Sunday, 29 September 2024

Carlé Chronicle: Students take ASVAB, Student Council and Interact plan events


Welcome to the second grade period, Carlé!

Several students took the ASVAB test. ASVAB stands for Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. The ASVAB is a series of questions that can help you make a good career choice. Carlé is proud to be able to offer this to its students each year.

Students who took the ASVAB were Melyssa Moreno, Cody Perdock, Malia Askew, Marisa Gilbert, Sienna Norton, Lance Thurston, Blake Von Rekowski, Alvin Wilder, Isaac Soto, Craig Stephens, Yasmine Wilcox, Jeremy Hunter and Dane Pearson.

Carlé has had a record number of gold level students this grading period. Twenty-one gold level students got their gold level cards.

Gold level students for the first grade period were Kelly Alvarez, Jay Brown, Lukas Carlson, Kasandra Colwell, Shelby England, Kevin Fisher, Savanna Golden, Jeremy Hunter, Jonathan Lansdowne, Jasmine Mcgee, Timothy Mcguire, Deandre Morris, Dane Pearson, Cody Perdock, Alyssa Peterson, Daniel Salvante, Chenoa Schmidt, Christopher Stutz, Blake Von Rekowski, Amaree Whiley and Alvin Wilder.

Silver level students were Ty Ty Beasley, Gage Beck, Nathan Frigge, Alyssa Garnett, Summer Gunn, Cody Hoss, Troy Lamburth, Michael Lanigan, Jessie Mason, Kobi Mathies, Marla Mitchell, Sienna Norton, Nathan Oakley, Isaiah Piazza, Esperanza Roberts, Steven Tracy, and Yasmine Wilcox.

Student Council: Carlé High School will be having a barbecue on Monday, Oct. 7. Student Council members will decide what activities they want like football, baseball or ping pong.

Advisors will give students a survey to see what kind of music students would like to hear at the barbecue. The Student Council will have a See’s Candy fundraiser.

Student of the week was Jonathan Lansdowne. He came back to school this year with a fire to graduate and has been a real asset to our community.

Interact Club: The club is working on getting the plants in the garden for the safe house. Members of the club will be doing cleaning and landscaping at the safe house. Both of these events will take place in October.

Upcoming events for Interact Club: In November the Interact Club will have lunch with the Rotary Club. On Dec. 14, the Interact Club will have its annual Christmas Dinner. On Feb. 21, 2014, the members will set up tables for the annual seafood boil, which takes place the following day.

Angie Siegel, the science teacher, and Dr. Burger, the school principal, went to a workshop on Monday, Sept. 23. The workshop was called “Restorative Practices.” The workshop is about looking at ideas for discipline other than suspension.

Timothy Mcguire is a student at Carlé Continuation High School in Lower Lake, Calif.

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