Thursday, 04 July 2024

The Rider Report: A decent bite coming up

Howdy Folks. We’re fresh back from our annual trade show in Las Vegas. We found some great deals, some great gear, and had a great time.

While we were gone, the storms came in here at Clear Lake. High winds and copious amounts or rain made for a pretty miserable week here – or so I’m told.

This week, the winds have subsided, but the rain continues … And for that we’re actually quite grateful. Our marvelous lake has risen over a foot in the last 10 days with water continuing to stream in from the watershed. We’ve had only a few reports so the actual fishing report pretty thin.

Look for a decent bite to kick in as the weather improves into this coming weekend and beyond. (At least, that’s what the weather guessers are saying it’s going to do.) Minnows and nightcrawlers should get hammered as well as drop shot rigs and slow moving plastics. The lake will be muddied up a bit so you may have to adjust colors to suite the current conditions.

The crappie fishermen are hoping for a big return as the lake fills and once popular fishing holes spring back to life. We’ll keep you posted as things develop …

Catfishermen know – they just know – that heavy rain means a big upswing in activity for hungry whiskerfish. We’re looking for this bite to swing into gear also. Now, all we need is a few nice days to get anglers back into the swing of things and start getting some solid reports.

For up to the minute reports, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us at 707.994.FISH (3474).

Bob Rider owns Lakeshore Bait & Tackle in Clearlake. Visit his Web site at or call him at 994-FISH (3474).


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