting that squirrel cases jumped from 10 last year to 21 this year.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at , on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

A vehicle went off Highway 20 and landed on a dock near Clearlake Oaks, Calif., on Sunday, October 24, 2010. Photo by Gary McAuley.




LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – A weekend of heavy rains and wet roadways contributed to downed power lines and trees, boulders in roads and collisions throughout the weekend.

On Sunday there were reports of vehicles going off of Highway 20 and, in two cases, vehicles going into the embankment.

During Sunday afternoon, Northshore Fire Protection District firefighters were dispatched to a report of a vehicle in Bear Creek near Upper Lake with the occupant possibly trapped, according to reports from the scene.

Bear Creek, and its recreation area, is located about 23 miles from Upper Lake on Elk Mountain Road.

One battalion chief, one medic unit and two engines responded from Upper Lake and Nice and found a full sized, 1990s model Chevy four-wheel-drive pickup truck in Bear Creek. They did not find the driver, who had gotten out and left the scene.

Firefighters concluded that the driver had attempted to cross in approximately 4 to 5 feet of water, when he lost control and floated several hundred feet downstream before coming to rest against an outcropping of rocks in the creek, officials reported.

Campers in the area stated they witnessed a group of off-road drivers fording the creek, with several being successful, however the last driver was not, according to reports from the scene. The vehicle had been secured to some adjacent trees with ropes before the driver and his party left.

Northshore Fire Battalion Chief Ken Petz said the creek usually runs about 2 feet deep at the crossing, but this storm brought much more.

He said the creek's level should fall some this week, but another storm is expected in the area next weekend, so time is short for anyone to remove the stranded vehicle.

Northshore firefighters were once again on scene later in the day when a vehicle ended up on a dock near Clearlake Oaks after going off Highway 20.

The driver reportedly was headed eastbound shortly before 5:30 p.m. when he lost control of the vehicle, spinning 180 degrees and going off the roadway backwards, landing on the dock, based on reports from the scene.

The California Highway Patrol reported that the collision resulted in no injuries to the driver.

Gary McAuley contributed to this report.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at , on Facebook at and on YouTube at .



Northshore Firefighters worked at the scene of a car that landed on a dock near Clearlake Oaks, Calif., on Sunday, October 24, 2010. No injuries were reported in the crash. Photo by Gary McAuley.

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