Saturday, 28 September 2024

Emoto's message: Positive words promote healing

LAKE COUNTY Dr. Masaru Emoto’s message was clear … positive words promote healing.

His special California appearance to a sold-out crowd on Tuesday night at the Konocti Harbor Resort and Spa was an important event for Lake County residents as well as those from surrounding counties.

Using beautiful visual documentation of his scientific process of collecting, freezing and photographing water molecules, Dr. Emoto stunned his Lake County audience with his comparisons of lake water molecules collected from around the world, including Clear Lake and Bartlett Springs.

The Clear Lake frozen water crystal was breathtaking in comparison. An intricate jewel-like image, the Clear Lake crystal was described by Dr. Emoto as an extraordinarily complex structure.

He hypothesized that its complexity and beauty was most likely connected to the fact that Clear Lake may be one of the oldest lakes in the world. Lakes have existed at the site of Clear Lake for at least two and a half million years.

Dr. Emoto emphasized that vibrations, such as sound, directly impact the shape of water crystals. He shared with the audience experiments he conducted exposing water crystals to classical music.

The Lake County audience was amazed by his photographic imagery documenting the resulting changes. The fractal-like structures morphed like budding flowers.

Vibrations, Dr. Emoto explained, are the same as resonance vibrations used in MRI machines (medical resonance imagery).

These same vibrations emitted by music and MRI machines are also emitted by human beings. His documentation points to important evidence that the quality of our tone of voice and the intention behind our words greatly affect the structure of water crystals. In other words, it is important for people to cultivate positive thoughts and feelings, and to communicate with one another using kind words.

Dr. Emoto’s research directly supports the wellness concepts and programs offered by Sutter Lakeside Hospital and Center For Health.

“Cultivating healthy thoughts and feelings in our community directly affect health and wellness. Let’s start the process of cultivating positivity right here in Lake County by learning appreciation for this amazing lake that exists in our own backyard,” said Kelly Mather, CEO of Sutter Lakeside Hospital and Center For Health.

“Let’s be mindful of the wisdom of our lake,” Mather added. “Let’s visualize greater connectedness with this special body of water, and enjoy the consequences of greater health and wellness in the process.”


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