Sunday, 29 September 2024

Chesbro honored for promoting dignity for those suffering from mental disabilities

SACRAMENTO – The California Mental Health Advocacy Conference has awarded Assemblymember Wesley Chesbro (D-North Coast) a “California Champions of Change Award.”

In addition to the award, Chesbro received special recognition at the conference earlier this month in Los Angeles for his work with mental health clients and family members to effect change as a member of the State Assembly, State Senate and the California Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC).

Chesbro also was recognized for his pioneering efforts to reduce seclusion and restraints, and to promote dignity through the establishment of the California Memorial Project.

“Assemblymember Chesbro was chosen to receive this award based on his leadership in advancing human dignity, for his enduring support for mental health services in California and for championing the California Memorial Project,” said Eduardo Vega, program director of Empowerment and Advocacy for the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, member of MHSOAC and director of the conference. “Chesbro has been instrumental in making California a better place to live for individuals and families affected by disabilities.”

Chesbro created the California Memorial Project with legislation as a state senator in 2002.

Between 1852 and the 1960s an estimated 45,000 people who had been living in state institutions died and were buried in unmarked or un-numbered mass graves on state lands.

The mission of the California Memorial Project is to identify the locations of remains, find and restore lost graves and honor those who were buried in them.

“It is an honor to receive this award,” Chesbro said. “In 2002 I was lucky enough to partner with the California Network of Mental Health Clients, Disability Rights California’s Peer Self-Advocacy Units and People First of California in authoring legislation to create the California Memorial Project. This important piece of legislation was the product of hard work between all the stakeholders working towards the common goal of recapturing the dignity of those who died and were buried in institutions throughout the state.”

In the current legislative session, Chesbro is the author of ACR 123, which would establish the third Monday of September to memorialize these Californians.

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