Monday, 30 September 2024

Carlé Chronicle: Wrapping up for the holidays


Hello again readers, and welcome back to the Carlé Chronicle, your primary news source for all things Carlé High School.

Carlé’s student of the week was Regina Perrin-Clanton, a great student who maintains a friendly, easy-going attitude and volunteers to help out around the campus a lot. Her efforts are always appreciated.

Finals week was filled with holiday cheer and festivities, all due to the combined support of the staff and students, particularly our student government.

Wednesday, Dec. 17, our gold level students took a trip down to the Lakeport Bowling Alley, and everyone had a fantastic time making spares and strikes galore.

On Thursday, Dec. 18, Carlé hosted a holiday meal for our student body and all our staff. The lunch started at 11:20 a.m., and the meal was a huge success.

All the staff and students attended and had a blast. Principal Matt Strahl and his daughter, student Quintessa Strahl, helped out with cooking the turkeys and serving everyone.

Barbara made some delicious stuffing and mixed up our gravy, Mr. Maes brought salad and ranch dressing, the Lower Lake kitchen staff brought the mashed potatoes, Angie Siegel brought the yams, Ms. Shrive brought green beans, and student Candice Safrino and her mom made cupcakes and cookies for desert along with many pies provided by Alan.

Thanks to all the staff and students who helped out. A big thank you to Joy from Totes for Teens, our former principal Mr. Zander and Superintendent Donna Becnel for coming by and enjoying the festivities and supporting our little school.

This will be the last article written by me, Charles Warren, as I will be transferring back to Lower Lake High School next semester after our two-week winter break.

Thanks to all the Carlé staff for their support and for helping me get on the fast track to graduate and move onto bigger and better things.

When I first came to Carlé, I was struggling in many ways. I was poorly organized, irresponsible and lacking in major credits I needed to graduate.

But with everyone’s support over the past year and a half, I’m now on my way to college to pursue my passion for investigative journalism.

First and foremost I’d like to thank our secretary Barbara Dye, for all her help and assistance with school news and events, keeping the school running fantastic, and being an all around great person to talk to.

To our principal Matt Strahl, thank you for your wisdom and insight during these past few months and for helping me move on back to Lower Lake. Best of luck!

I’d also like to thank Robin Shrive, for teaching me more about literary skills and becoming a stronger writer, Dan Maes for getting me into community service and helping me stay on track, and Angie Siegel, who taught me about problem solving and who would help me reach my deadlines.

And finally, a big thanks to Alan Siegel, for introducing me to the Carlé Chronicle, helping me with my organization skills, and overall being somewhat of a mentor to me during my time here.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. You’ve all been like extended family, and you’ve all helped me learn and grow so much.

It’s been a great opportunity to write for the Carlé Chronicle, as writing has always been one of my greatest passions, and because of Carlé, it’s a passion I now know I have the means to pursue.

 Farewell faithful readers, and farewell, Carlé High School. Happy Holidays to one and all!

Charles Warren is a student at Carlé Continuation High School in Lower Lake, Calif.

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