Sunday, 29 September 2024

Carlé Chronicle: Remembering Scabby


Carlé would like to welcome Mr. Jerry Barr as our substitute principal. Our principal Dr. Burger is still ill and Mr. Barr has been gracious enough to fill in for the mean time.

Mr. Barr came in and got right to work getting to know the staff and students. Student Junior Garcia made Barr a beautiful plaque welcoming him to the Carlé family.

Carlé student Chelsea Chearney gave her portfolio presentation this week. Congratulations on completing your credits and graduating! We’re all very happy for you and look forward to see you move up in life.

Student of the Week this week went out to Lukas Carlson. A very diligent and hard working student, Lukas has been a fine example of not only a Carlé student but as a person in general.

This last week, a very dear and personal long time friend of Carlé’s passed away.

Our mascot Scabby had to be put down due to poor health issues.

Scabby’s owners, secretary Barbara Dye and teachers Alan and Angie Siegel, were very burdened to see their friend and companion have to be put down, but it was more upsetting to see Scabby struggling for breath.

Scabby’s story goes like this: Scabby was found on the third day of memorial community service by then Carlé student Adrian Ringle 13 years ago.

He was in such bad condition that no one thought he would survive. He looked like he had been burned and was suppurating out of wounds all over his body.

The group gave him water and some food and the puppy hung in there through the whole day of work. Alan took the pup home with the intention of putting him down at animal control the next day.

While the two were in Alan’s driveway Alan saw that he was decrepit but extremely intelligent. He also saw something that many would comment on over the years: Scabby had the spirit of an old soul.

Alan decided that he would give the animal a chance. Angie commented that it was the single grossest creature that she had ever seen. Alan told her at the time that in this creature with no hair and only wounds was a beautiful swan waiting to come out.

Little did Alan know that Scab would become that beautiful and wonderful creature.

It took three full years to get this dog to grow a coat of hair. In everything this animal went through he never complained and always had a wonderful attitude typical of a lot of rescue dogs. He truly appreciated the chance given him and always showed those around him appreciation even though he never truly learned to trust all humans. He to the end did not let people get behind him.

We would often use Scab as our example of how no matter how much trauma, we can come through it and live a wonderful life. In that he was an example and role model for our students.

Scabby lived a wonderful life way longer than we all thought we would have him. He had great days every day with his best friends. On the last day of his life, he came to school so all the students who chose to could come and visit and say goodbye.

Whenever someone close to us dies it is always a sad thing, no matter if they’re an animal or a human. I think death teaches us all an important thing about life and how precious it is.

In light of Scabby’s passing, I encourage everyone to pull in those who are closest to you and let him or her know how much you appreciate them.

Too often we can take the time that we have left with the ones closest to us for granted, so every now and then it is good to have a reminder that time is precious.

We all should cherish the time we have with others much more often than we usually do. No matter whom you love you should always show your feelings for them because you never know where life may lead for them, or yourself.

The passing of a life is always a strange thing, and no matter what religion you may or may not pertain to death is an oddly beautiful thing.

It's one of the saddest things in the world but at the same time there is a sense of completeness to it.

No one can ever be fully prepared to lose someone, because no matter what you'll always want more of them; you'll always want to see them and talk to them.

I think we should all be grateful for those that we love.

“Death is the only pure, beautiful conclusion of a great passion.” – DH Lawrence

Jesse Harrell is a student at Carlé Continuation High School in Lower Lake, Calif.

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