Monday, 30 September 2024

Suspected bacterial meningitis case reported in Willits

NORTH COAST, Calif. – On Friday, Oct. 4, Mendocino County Public Health officials reported that one adult from the Willits area is hospitalized with a confirmed diagnosis of Meningococcemia.

Public Health nurses have contacted those persons thought to be in close contact with this individual and have provided them with information on symptoms and preventative treatment.

Persons who have had close contact with this individual are being treated with antibiotics which significantly reduce the risk of becoming ill.

Meningococcemia is caused by a bacteria called Neisseria meningitidis. The bacteria frequently lives in a person's upper respiratory tract without causing visible signs of illness.

Meningococcemia is usually spread through close contact. The bacteria are present in the saliva and mucous of the one who has the disease and can be passed on to one who has direct contact with the oral or nasal excretions (coughing, sneezing or kissing) of the infected person.

However, the bacteria can only survive very briefly outside of the body so it is unlikely to be passed through the handling of objects.

The incubation period of meningococcemia lasts from 2-10 days. The disease occurs mainly in children, but may also occur among adults, especially those in overcrowded spaces.

Cases are usually contained among members of a household who have close contact with each other.

Symptoms include irritability, fever, headache, sensitivity to light, altered consciousness and rash with red or purple spots on the abdomen and extremities.

A preexposure bacterial meningitis vaccine is available for persons from 11 years to 55 years of age.

If you have questions regarding your exposure of meningitis contact Public Health Services at 707-472-2600.

Public Health Services extend thanks to health partners for their quick response to this case: Howard Memorial Hospital and Baechtel Creek Clinic.

For more information see section on Meningococcemia on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Web site, .

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