Sunday, 29 September 2024

Carlé Chronicle: Raising funds for a school van


Carlé is on a mission to raise enough funds for our very own van.

Willy Brown, ex-mayor of San Francisco, sent out 25 letters to friends and businesses asking for donations on our behalf. This week we received $1,000 donated to us by Pacific Waterfront Partners.

Carlé’s head designer, Nura Brown, made a plaque to show how very grateful we are for the kindness and generosity.

Our ultimate goal is to raise around $30,000 to buy a van and we need all of the help we can get. If you wish to donate money to help Carlé fund our own van contact Barbara Dye or Alan Siegel at Carlé High School, 707-994-1033.

Carlé has recently had some new editions to our school and we want to make sure that each of them receive a full welcome.

A big welcome goes out to the following students: Angelique Barajas-Vega, Marissa Gilbert, Michael Lanigan, Melyssa Moreno, Nathaniel Oakley, Alyssa Peterson, Chenoa Schmidt, Chelsea Schloesser, Eric Scroggins and Brandon Thomas. We hope to see all of you stay with us until you graduate.

Also, welcome back to Carlé student Keanon Jardstrom. Glad to have you back.

The CAHSEE exams took place on March 12 and March 13. On March 12 the English portion took place, and on March 13 the math portion took place. We hope everyone passed!

On March 23 there will be a community service opportunity for all of the Carlé students at the Lower Lake Historic Schoolhouse Museum, from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The name of the event is Fashion Festival 2013; see Barbara Dye in the office for more information.

March 6 was the Gold Level Trip for Carlé Gold Level students. The students, as well as the chaperone teachers Dan Maes and Robin Shrive, traveled to Lakeport to Lakeside Lanes Family Fun Center for bowling and lazer tag. It is great to reward the students that excel much further than required with fun trips like this every now and then. In fact we schedule a reward trip after each of our six grading periods.

Even though it is a ways away, we want to let everyone know that Carlé’s open house will be on May 9 at 5:30pm. Be sure to check your calendars as early as possible so you don’t miss out. It is, as always, a potluck so please bring your best dish. Math/PE teacher Steve Hamann will undoubtedly make his special punch to share with all who attend.

A big thanks to our English teacher, Robin Shrive for making and giving out health food snacks during break here at Carlé. For quite some time now Ms. Shrive has brought some great health ideals to Carlé to let kids know that just because something is healthy, doesn’t mean it’s gross. Her smoothies in particular have been a real treat, and a lot of us hope to see them show once again.

This last week at Carlé we had a visit from T.J. Aldrich. T.J. came to facilitate support groups for teens. TJ will be helping out for the rest of the year. Thanks T.J., it is something that was badly needed here at this school.

Because there was no article last week we have two students to list as Student of the Week.

First off was Sabrina Farnan, a longtime Carlé student receiving her rightful dues for becoming a leader. Sabrina recently took over making birthday cards for each and every student attending the school.

Our other Student of the Week was Danielle Stennett, a newcomer to Carlé but a very welcome and studious addition.

CHILY winner of this week and the last was Lukas Carlson, congratulations to you once again.

Jesse Harrell is a student at Carlé Continuation High School in Lower Lake, Calif.

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