Friday, 04 October 2024


Two deadly incidents instigated by North Korea in 2010, most recently the shelling of South Korea’s Yeonpyeong Island Nov. 23, have raised military tension on the peninsula to its highest level in many years.

But the provocations, said the commander of U.S. Forces in Korea, haven’t weaken a commitment by the United States to expand base infrastructure so that, perhaps by 2020, all married service members ordered to Korea will be able to bring their families at government expense.

Army Gen. Walter L. “Skip” Sharp, who also commands United Nations Command and Combined Forces Command in Korea, explained in a phone interview that “tour normalization” – an effort to expand the number of “command-sponsored” families in South Korea – must level off now at 4600 families, up from 1800 when Sharp assumed command in June 2008.

Sharp said he remains “passionate” about expanding command sponsorship even more so that, one day, assignments to Korea are as accommodating to military families as duty in Germany or Japan.

But base infrastructure will need to grow, particularly the capacity of Department of Defense dependent schools, Sharp said. It could be two years before the number of families here can continue to climb, he added.

Sharp also explained his recent decision to move from a “first-come, first-served” policy on command sponsorship in Korea to a new job-based priority list.

The intent, he said, is to improve readiness by ensuring that personnel in leadership billets, or with critical skills, can stay for at least two-year tours by authorizing them to bring along their families.

Most of the 28,500 U.S. service members in Korea still serve 13 months “unaccompanied” tours.

About 1500 families live there without command sponsorship. That means they paid their own travel costs, they only can live off base and their children attend Department of Defense schools on a space-available basis. If no space is available, the children must be home-schooled or enrolled in expensive private schools.

In 2008, Defense Secretary Robert Gates first approved a plan to expand command-sponsorship in Korea. The response from families was more enthusiastic than expected, forcing Sharp last month to cap the number of command-sponsored families at the existing level of 4600. He estimates 10,000 married members still serve here without families.

The only reason for this, Sharp said, “is because we haven’t been able to build the infrastructure to accommodate them.”

A plan is due to Gates by March on building infrastructure and reaching full tour normalization in Korea at an affordable pace, given tighter budgets.

Having more families in Korea “has made a huge difference,” Sharp said. He listed four gains, putting operational effectiveness at the top. More families means longer stays and lower turnover and that improves readiness.

It “greatly increases our capability,” said Sharp. “I don’t have to train a new soldier, sailor, airman or Marine every year, which is what we’ve been doing [in Korea] really since 1953.”

Second, Sharp said, “it greatly reduces stress on our families. We have enough deployments or unaccompanied tours around the world, in Iraq and Afghanistan. And there is absolutely no reason to have it here in Korea,” apart from limits imposed by current infrastructure.

Third, it “sends a huge signal of our commitment to the Republic of Korea,” Sharp said.

When the North Koreans and Chinese see U.S. forces building infrastructure and U.S. families staying longer, it underscores how vital South Korea is to the United States. That in turn encourages China to advise the North Koreans “not to do anything stupid,” Sharp said.

Finally, he said, tour normalization will give future U.S. leaders more capable units in South Korea for possible deployment “to somewhere else in the world. Obviously our first commitment is always to the defense of the Republic of Korea … But who knows what this part of the world is going to look like in several years.”

Sharp said the recent rise in tensions hasn’t dampened his, or Secretary Gates,’ enthusiasm full tour normalization in Korea. In fact, he said, “in some sense” it makes it “even more important to us because [of] the ability to increase capability of our units by keeping folks here longer.”

Evacuation of families does remain a major concern, he said. It’s part of the impetus for current plans to relocate and consolidate Army units south of Seoul, primarily at Camp Humphreys. Being nearer to a transportation hub there will ease the evacuation challenge “significantly,” Sharp said.

“We watch very closely what’s going on in North Korea, obviously. We see nothing happening that is any indication that North Korea is planning on getting ready to go to war,” said Sharp.

But evacuation plans are solid and exercised twice a year, he said.

Sharp ordered commands throughout South Korea to hold town hall meetings to explain the new command-sponsor policy, which took effect Nov. 30. The old first-come, first-served wait list for families had grown to 1,000.

Sharp conceded that some families near the top were disappointed.

“They perceive their chances of getting command sponsorship getting reduced, when they thought they were pretty close,” he said. “We are working that, individual by individual, and making accommodations as we can. I’m not naïve enough to think we will be able to satisfy all of them.”

The intent, however, is improved readiness. As command-sponsored families leave Korea, those newly designated for command sponsorship now will mostly be families of member filling Category 1 and 2 billets.

Category 1 personnel fill the top 500 officer and enlisted billets. Category 2 are most other officers plus senior enlisted in unit leadership roles and anyone having critical skills or who needed more intensive training before reporting to Korea, such as pilots and linguists.

Category 3 includes everyone else assigned to Korea. Sharp said the goal is that 10 percent of 4600 command-sponsored families be chosen from this lowest priority category, using the first-come, first-served method.

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SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – Pacific Gas and Electric Co. (PG&E) has announced that 25 schools in Northern and Central California have been selected to receive up to $10,000 each in Bright Ideas grants.

The money will be used to help reduce energy usage, save money and help students learn the importance of environmental stewardship.

A total of $152,500 was given out to the 25 schools.

The Lake County Office of Education in Lakeport, in partnership with University of California, San Francisco, was awarded $5,000.

Other schools around the North Coast region receiving the awards were the Napa Valley Language Academy, $5,000; Vintage High School in Napa, $10,000; the REACH School, Sebastopol, $10,000; and Pacific Union Elementary School, Arcata, $5,000.

As part of the larger PG&E Solar Schools program, the Bright Ideas Grants program promotes the understanding of renewable energy.

Last spring, 18 additional schools were selected to receive Bright Ideas grants, bringing the total awarded in 2010 to $327,500.

The grants were awarded to credentialed teachers, administrators and facilities managers within five major categories: Educational solar projects, youth energy and environmental programs, renewable energy or science related field trips, green your school projects and professional development/service learning projects/ workforce development programs.

“Bright Ideas grants fund innovative educational programs that teach California students the importance of renewable energy,” said Greg Pruett, senior vice president of corporate affairs at PG&E. “This program would not be possible without the dedication of teachers throughout California who are developing future sustainable energy innovators and scientists.”

The PG&E Solar Schools Program includes installation of photovoltaic systems in public schools, a solar-based curriculum training package, workshops for teachers and Bright Ideas grants.

Since its inception in 2004, PG&E shareholders have contributed more than $8 million to the PG&E Solar Schools program. With more than 125 schools participating throughout PG&E’s service area, the program has trained more than 3,000 teachers, benefiting nearly 200,000 students.

PG&E partners with leaders in education and the solar industry to deliver the training and infrastructure associated with this program. The National Energy Education Development Project manages curriculum training and administration of the grants, and the Foundation for Environmental Education coordinates installation of the donated photovoltaic systems.

PG&E’s award-winning Solar Schools Program is nationally recognized for teaching the value of renewable energy. It has been awarded the Interstate Renewable Energy Council’s (IREC) Annual Innovation award, named “Education Innovator of the Year” by the San Francisco Business Times and received the Governor’s Environmental and Economic Leadership Award, California’s highest and most prestigious environmental honor.

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LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Some parts of Northern California could have a white Christmas this year thanks to a Pacific storm system predicted to hit over the holiday weekend, and travelers are urged to be prepared for weather changes.

The National Weather Service expects a dry Christmas Eve, with the storm expected to approach the California coast Friday night and into early Saturday morning.

The agency said there is a possibility of light rain showers – plus snow in higher elevations – Christmas morning, with precipitation expected across the northern part of the state Saturday afternoon and evening.

Rain and mountain snow are forecast to become heavier Saturday night and Sunday morning, at the time the storm's main front system is pushing across California, the National Weather Service said.

Sunday could see continued showers throughout the day, as well as more snow in the mountains, the agency reported.

Forecasters predict that there will be an inch or more of rain falling on the Sacramento Valley floor over the weekend, with between 1 to 2 feet of snow above 7,000 feet by Monday morning.

The National Weather Service expects the storm to produce moderate snow levels ranging between 3,000 to 4,000 in the mountains in Shasta County to 4,000 to 5,000 feet over the Northern Sierra.

In Lake County, a special weather statement from the National Weather Service predicts a 100-percent chance rain on Saturday, with temperatures topping out at 42 during the day with a nighttime low of 36 degrees, and southeast winds between 15 and 21 miles per hour in the day, dropping to between 11 and 13 miles per hour at night.

For Sunday, Lake County has a 70-percent chance of rain, according to the forecast, with showers likely in the morning, to be followed by a cloudy day with a daytime high near 39 degrees and a nighttime low of 35 degrees. The chance of showers Sunday night drops to 30 percent.

Early next week, the agency also reports a slight chance of showers for Lake County.

For travelers, the National Weather Service cautions that travel throughout the holiday weekend is expected to be impacted.

Northern California's major mountain passes are expected to be impacted with chain controls, which could mean delays from Saturday night through Sunday afternoon, forecasters said. In some cases, heavy snow and strong winds could lead to white-out conditions.

For those who will be on the roads, be prepared for changing weather conditions, carry chains and emergency supplies, and check the latest weather reports before heading out.

While snow and rain won't stop sleighs with flying reindeer, for those traveling over the holidays, current road conditions can be checked by visiting Caltrans online at or calling 800-427-7623.

For the latest in weather conditions, visit the National Weather Service's Sacramento office online at or check out the weather forecast link on the Lake County News home page.

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Polar bears along sea ice in the Arctic Ocean on September 1, 2008. Photo by Jessica K Robertson, U.S. Geological Survey.


ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Sea-ice habitats essential to polar bears would likely respond positively should more curbs be placed on global greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new modeling study published this month in the journal, Nature.

The study, led by the U.S. Geological Survey, included university and other federal agency scientists. The research broke new ground in the “tipping point” debate in the scientific community by providing evidence that during this century there does not seem to be a tipping point at which sea-ice loss would become irreversible.

The report does not affect the decision made by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2008 to list the polar bear as a threatened species.

This new study builds and expands upon studies published by the USGS in 2007. The new study evaluates additional scenarios in which greenhouse gas emissions are reduced in comparison to the business-as-usual scenario that was exclusively used in the previous research.

Modeling outcomes for the additional scenarios provided evidence that the projected continuation of Arctic sea-ice decline could be altered if greenhouse gas emissions were mitigated in a manner that stabilizes atmospheric CO2 levels at or less than around 450 parts per million. Current CO2 levels are around 390 ppm.

The 2007 studies by the USGS had projected that under the business-as-usual greenhouse gas emissions scenario, future reduction of Arctic sea ice could result in a loss of two-thirds of the world's polar bear population by mid-century.

They had also shown that under this scenario, loss of sea ice would have such a drastic negative effect on polar bears that other efforts to reduce stress on their populations would have negligible benefits.

Other stress factors considered in the modeling include disease and predation, overutilization, contaminants, tourism, bear-human interactions, oil and gas activity, and shipping. The earlier study did not examine other greenhouse gas emission scenarios.




A polar bear slides across thin Arctic Ocean ice Aug. 21, 2009. Photo by Patrick Kelley, U.S. Coast Guard.



The new analyses published in the journal, Nature, indicate that with lower greenhouse gas emissions, coupled with reductions in other population stressors, polar bears could persist in all four ecoregions where they presently occur, said Steve Amstrup, lead author of the study and a scientist emeritus with the USGS Alaska Science Center.

Amstrup noted that their new work emulated the rapid sea-ice loss that occurred in the Arctic between September 2006 and September 2007 when the loss of sea ice equaled the total amount of ice lost during the previous 27 years.

This exponential loss of ice during such a short time was one of the reasons why so many scientists were concerned that there might be a tipping point beyond which sea ice would be irreversibly lost.

“Instead, we found that the relationship between the loss of sea ice and the average global temperature is linear,” said Amstrup. “In fact, the models indicate that major losses of summer sea ice can occur without pushing ice into a tipping point with permanent ice-free summers. If such a tipping point had existed, it would have meant that efforts to reduce greenhouse gases would have had little value in stemming the loss of polar ice critical for polar bears.”

Polar bears depend on sea ice as a platform to hunt seals, their primary food. Current declines in habitat have been associated with declines in body stature, survival rates, and population size in broad areas of the current polar bear range.

The new paper, “Greenhouse gas mitigation can reduce sea-ice loss and increase polar bear persistence,” was published by the journal, Nature, on Dec. 16.

The study was authored by Steve Amstrup (USGS), Eric DeWeaver (National Science Foundation), David Douglas (USGS), Bruce Marcot (USDA Forest Service), George Durner (USGS), Cecilia Bitz (University of Washington) and David Bailey (National Center for Atmospheric Research).

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Sunset over sea ice along the Arctic Ocean, taken September 1, 2008, by Jessica K Robertson , U.S. Geological Survey.

SACRAMENTO – Holiday parties are a fun, enjoyable part of the season for many, but they also can bring increased danger and tragedy to the roadways.

More parties mean more driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, and more car crashes.

Not only is this a danger to motorists, but it also increases the risk to highway workers, according to Caltrans.

Caltrans is responsible for cleaning up debris after traffic collisions, directing traffic, quickly repairing highway damage, and getting traffic flowing again so additional crashes don't occur. This puts Caltrans workers at risk of being hit by a drunk or otherwise impaired driver as they are directing traffic or cleaning up after a collision.

That is what happened recently when Caltrans highway maintenance worker Gary Smith was called from home to provide traffic control on Highway 99 in Chico when an earlier DUI crash killed two adults and one child.

A suspected drunk driver then drove through the safety barriers, striking and killing Smith, a nearly 33-year veteran of Caltrans.

“It is everyone's responsibility to slow down when traveling through a highway work zone or when there is a roadside emergency,” said Caltrans Director Cindy McKim. “By slowing down and driving responsibly, you can help ensure that highway workers will safely return home to their families this holiday season.”

Caltrans, the California Office of Traffic Safety and the California Highway Patrol remind all drivers to plan ahead to have a designated sober driver after drinking, and to be alert for other drivers who may be impaired.

Anyone who suspects someone driving under the influence should immediately notify law enforcement by dialing 911.

Also, if you see a Caltrans or CHP vehicle flashing their warning lights, slow down, watch for highway workers and be prepared for sudden stops or lane closures.

Be sure to follow the “Move Over” law and try to switch to a safer lane when approaching highway crews or CHP officers on the side of the road.

Help protect those who make our highways safer everyday.

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KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – A Thursday evening crash resulted in minor injuries, with authorities looking for a vehicle that reportedly left the scene.

The collision occurred near Kit's Corner, the intersection of Highways 29 and 281, shortly after 6 p.m., according to the California Highway Patrol.

A vehicle was reported to have crashed into a telephone pole, the CHP said.

Reports from the scene indicated there were two, four or seven vehicles involved. It was not clear Thursday night just how many were in the crash based on the information available.

A vehicle – reported to be a white van driven by a woman – left the scene and headed toward Lower Lake, and was being sought by officials. A be on the lookout was issued for the vehicle.

Work at the scene was continuing after 8 p.m., the CHP reported.

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KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – The California Highway Patrol is continuing to investigate a Thursday evening crash near Kelseyville that involved seven vehicles and has officials still searching for a possible hit-and-run suspect.

The crash occurred near the intersection of Highways 29 and 281 at Kit's Corner just after 6 p.m. Thursday, as Lake County News has reported.

CHP Officer Joe Wind said fellow officers who responded to the collision described the scene as chaotic, with numerous drivers, passenger and seven vehicles.

“The collision is still under investigation,” Wind said Friday. “We don't really know who's at fault at this point in time.”

He said they're still trying to piece together the scene and how the collision was triggered.

“It was essentially a pileup,” he said.

There were some injuries, but Wind said they were minor.

The crash was initially reported as a vehicle into a telephone pole, but Wind said the investigation so far hasn't revealed whether that was how the crash started, or if a vehicle ended up against he pole after the crash. He said PG&E and other utility companies weren't called to make any repairs to the pole.

Officers are looking for a possible suspect vehicle that some witnesses saw leaving the crash scene, said Wind.

“Preliminary reports indicate we have a white Dodge Durango that was possibly involved that left the scene going southbound,” he said.

The Durango, for which he didn't have a year, was said to have minor damage to its front left fender.

Lake County News received information from another party that the Durango triggered the crash by hitting a PT Cruiser first.

Wind said the CHP made one arrest, with one of the drivers involved, Ruth Mary Vanlokeren of Middletown, arrested by CHP Officer Jeremy Jensen on suspicion of driving under the influence.

Vanlokeren later posted $5,000 bail and was released.

Wind said Jensen is leading the investigation.

Anyone with information on the suspect vehicle is asked to call the CHP at 707-279-0103.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at , on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

BOONVILLE, Calif. – Mendocino County officials are seeking to find an elderly Boonville man reported missing Thursday.

Just after 10 p.m. Thursday the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office received a call regarding the disappearance fo Eugene Marshall Bright, 76, according to a report from Lt. Tim Marsh.

Marsh said Bright's neighbor, Sylvia Carsey, made the report.

Carsey told officials that she looks after Bright, who she last saw on the property around his residence at about 5:30 p.m. Thursday.

At around 9 p.m. Carsey went to check on Bright and found he was gone, along with his small, gray-haired poodle. Marsh said Bright's ID was left behind.

Marsh said officials have received reports of Bright seen walking down Highway 128 in the Yorkville area.

He said Highway 128 between Philo and the south county line has been extensively driven in attempts to locate Bright, but thus far no one has been able to find him.

Bright is described as 6 feet tall and 157 pounds. He was last seen wearing a light orange-colored jacket, blue jeans and a felt brimmed like hat with a small feather on the outside band of the hat.

Anyone with information on Bright's whereabouts is asked to call the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office at 707-463-4086.

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Northshore Fire Protection District firefighters work on a vehicle that caught fire early on Thursday, December 23, 2010, at Robinson Rancheria Resort & Casino in Nice, Calif. Photo by Gary McAuley.

NICE, Calif. – An early morning fire on Thursday destroyed a vehicle.

The fire occurred at around 3 a.m. Thursday in the parking lot of Robinson Rancheria Resort & Casino in Nice.

Reports from the scene indicated that casino personnel had attempted to put the fire out but were unable to do so.

Firefighters with Northshore Fire Protection District responded to extinguish the blaze.

The driver had reportedly arrived earlier this week from Missouri, reports from the scene indicated.

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The vehicle, reportedly owned by a person from Missouri, caught fire around 3 a.m. Thursday, December 23, 2010, at Robinson Rancheria Resort & Casino in Nice, Calif. Photo by Gary McAuley.

CLEARLAKE, Calif. – Clearlake Police took a local man into custody Friday after he attempted to burglarize the local Walmart store.

Dale Daniel McKay, 20, of Clearlake was arrested for burglary and resisting arrest, according to a report from Sgt. Tim Hobbs.

At 7:30 a.m. Friday Clearlake Police officers were dispatched to Walmart on a report of burglary that had just occurred, Hobbs said.

Hobbs said the suspect, later identified as McKay, had allegedly fled the store with two PlayStation 3s and was last seen going into the field to the south of McDonald’s.

During a search of the area McKay came out of the field and was spotted by Officer Travis Lenz in the loading dock area behind Ray's Food Place, Hobbs said.

A foot pursuit ensued and McKay ran from Lenz around to the front of the store. As McKay attempted to run inside the store he was tackled by a citizen who had observed Lenz chasing him through the parking lot, Hobbs said.

McKay was arrested for burglary and resisting arrest and later booked into the Lake County Jail, with bail set at $10,000, according to Hobbs. McKay later posted bail and was released.

Hobbs said the stolen property also was located.

The Clearlake Police Department also wanted to recognize the efforts of the citizen who assisted in the arrest of McKay, said Hobbs.

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LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – The holiday shopping season, now nearing its end, has produced some hope and good news for businesses around the nation, as well as those right here at home.

Since the recession officially started in December 2007, consumer spending has been sluggish compared to that seen during the several years previous.

That trend has continued over the last few years, as people have struggled with job loss, foreclosure and the overall uncertainty of the country's economic situation.

But analysts around the country are pointing to some interesting facts to emerge from this holiday season. Holiday spending can be a good indication of other economic factors.

Here in Lake County, holiday crowds and the bustle of seasonal shopping is encouraging local businesses.

“Overall, people are feeling very good about their holiday shopping,” said Lake County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Melissa Fulton.

Fulton, who did a quick survey of several Lakeport businesses Thursday, said one store she spoke with felt it was keeping pace with last year, which wasn't a strong year for commerce.

“The others all said they were very pleased with the way things are going and the way shoppers have come out, so that's a good thing,” Fulton said.

Based on feedback from chamber members, Fulton said the recession seemed to start later locally. That's a sentiment voiced by some county government officials earlier this year, who also noted the county is likely to come out of the grips of the recession later.

Despite some optimistic signs for businesses, Lake County's economic challenges still appear to be full-fledged. November's unemployment rate rose to 18.7 percent, up from 17.1 percent over October.

Last month, The Conference Board's Consumer Confidence Index showed an increase that brought it to its highest level in five months. The survey is based on a representative sample of 5,000 U.S. households.

“Consumers’ assessment of the current state of the economy and job market, while only slightly better than last month, suggests the economy is still expanding, albeit slowly,” said Lynn Franco, director of The Conference Board Consumer Research Center.

Likewise, last month the Consumer Electronics Association said it found consumer confidence to be the highest since October 2009.

“Consumers are beginning to feel less pessimistic about employment as their overall economic outlook improves,” said Shawn DuBravac, CEA chief economist and director of research. “While the labor market remains depressed, consumer sentiment is rising.”

Reston, Va.-based comScore – which tracks the digital world, including e-commerce – reported Wednesday that $28.36 billion had been spent online in the first 49 days of the holiday shopping season, accounting for a 12-percent increase versus the corresponding days last year.

In addition, the week ending Dec. 19 showed $5.5 billion in spending, 14 percent up from the same week last year, while the final shopping weekend before Christmas hit $900 million in retail e-commerce spending, representing a strong 17-percent growth rate compared to the same time in 2009, comScore reported.

The news about consumer spending comes as foreclosure numbers nationwide appear to be falling, according to the latest RealtyTrac report.

The company's November 2010 report, released earlier this month, showed a 21-percent decrease in foreclosure actions nationwide from October, and a 14-percent decrease since November 2009.

Both the 21 percent month-over-month decrease and 14 percent year-over-year decrease in foreclosure activity were the highest drops recorded since RealtyTrac began publishing the U.S. Foreclosure Report in January 2005.

In the midst of the changing economic factors, around Lake County this year, several charitable efforts – such as wish trees at various businesses and organizations, and food drives – reported overwhelming and quick response from the community to help those in need.

Fulton said that while the local economic optimism isn't yet overwhelming, there is a feeling that people are becoming more comfortable about spending money.

She's also hearing feedback about a strong economic fourth quarter for businesses.

“So let's hope that it keeps up,” she said.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at , on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – The holidays are a time of celebration with family, friends and co-workers.

Often, those holiday festivities involve travel, whether it’s to a relative’s house, home from the office Christmas party, or even just a quick trip to the store for a last-minute purchase.

Regardless of what brings you out on the roadways this year, know that you’re in good company with the California Highway Patrol (CHP).

On Friday, Dec. 24, at 6 p.m., the CHP begins its Christmas Maximum Enforcement Period (MEP) which continues through Sunday, Dec. 26, at 11:59 p.m.

During this holiday weekend, CHP offices throughout the state plan for increased visible presence by deploying special enforcement teams, in addition to those who are already scheduled to work.

“The holiday season is all about having good times with family and friends, and about sharing and giving,” said CHP Commissioner Joe Farrow. “We want to make sure everyone enjoy their festivities, and therefore, our goal is to ensure you and your loved ones arrive at your destination safely.”

Drivers are reminded to always wear seat belts, put children in appropriate safety seats, drive at a safe speed for various conditions, and never drink and drive during this holiday season.

“Officers will be on the road to ensure motorists celebrate the holidays in a safe, responsible manner,” added Commissioner Farrow. “If your celebration involves alcohol, please designate a non-drinking driver.”

Last year during the CHP’s Christmas holiday enforcement effort, 22 people were killed in collisions statewide; among the vehicle occupants killed within CHP’s jurisdiction, more than half were not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash. CHP officers also accounted for 1,104 arrests made statewide for driving under the influence (DUI) during the 2009 Christmas MEP.

The CHP will conduct a similar holiday enforcement effort during the New Year’s weekend which begins Friday, Dec. 31, at 6 p.m., and continues through 11:59 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 2, 2011.

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