Tuesday, 02 July 2024

Tango Mike sends out thanks

At last, a little breather where we can catch up with some overdue business ... such as thanking all whom we can for their generosity. We here at Operation Tango Mike have become so involved in sending comfort parcels to the troops we are seriously delinquent in honoring those whose donations of money and goods made it possible.

In December, the effort was supported by originator Ginny Craven, Dean Gotham, Michael Kirch, Nancy Rhoades, Frank and Suzi Parker, Mendo-Lake Urology in Ukiah, this author, and CLAY, the youth group from Nice's Baptist Church. Chapter 951 of Vietnam Veterans of America began the support that turned into sponsorship.

In January, Michael Kirch, Nancy Rhoades, Ginny Craven, Dean Gotham, Suzi and Frank Parker, CLAY, and Chapter 951 again donated. They were joined by Sharon Leuzinger, Skip Hulet, Kirk MacDonald, the Myers family (Wayne, Tammy and Joe), Valerie Stewart, Woody and Sandy Hughes, Tamara Newby, John and Naomi Cain, Patricia Larson and R. J. Tucker. Cheri Holden of Watershed Books came through. Most importantly, the United Veterans Council not only contributed to our cause; its members returned to their veterans organizations with the aim of enlisting every one of their groups in the effort.

In February, Michael Kirch, Frank Parker, and Suzi Parker chipped in once again. Other individual contributors were Jess Combs, Bob Berkowitz, Bill Combs, Albert Carter, John Beavers, Ron Melville, Bob and Kathy Roberts, Mary Ann Nash, Donna Christopher, Michael and Ellen Hennig, Mark and Esther Otte, Ronnie and Janeane Bogner, Bob Pearce and Don Whitney. Business donors increased, with contributions from Lynn Fegan of Catfish Books, Blue Water Realty, and EJ's Video (now Pearadise Video). American Legion Post #194, Pearl Harbor Survivors, and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #2337 supported their younger comrades in arms. The Kelseyville Lions Club came through. At Kelseyville Elementary School, Mrs. Brown, Mr. McLaren, Ms Kies and Mrs. Ayers rallied their third grade classes to create a tremendous outpouring of notes and drawings to cheer up the troops.



For March, Dean Gotham, Frank and Suzi Parker, Bob Pearce, and this author were repeat donors. Other individual benefactors included Gary Lewis, Frances Crosby, Mark Lockhart, Barbara Toy, Wendy White, Jacole Morgan, Jewell "Dede" Scovell, Richard Birk, and James and Paula Connors. Disabled American Veterans Post #83 contributed to our effort. Businesses and organizations helped us tremendously Tango Mike to Mendo-Mill Home Center and Lumber Co., Loeb's Ink Spot, Konocti Rod and Gun Club, the Clearlake Oaks-Glenhaven Business Association, Mendo-Lake Office Products and Konocti Vista Casino. The Interact Club (Student Rotary) of Middletown High School and Terrace School fifth graders also contributed.

We would also like to thank those donors who remain anonymous through chance or design. We had pass-the-hat situations, such as the Lucerne Town Hall Meeting and such. We've also had those who are too modest to admit their gifts. Regardless, whether you could give $1,000 or a dollar, some goods, magazines, books, or handwritten notes, we thank you all very much for supporting Americans in harm's way.

Finally, if we've skipped anyone, please accept our apology. We are human, and we may err, but we are still grateful.

George J. Dorner is a member of Operation Tango Mike.




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