Monday, 30 September 2024

Carlé Chronicle: Seniors finishing up; Thanksgiving vacation under way


Hello again readers, and welcome back to the Carlé Chronicle, your primary news source for all things Carlé High School.

Carlé’s student of the week last week was Antonio “AJ” Gelardi, an A student who always works hard in all his classes.

We have a number of seniors who are finishing up their portfolios and getting on the fast track to graduating.

Our first official graduate was Isaiah Piazza, who presented his portfolio and completed all his credits. Jeramy Isom presented his work oriented portfolio on Friday, Nov. 14.

Tiffani Santoni and Savanna Golden had their presentations last week on Wednesday, Nov. 19, and Thursday, Nov. 20, respectively, and we’re all so proud to see such amazing students on their way out into the world.

It was moving to hear their love for Carlé High School and to see how much they all felt the school has done for them.

The SHARP program, which came to help us this year promotes positive thinking, problem solving and healthy living, has been an astounding success and was very well received.

Each and every student has had lots of fun and everyone brings lots of positivity to the group.

The Road To Wellness is a program which supports communities and has chosen Lake County as one of five areas across the whole country as a focus of one of their five year projects.

Alan Siegel will be heading down to the meetings and representing Carlé High School. There are many other people from Konocti Unified on this group including tech guru Michael Auth and Superintendant Donna Becnel.

To our amazing maintenance man, Neb Toshich, who has been out this past week, all our students wish him well and give him our deepest wishes to get better. Filling in for Neb we have Randy Henderson, a very friendly guy who always does his duties and still manages to have good chats with the students.

Another big thanks goes to our secretary Barbara Dye. Barbara has been Carlé’s secretary for a large number of years, and keeps the whole school running smoothly and efficiently, while still bringing a smile and a lot of positivity every day. It’s safe to say without her our little school wouldn’t be the same.

To our new Principal Matt Strahl, we’d also like to extend our deepest thanks.

While he maintains an outgoing, down-to-earth attitude towards students and staff alike, he makes sure there is no tolerance towards fooling around or disobedience.

His firm but fair approach to administration and his friendly personality has been a great addition to Carlé, and we’re all happy to have him here as principal.

Mr. Strahl was awarded a handmade tie by student designer Chris Nuzzo this week.

This week all our Konocti students have the week off to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.

The Monday we come back Carlé students will be receiving their progress reports from our advisory teachers. Those reports track how many credits each students has earned and their overall grades and credits.

Carlé may be the only school in the country that gives progress reports or report cards every three weeks or a total of twelve times throughout the year.

Carlé tries hard to put the knowledge of where each student stands in their heads and then give them the opportunity to take control of their own educational future.

In the meantime though, we hope all our students, staff, and all our faithful readers are having a fantastic week and that their Thanksgiving Day is filled with good food and amazing new memories. Happy Holidays!

Charles Warren is a student at Carlé Continuation High School in Lower Lake, Calif.

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