Sunday, 07 July 2024

Little League International calls for postponement until early April

On Thursday, Little League International announced that it is delaying the implementation of the Little League season, which is to begin no earlier April 6.

The organization made the announcement on its website.

Little League International, which operates more than 6,500 programs in more than 84 countries, implemented the temporary suspension of all league activities until early April out of an abundance of caution.

For those leagues that have already begun their seasons, we kindly ask that you postpone all league activity that may involve the gathering of individuals for games, practices, events, or meetings. If you have not started your season, we kindly ask that you modify your schedule and season plans to start no earlier than April 6,” organization said in its Thursday announcement.

“Should Little League determine that the recommended delay of the season will extend past April 6, we will provide timely notification and information regarding the impact of such a delay,” Little League officials said.

Little League International said it’s advising all leagues and families to follow the guidelines set by the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, state public health departments, and other county and/or local authorities including precedents set by area school districts and government agencies.

After resuming the season following the recommended delay, Little League International encourages everyone to follow the best practices as outlined by the CDC, which include washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (if soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer); avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands; and avoid close contact with people who are sick.

The organization also urges people to limit close, physical contact with others (including shaking hands); clean and sanitize hard surfaces and shared equipment that leagues use; tip caps/visors instead of shaking hands at the end of a game; make sure all players have their own water/drink bottles and are not sharing; stock bathrooms and concession stand areas with soap and hand sanitizer; and, if any volunteers are uncomfortable or cannot attend a league or district meeting, utilize free phone/web conferencing service.

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