Monday, 30 September 2024

Carlé Chronicle: Introducing a new teacher and new activities, and a project update

LOWER LAKE, Calif. – As mentioned in the last article, Lexi Fredericks is our school’s new English teacher.

Fredericks is 23 years old and is from Montana. This is her first year teaching as a fully accredited teacher. However, she has two and a half years experience teaching at an alternative school in Missoula, Montana.

Asked why she chose to work at Carlé in particular, she responded, “I enjoy working with students at continuations school because I can relate to them. If I could do anything other than teaching I would be an event planner, however, love teaching English.”

Fredericks has been doing a really great job and all of us at Carlé, students and staff alike appreciate the effort you put into educating the students of our school.

Also a shoutout to our new school site secretary Angie Harrison. Welcome, Angie. Ms. Harrison will be the focus of our next article. Students in the media class have made Ms. Harrison two key chains and a mug to welcome her to our school community.

In addition to welcoming Angie, we would like to thank Angie’s husband Phil Harrison for his spontaneous donation of many different C.H.I.L.Y. prizes including chips, cookies and many other things.

He also has offered to be a potential employer for Carlé Students; in fact he employs a Carlé graduate currently. He also offered to sponsor awards for good behavior, academic achievements, and good attendance.

As a special thank you one of our lead designers Shaina Yaqunito created him a plaque showing Carlé’s appreciation for the things he doing, we can’t say it enough, thank you.

On Friday, Sept. 1, teachers Lexi Fredericks and Lance Christensen held a water balloon toss. The winners received medallions made by our own Carlé Student Body Enterprise (S.B.E.).

Congratulations to Jose Carillo and Gage Thayer for winning the water balloon toss competition.

We will be doing more activities like this in the future. As this article went to press teacher Alan Siegel was running a musical chairs game in the library as an advisory competition. Winners will be announced next issue.

Carlé’s S.B.E. program is holding a photo contest. Unlike most of our design contests this one if for the best photo you have ever taken and does not need to be tied to Carlé High School in any way.

Winners of the contest will be announced and their photos will be put on mugs, mouse pads and key chains as the reward.

The weekend of Sept. 1 to 3 Carlé student we presented with an opportunity by Cheri Johnson of Totes for Teens to volunteer their time in a community-based project.

This community project was at the Lake County Fair. We really appreciate these student volunteering their time to help the community. A thank you to Abbreana Gonzales, Caiden Harvey, Johnnye Melvin, Ray Azevedo, Pawnum Redhawk, Teagon Tompioner, Tara Denson and Adam Morgansbesser.

All of these students volunteered their time and we at Carlé really appreciate these students for making such a commitment.

On Thursday, Aug. 24, Carlé held its annual back to school night.

During this evening parents of Carlé’s students got an opportunity to see the school, what kind of work we do at Carlé and most importantly the teachers teaching them. We really appreciate anyone that came to back to school night.

We would like to give a shoutout and thank you to Healthy Smart for coordinating dental screening and visits for Carlé on Aug. 28. We really appreciate the help provided to students especially something as essential as dental care.

A thank you also goes out to our maintenance department for sealing our new basketball court. The students truly appreciate it.

Nicholas Phipps is a student at Carlé Continuation High School in Lower Lake.

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