Monday, 30 September 2024

Carlé Chronicle: Report on recent school events


Hello again readers, and welcome to a very special edition of the Carlé Chronicle, your primary news source for all things Carlé High School.

Carlé’s student of the week last week was Stevie Jones, a hard working and down-to-earth young lady who works hard at Carlé every day.

Our students of the week for the previous week were Ernesto Rodriguez and Kayla Doyle, two determined individuals who excel in their work and show a strong sense of maturity in their class work.

At lunch on Friday, a few of our students collaborated to set up a barbecue in which students were invited to chow down on some delicious Mexican food.

Our teacher Mr. Maes brought some delicious meat, Jorge brought the grill, Carlos brought the tortillas, and Sammy brought the beans and rice.

All students helped to cook, including Amaree Whiley and Rene Espinosa and his mother.

The food was delicious and we were glad to keep everyone’s spirits up today through this team effort.

Also at lunch Principal Strahl and the student council ran a fun bubble blowing activity which was won by student Blake Vonrekowski who was awarded a special banana split on the spot.

Our school would like to give thanks to Debbie Ogulin of Healthy Start and Kevin from the Lake County Office of Education for coming down to our Back To School Night, which took place on Oct. 2 and was a huge success for students, staff and parents alike.

We’d also like to give thanks to Marla Fuller and Ashley Fernandez of the Lake County Health Services Department and Mari Valdez of the Healthy Start Program for helping students with dental screenings last week.

A career fair took place at Wednesday, Oct. 15, at Lower Lake High School’s campus, with all the Lower Lake students heading out to the field to take a look at different career paths for the future. There were many different jobs being previewed.

We’d all like to give a shout out to Ms. Taliaferro, Lower Lake’s new principal, for giving the Carlé students an opportunity to come down to our sister school’s campus and take a look at the job opportunities on display. All our students were thrilled at the chance to come down.

“I enjoyed it, it was great to walk around and see everything they had,” said student Quintessa Strahl concerning the career fair.

While Lower Lake and Carlé are two wildly different schools, the students, staff, and district members alike all maintain a very close synergy with each other.

Students at Carlé have the opportunity to take classes at Lower Lake for extra credits, provided their work ethic is acceptable, their attitude is mature, and meetings are made from both schools to work with each other’s schedules.

Charles Warren is a student at Carlé Continuation High School in Lower Lake, Calif.

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