Sunday, 29 September 2024

Carlé Chronicle: Hazmat course offers job opportunities


This week and next week teacher Angie Siegel will be conducting a hazmat, or hazardous materials, course. The course revolves around the defensive actions somebody can take when there is a hazmat risk.

The course is seven days long and at the end there is a test that when passed certifies a person to hold first responder operation status.

A FRO protects the public from hazmat spills by taking proper actions such as setting a perimeter and
calling authorities.

Becoming a certified FRO can open many doors for those willing to put forth the effort. Many high paying and rewarding jobs require at least a FRO certification, and having this certificate can be the deciding factor in getting hired or not. Many businesses need at least one person on staff with
a hazmat certificate.

This opportunity is a very valuable resource to the students of Carlé High. The students and staff are all grateful for the unique experience.

Thanks to Carlé this normally expensive class has been provided to students free of charge. The class was offered to seniors and juniors who will be graduating early next year.

The students who signed up for this class will spend seven school days solely learning the material and for the first three days they have to stay late after school to get the course hours required.

The students who signed up for this course are Desiree Bauer, Tonya Smith, Leticia Bowman, Jade Fox, Colton Robone, Cameron Carrillo, Nathan Galindo, Ashely Gravely, Joey Griffith, Paul LeRue, Anthony Montalvon and Dakota Taylor.

These dedicated students have been given many new opportunities and experiences to enrich their lives. These experiences include the course itself where they got to learn about how to contain different hazardous materials and how to possibly save the lives of people who may otherwise be harmed.

These students also got to run a decontamination corridor with the highly respected Fire Chief Willie Sapeta.

Thanks to both Siegel and Sapeta these students lives will be changed forever.

That is all for now, have a great week!

Jade Fox is a student at Carlé Continuation High School in Lower Lake, Calif.

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