Tuesday, 02 July 2024

BLM continues to encourage responsible recreation on public lands

Hikers appropriately distanced while enjoying Bureau of Land Management public lands at the Sacramento River Bend, Yana Trail. Josh Hammari/BLM

NORTHERN CALIFORNIA – The Bureau of Land Management is working to maintain services to the American people and our stakeholders, consistent with evolving guidance provided by the Center for Disease Control and state and local health authorities.

The health and safety of visitors and staff remain the top priority of the BLM.

In accordance with the state of California’s recent regional stay at home order, the BLM will continue to monitor and evaluate the need to close some developed campgrounds in coordination with local, state and federal agency partners, to help limit the spread of COVID-19.

Visitors may continue to enjoy their BLM managed trails and open spaces in California while following recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local and state public health authorities.

Social distancing recommendations are extremely important to reducing the transmission of COVID-19 and may require that visitors avoid public lands during high-use times, such as weekends.

Please limit any group activities to members of your household. At all times, maintain a distance of 6 feet or more from people outside of your household and wear a mask when social distancing is not possible.

The BLM urges visitors to do their part when visiting your public lands as some visitor services may be limited due to closures and staff safety.

The following actions are recommended:

– Plan ahead by checking this website for the latest information on temporary closures or reduced amenities;
– Bring your own supplies such as disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizer and toilet paper;
– Pack out your trash;
– Reduce the handling of cash by paying recreation fees through www.recreation.gov or with a check, where available.

Providing for recreation opportunities and access to public lands during this time are just some of the many activities BLM California staff continues to perform each and every day.

“We recognize that opportunities to enjoy public lands, especially during these times, is vitally important to the nation and our neighbors,” the agency said.

If you’d like to contact or do business with the BLM, please do so by email or phone whenever possible. Contact information is available at www.blm.gov/California.

For more information on the status of recreation and visitor services across BLM-managed public lands in California, please visit https://www.blm.gov/site-page/blm-california-covid-19-updates or contact local offices at https://on.doi.gov/38ZT5OI.

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