Monday, 30 September 2024

Carlé Chronicle: Celebrating Spirit Week


Here at Carlé High School we are coming closer and closer to the end of the third grading period, being the halfway mark of the school year.

Students, make sure that you are caught up on any missing assignments before the grading period is over so you can make as many credits as possible towards graduation. Stay true to your goals!

The week of Dec. 9-13 was Spirit Week at Carlé!

Monday was ugly sweater or ugly outfit day.

Tuesday was the day students could just roll out of bed and come to school, because it was Pajama Day. The students were very good about keeping the pajamas school appropriate, thank you for that.

Wednesday was crazy hat or hair day; the students had a lot of fun with that one.

Yee haw! Country Western Day was on Thursday and we saw a lot of cowboy hats and camouflage.

Last but not least, Friday was Carlé Spirit Day, where the students wore the Carlé school colors or shirts they have made at Carlé – or they wore both, bringing double the spirit!

On Wednesday, Leeann from Yuba College showed up to help students sign up for FAFSA. Thank you for taking the time to help these students sign up and prepare for their future.

On Thursday during sixth period, all the students decorated the campus and the doors to the rooms to make Carlé look festive as the holidays draw near.

Roxie Purdum-White also presented her portfolio that afternoon. Congratulations on the great presentation and on graduating!

The CHILY prize winner during spirit week was Johnny Roofener, who chose a basketball.

Alan and Barbara decided to make candy grams for the students to keep the holiday spirit alive. Each of the candy grams has a candy cane and other types of candies at a price of fifty cents per gram.

The money made from the grams will go towards student government and funding prom. Students can buy some for themselves or for friends. If a student wants to give one to someone but is shy about it, the grams can be given anonymously.

Sometimes the students at Carlé High School are so fantastic that the teachers cannot simply choose one student of the week. This is the case for the students of spirit week! Two students were awarded.

The first was Malinda Mitchell who has done a lot of community service recently, thank you for helping the community and being such a great student.

The second student of the week was Isaiah Piazza, who got a perfect score of four out of four on his environmental detectives paper for Angie, which will look really good when he presents his portfolio.

Congratulations to you both on getting student of the week! Enjoy your free small DJ’s pizza, front-of-the-lunch-line pass, and your item of choice from the school-based enterprise.

There is an ongoing ping pong tournament going on at Carlé that is organized by Ms. Shrive. There have been some great match ups so far.

Carlé student Roy Kirk, also known as Buggy, designed and made the medallions for the top three ping pong winners to be awarded once the tournament comes to an end. Winners will be announced in the next article.

As we near the halfway point of the year, the Chronicle encourages the students to look at their credits and see if they are halfway to what they want to accomplish within this year. If not, make plans to get you there. Anything is possible with determination.

Kasandra Colwell is a student at Carlé Continuation High School in Lower Lake, Calif.

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