Monday, 30 September 2024

Carlé Chronicle: Sustainability awards and class trips


LOWER LAKE, Calif. – Last week we wrote about sustainability awards and reported on who got them. Now we will explain what they are.

Sustainability awards are given to people who maintain silver level or better for two or more consecutive grading periods.

It came about because the staff saw students doing really well one grading period and then riding on that earning much less credit the next grading period.

The reward for the award is the students who can maintain or sustain their efforts receive a certificate that is redeemable for items from our own student based enterprise.

Carlé students and staff would like to thank Principal Strahl and his daughter and Carlé graduate Quintessa Strahl for making pancakes and waffles for the whole school on April 17, 2015. They were delicious and it was a wonderful start to a great learning day.

Carlé would like to thank Danny Salvante and Kenny Kalousek for picking up the paper recycling. We also would like to thank Jasmine Heckard, Kristen Melcher and Riley Nielson for recycling all our plastic, glass and aluminum on our campus. Teacher Alan Siegel will take all out to lunch as a reward and thank you for all their hard work.

On Tuesday, April 21, Carlé students who got gold level last grading period took a gold level trip led by teachers Angie Siegel and Robin Shrive to the Taylor Observatory.

Carlé would like to thank Janice Traub speaker at the observatory and the staff of the observatory for showing us such a wonderful time.

After the awesome show the teachers and students went to a local park to have a picnic lunch.

On April 23, Principal Strahl and super secretary Barbra Dye took students who have averaged 98-percent attendance all year out to lunch to The Spot in Clearlake.

Student Regina Perrin-Clanton had her portfolio on April 23. Carlé High School congratulates her.

The student of the week for last week was Cole Wynn. Cole is an outstanding student, and a great guy who will graduate this year.

The CHILY winner for last week was Dameon Dawson and he chose a football.

Doyle Conatser and Danny Salvante are student at Carlé Continuation High School in Lower Lake, Calif.

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