Sunday, 29 September 2024

Carlé Chronicle: Black and White Prom and Open House arrive


The Carlé High School Black and White Prom was on Friday, May 10, and it was a successful, fun turnout!

Students started coming in at 7 p.m. all dressed up and ready to participate in the fun-filled night.

As was said before Gary, our janitor, ran a gaming table with the students. Each time a student won they were rewarded with tickets, which were later turned in for prizes held in Ms. Shrive’s room.

Music and dance also took place thanks to our own Carlé DJ Ray Green who provided an eclectic variety of music for everyone to enjoy the entire night.

There also was a wide selection of food at the prom. Little party favors were also given out to students by Ms. Shrive, filled with candy, sun glasses, and glow sticks.

The Carlé Prom King was Timothy McGuire. Prom Queen went to Shelby England. Prince(s) were Charles Trujillo and Johnny Roofener, and Princess went to Rosie Wright-Trejo. Congratulations to all who won!

Welcome to the new students that have recently come to Carlé, they may be late additions but any addition are always welcomed warmly and happily.

Cody Hoss, Anthony Perazzo and Craig Stephens welcome to our Carlé family.

Open House was on Thursday, May 9. As always Open House is an excellent opportunity to have parents and teachers come together to participate in a general walk-through of a Carlé student’s daily schedule.

Great food was brought especially Kasandra Colwell’s “amazing” homemade pizza that she made and brought with her to the event. Also sustainability awards were handed out to those present at the event.

On May 15 the Gold Level students of Carlé, as well as chaperones Alan and Angie Siegel and Gwen Bouscal, went to Fort Bragg.

Students and chaperones went on a tour of the tide pools on the beach with our tour guide, a docent for California State Parks, Fred Andrews. During the tour the students discovered many sea creatures like starfish, clams, crabs, hermit crabs, mollusks, sea anemone and sea urchins.

After the tour of the tide pools the students went to see the sea lions and then went to the beach to relax, play around, eat lunch, bury each other, enjoy the water and many other things.

After the beach, the group stopped by the town of Mendocino to walk around and browse the shops. On the way back through Willits, Alan and Angie Siegel treated everyone on the trip to free food from Jack in the Box.

The trip was a huge success and a whole lot of fun and students can’t wait to do it again next year. Thank you to the adults that came along as well as the students, all of which who were very well behaved as well as supportive of each other.

CHILY prize winner this week was Sarah Terry, who took the flashing bouncy ball with her as her prize.

Carlé’s student council led my Ms. Shrive held a fundraiser at the school where students would turn in as much loose change as they could into their advisories, and we turned it into a competition to see who could raise the most by the deadline. The total money raised was about $100. The advisory that won was Steve’s advisory class.  All funds were donated to go towards children’s cancer research.

Jesse Harrell’s portfolio was on May 9. Jesse showed off his great sense of humor and design skills. He used a movie theme to tie all the disparate elements of his portfolio together.

Other portfolios that took place were for Camari Onwuasoeze on May 15, Cody Beers and Austin Weldon’s on May 16.

These three boys have been at Carlé for quite a while and are responsible for helping out the school tremendously as well as being the reason for so many great things that have happened at this school.

Each one has become a responsible adult in their own right, and after this year’s graduation they will move on to start their lives as official adults.

We hope that each and every one makes the best choices to ensure the best, most complete, and happy life.

Jesse Harrell attends Carlé Continuation High School in Lower Lake, Calif.

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