Tuesday, 02 July 2024

Operation Tango Mike begins another year with love

The Girl Scouts chipped in at the recent Operation Tango Mike packing party. Photo courtesy of Ginny Craven.

LAKEPORT – Love was definitely in the air when Operation Tango Mike assembled the first care packages of 2008.

The boxes were loaded with handmade Valentines from Minnie Canon Elementary School, Terrace School, Lakeport Elementary School as well as Brownies and Girl Scouts. The notes are sure to be a hit as correspondence is the No. 1 request for the care packages.

Troops also will receive Valentine candy and photos along with snacks and hygiene products.

Every recipient is also getting a very special Heart Warmer Pocket, designed to fit in a uniform pocket and carry mementos, notes, letters and pictures. Each Heart Warmer Pocket also contained a handwritten note of support.

The packing party was well attended with nearly 50 volunteers working on behalf of deployed troops. Among them were Brownies, Girl Scouts, Sea Scouts, Lakeport Lions, veterans and civilians.

In less than two hours, 88 boxes were packed with love, support and goodies. When the evening concluded the supply bins were empty but the care packages were full. It was a great start to a new year and a reaffirmation of the local support for our troops.

Those in attendance were also able to read many of the thank you cards and letters on display at Umpqua Bank. Several care package recipients have sent notes, letters and Christmas cards to Operation Tango Mike, thanking everyone for the supplies and support.

There also were some happy hearts as one local family packed the final care package for their son, who will be heading home as his deployment ends soon.

With monthly shipping costs averaging nearly $790, all donations are appreciated and put to use. Langtry Estate and Winery recently provided a $500 donation, which was used in shipping the Valentine care packages.

The list of Lake County troops supported by Operation Tango Mike is growing and volunteers are working hard on their behalf.

To assist in fundraising the Lakeport Lions will host an all-you-can-eat crab feed at Konocti Vista Casino on Feb. 9. Proceeds will benefit Operation Tango Mike, Boy Scouts and Sea Scouts. There will be limited tickets at the door and pre-sale ticket purchases are advised.

The event also will feature the first-ever World Championship of No Peeky Poker. Buy in is $50 pre-sale or $60 at the event, beginning at noon. You may contact Ed Collins at 262-0413, Ginny Craven at 349-2838 or Konocti Vista Casino at 262-1900.

Operation Tango Mike volunteers are welcome and there are many ways to participate. Cards, notes and letters are always needed for the care packages. Correspondence costs nothing but a little time, yet it means a great deal to the troops.

The next care packages will be assembled toward the end of February. Those will be Easter care packages as that holiday falls in March this year. Donations of Easter goodies will be greatly appreciated.

For information regarding Operation Tango Mike please contact Ginny Craven at 349-2838 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Lakeport Lions President Ed Collins works on a package for a grateful troop. Photo courtesy of Ginny Craven.




Amanda, one of the young people who helped assemble care packages for troops. Photo courtesy of Ginny Craven.




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