Sunday, 07 July 2024

The Rider Report: Tough fishing requires different techniques

This is a tough one to write. The fishing is generally regarded as tough, except for the catfishing, and we’ve got us a bit of an ecological problem on our hands. I’ll expound …

Bass guys (and gals) are finding a few fish in the morning hours. They’re fishing transitional areas such as dock ends, drop offs and weed lines. Stay well away from the many areas being treated for hydrilla – noted by locating the decaying weeds and floating brown particles. The bass find these areas of particular discomfort and get right on out of dodge.

There isn’t any one technique to pin your hat on right now. We’re largely back to a “throw it all at ‘em” tactic to see what works. On the live bait front, we’re pushing a lot of extra large minnows at the moment with some good luck. Try ‘em for bass, try ‘em for cats. Take your pick. We’ve also received word that we should be into some nice Jumbos soon, soon, soon. (Next week? I’ve got my fingers crossed for good luck!)

No mention of crappie yet, still in a holding pattern there. There’s an abundance of tiny bluegill in the lake. They’re taking worms of any variety. Let ‘em grow a bit before really setting into them – please.

Catfish. Voracious eaters, they are. Live minnows have been the big sell for cats lately. Lots of folks still working the other baits too. Mackerel, anchovies, clams, livers, night crawlers, you name it. Again, try to stay away from the weed decay and you’ll likely do okay. A couple of my bass guys have mentioned that the cats have taken a fancy to some high-dollar crank baits, too. So, if you don’t mind having a whiskerfish gnaw on your Lucky Craft lures, then try that too … J

And lastly, the big question everyone is asking … The carp kill. Thousands of carp line the shoreline and coves all around the lake. The official word is that the officials don’t know … officially. Speculation would have us pointing to the heavy hydrilla abatement efforts or perhaps a carp specific virus. The state biologists are testing, but the results are weeks or months out.

The net effect, however, is largely that the lake just flat stinks – as in malodorous stinks. Cooler weather and some stiff winds this weekend should help to move the natural process along and clear out some of the funk.

That’s the reel deal for now … Any questions, give us a call at the shop we’re here for you seven days a week!

Bob Rider owns Lakeshore Bait & Tackle in Clearlake. Visit his Web site at or call him at 994-FISH (3474).


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