Monday, 30 September 2024

Carlé Chronicle: Welcomes and goodbyes


Welcome back, Carlé students! There is a lot to talk about this week!

Carlé has a new counselor. Her name is Carol Richards. She has a degree in psychology, and went to several colleges over nine years to get this degree.

She has been doing counseling for 16 years, and has worked in six different schools this year. Her work includes making sure schools are safe and students are healthy. She hopes to connect with students.

Richards does art therapy, which includes drawing, painting and claywork. People can talk to her about anything. She will be here every Monday.

Student of the week this week was Daniel Salvante. Daniel is a hard worker and a very kind person who always looks out for those around him. He has done a great job since his arrival here at Carlé.

Kevin Wickersham, the school’s assistant principal, will be leaving Carlé for good because he has a new job. I interviewed him about his new job and final thoughts about Carlé.

He is going to work at a place called the “Summer Institute for the Gifted,” located in Stanford, Connecticut. He starts work on Dec. 2. His position will be academic director. He will design academics for the program. It will take him one week to resettle in Connecticut.

His final thoughts about Carlé: Carlé is like a family to him. He is sad to leave because he feels that leaving Carlé is like leaving his family members. Students and staff can visit him if they ever go to Connecticut.

The Yuba tour with Mrs. Shrive was really exciting and really informative. She took a van full of students to Yuba College. Everybody had a full tour of the campus. Students learned about the application process and the financial aid opportunities.

During the tour, Shrive and the students ran into a former Carlé student who got a master’s degree from Sacramento State University and is working at Yuba College as a counselor. Shrive asked her to come to Carlé and talk to the students about the college opportunities and how they can succeed. Carlé will have a financial aid afternoon on Wednesday, Dec. 11.

Guein, another great staff member, also is leaving Carlé since I am graduating. Guein has been very kind to everybody and everybody at Carlé will miss her very much. Several students made special goodbye presents for Guein including a shirt that has many quotes from staff and students about how much we will all miss her.

Timothy Mcguire is a student at Carlé Continuation High School in Lower Lake, Calif.

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