Sunday, 29 September 2024

Department of Fish and Game: Petition to list black-backed woodpecker as endangered or threatened


Pursuant to Section 2074.4 of the California Fish and Game Code (FGC), NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on December 15, 2011, the California Fish and Game Commission accepted for consideration the petition submitted to list the black-backed woodpecker (Picoides arcticus) as threatened or endangered (Section 670.1, 670.5, Title 14, California Code of Regulations) as follows:

Species Proposal

Black-backed woodpecker List as Threatened or Endangered

(Picoides arcticus)

The California Endangered Species Act (FGC, Chapter 1.5, Section 2050 et seq.) requires that the Department of Fish and Game notify affected and interested parties that the Commission has accepted the petition for the purpose of receiving information and comments that will aid in evaluating the petition and determining whether or not the above proposal should be adopted or rejected by the Commission.

The Commission’s December 15, 2011 action has resulted in this species receiving the interim designation of “candidate for listing,” effective January 6, 2012, under the California Endangered Species Act.

The Department has 12 months to review the petition, evaluate the available information, and report back to the Commission whether or not the petitioned action is warranted (FGC 2074.6). The Department’s recommendation must be based on the best scientific information available to the Department.

Therefore, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that anyone with data or comments on the taxonomic status, ecology, biology, life history, management recommendations, distribution, abundance, threats, habitat that may be essential for the species, or other factors related to the status of the above species, is hereby requested to provide such data or comments to:

California Department of Fish and Game

Nongame Wildlife Program

Attn: Ms. Lyann Comrack

1812 9th Street

Sacramento, California 95811

Please submit 2 hard copies and a digital copy. Comments may also be sent via email to:

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It is requested that responses be received by June 1, 2012 to allow sufficient time for inclusion in the Department’s final report to the Fish and Game Commission.

If the Department concludes that the petitioned action is warranted, it will recommend that the Commission adopt the proposal. If the Department concludes that the petitioned action is not warranted, it will recommend that the Commission reject the proposal.

Receipt of the report will be placed on the agenda for the next available meeting of the Commission after delivery. The report will be made available to the public at that time.

Following receipt of the Department’s report, the Commission will allow a 30-day public comment period prior to taking any action on the Department’s recommendation.

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Lyann Comrack, Staff Environmental Scientist, by telephone at (916) 341-6981 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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