Monday, 30 September 2024

Carlé Chronicle: End of the first grading period, welcome to a new staffer

LOWER LAKE, Calif. – Sept. 15 marked the end of the first grading period and with that we begin a normal grading period.

Since the first three weeks we had a thematic; basically, the first grading period was split into two.

The second grade period ends in six weeks on Oct. 27.

Students received their grades and transcripts during an advisory class, as well as having them mailed home by Secretary Harris.

Each student went over their grades and credit with their advisors and made plans to achieve their graduation goals.

A unique aspect of Carlé is that students are expected to be in charge of their credits and work with their advisors for the plan that best supports them.

On Sept. 15, Angie Harris started working for Carlé as the site secretary.

Harris was asked why she started working as Carlé’s site secretary and she responded, “I started here for a job opportunity and to progress my educational career and as a progression of achievement for me.”

I also asked, “Do you enjoy working at Carlé and the students here?”

“I really feel welcomed by all of the students, they made me like I'm part of their big family,” she said.

Finally, I asked if she could do anything other than what she is currently doing?

“If I were to do anything other than working with children I would work in the medical field as I previously did,” she said.

Ms. Harris is very friendly and extremely driven to help the students here. We at Carlé appreciate you keeping our school running so well.

Also occurring on Sept. 15, Carlé held an advisory competition. The activity that the students participated in was musical chairs in which the last five students standing got a medallion made by our lead designer Vanessa Bigelow.

First place winner was Donovan White from Lance’s advisory, second place was Piper Carr from Angie Siegel’s advisory, third place was John Almojuela, fourth place was Luis Tena and fifth place was Taylor Churchill. Congratulations to the winners, we plan on doing many fun activities like this in the future.

We would like mention officer Stephanie Green, Konocti district’s school resource officer. Officer Green is always dedicated to helping keep our schools a safe and responsible learning environment. We really appreciate all the effort you give for the students of Konocti and everything you do for us here at Carlé.

Student Jaime Miller made Officer Green a mug and keychain to show her how much she means to us.

The photo contest run by Carlé’s S.B.E. still has two weeks to go; make sure to submit anything you have so we have a chance to see them and make cool stuff with the winning photos.

All the students and staff of Carlé would like to thank Brenda Lothringer and Maria Camacho for their continued service to Carlé. Both Brenda and Maria are very friendly and always remember what in particular each student likes.

To show our appreciation toward them and what they do for us, Carlé S.B.E. program designed Brenda a mug and Maria a keychain. We can’t show enough appreciation for keeping our students fed, thank you both so much.

On Oct. 11, Lower Lake High School is hosting an ASVAB (military aptitude and skills) test in the fire science room. If you’re curious about going into the military be sure to sign up with Angie Harris.

Thank you to Ray Azevedo and Donavan Harvey for making our campus a cleaner environment.

These two students show their community spirit by recycling the whole school’s aluminum, glass and plastic along with all paper. Teacher Alan Siegel will take all the recycling in with the students and then take them to lunch as a reward for all their hard work.

Also, thank you to Deb Weimelt for giving Carlé students an opportunity for credit recovery through Odysseyware. Odysseyware is an online education and credit recovery software with many different subjects you can choose from. Thank you so much Mrs. Wiemelt we really do appreciate this special opportunity.

Nicholas Phipps is a student at Carlé Continuation High School.

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