The order extends the deadlines for local educational agencies to submit Local Control and Accountability Plans, or LCAP, which are multi-year planning documents tied to budget projections.
By law, LCAPs must be developed in collaboration with parents, students, teachers, and community groups. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, school leaders are appropriately focused on managing the immediate needs of their students and families.
Local educational agencies will publish a written report to their communities explaining how they are responding to COVID-19.
They will be required to explain steps they have taken to deliver high-quality distance learning opportunities, provide school meals in non-congregate settings, and arrange for supervision of students during ordinary school hours.
They will also be required to explain the steps they have taken to meet the needs low-income students, English learners, and foster youth. The report will help provide transparency and accountability to communities.
The executive order also waives required physical education minutes and annual physical fitness testing that requires on-site instruction. Academic assessments were previously waived under a separate order.
The text of the governor’s executive order can be seen below.
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