Sunday, 29 September 2024

Carlé Chronicle: Students tour Yuba College


The Carlé community would like to welcome new student, Angie Sanchez.

On Wednesday, Nov. 28, English teacher Robin Shrive took several students on a tour of Yuba College. The tour was lead by the counselor of Yuba, Pamela Bordisso.

On the tour, the students learned about the construction of Yuba’s new buildings and about financial aid possibilities.

Students also sat in on culinary classes, listened to the culinary students’ commentary, and spent quite some time just being in the culinary room itself enjoying the “arts” – and some delicious food.

“Very inspiring,” said Shrive. “I could see that the kids really want to go to college and were excited about it.”

Shrive would like to thank Bordisso and the students of Yuba College for their wonderful support and welcoming attitude.

The students that went on the trip were: Junior Garcia, Camari Onwuasoeze, Antoinette Percoats, Levy Venuto and Lance Thurston.

We are now in the third grading period. Due to the four weeks between the holidays, this will be a seven-week grading period.  

Congratulations to our Student of the Week Josh Kennedy. Kennedy is a phenomenal student who comes to school every day with a great attitude and great focus.

On Friday, Nov. 30, Carlé was treated to an assembly about the harms of global warming in the multipurpose room at Lower Lake High School.

All of the students and teachers got together to listen about how we can be badly affecting the Earth, and what exactly we can do to help save our planet.

There were songs, videos and commentary all about the Earth and global warming, all of them originally made.

Science teacher Angie Siegel would like all of the Carlé students to know that she is available for students to come and talk to her about helping out in any way they can on helping keep the environment safe.  

Carlé would like to thank presenter Ashel Eldridge from the Alliance for Climate Education for doing such a wonderful job.    

In addition, Carlé would like to greatly thank Lower Lake Elementary science teacher Lisa Rogers for arranging this event for Carlé, Lower Lake High and Lower Lake Elementary Schools.  

Thanks also go out to Lower Lake High School for their generosity in inviting Carlé to its campus and sharing this great experience.

Lastly, our holiday bookmarks for all of the students and staff are nearing completion.

Over the course of the year our media class designers have been making bookmarks to give out to every single student and staff member here at Carlé. The purpose is to make sure that every person here gets at least one special thing this holiday season. All of the bookmarks are personalized to each students liking.

Media teacher Alan Siegel would like to extend his appreciation for all the hard work put in by designers Austin Weldon, Nura Brown, Mayra Pantoja, Lance Thurston, Junior Garcia, Thomas Valdez and Summer Gunn.

In addition, student Pantoja gave the first senior portfolio of the year on Thursday, Nov. 29. Pantoja shared all her hard work, career documents and artistic creations to the staff and invited guests.  

Each and every Carlé graduate stands up before the staff and others and delivers this important component for graduation.

Siegel also wants to acknowledge and thank student Robert Kanoe who goes out of his way to make a personal, hand done birthday card for every student at the school.  

The cards are in a classroom for a couple of weeks before the birthday so other students can come in sign them and wish their friends a special day.

Jesse Harrell attends Carlé Continuation High School in Lower Lake, Calif.

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