Sunday, 29 September 2024

YCCD Board of Trustees accepts Measure J audit, approves bond sale

MARYSVILLE, Calif. – The Yuba Community College District (YCCD) has complied in all material respects with the performance requirements set by Proposition 39 and Measure J through the fiscal year ending on June 30, 2010, according to a performance audit report conducted by the Certified Public Accounting Firm Matson and Isom.

Measure J contains strict financial safeguards, including a requirement that independent audits be conducted annually to ensure that bond funds are spent only on the classroom and facility improvements as identified in the original ballot language.

Roxie Azparren, auditor for Matson and Isom, presented the annual YCCD Proposition 39 and Measure J General Obligation Bonds Performance Audit to the Measure J Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) at its quarterly meeting on March 1, 2011.

The performance audit verified that Measure J bond revenues were expended only for the construction, acquisition, furnishing, and equipping of the district projects approved by the voters and that no funds were used for salaries of school administrators or other operating expenses of the district.

In addition, the audit found that the district properly accounted for the proceeds and expenditures of Proposition 39 and Measure J General Obligation Bonds. As such, the CBOC approved the audit report.

Eleanor Mackensen, chair of the Measure J CBOC, presented the 2009-10 Proposition 39 and Measure J General Obligation Bonds Performance Audit to the YCCD Board of Trustees at their regular session. The Board of Trustees unanimously accepted the report.

“It is my pleasure to present to the community the audit report on the expenditures of the Measure J bond program,” said Mackensen. “The Audits were reviewed by the committee last month and everything was found to be in order.”

The auditing firm also found that the bond fund financial statements presented fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Measure J Bond Program as of June 30, 2010, and the changes in financial position and cash flows thereof for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United State of America.

No material weaknesses were found and auditing tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance.

Measure J was passed by voters in the eight counties served by YCCD in November 2006 to repair, renovate and add facilities for community college services.

The Bond Construction Program, scheduled to complete in 2014, is at its half-way mark, with projects progressing on time and on budget.

“Our program managing partner, AECOM, architectural and construction firms, and the over 100 local businesses and subcontractors employed by the Measure J program are doing an outstanding job, providing jobs for our community, and contributing positively to the local economy,” said Dr. Nicki Harrington, Chancellor, YCCD.

In related news, the board adopted a resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of General Obligation Bonds under Series C in the amount of $35 million. Series C will be issued within the legal limit of $25 per $100,000 of assessed property values within the district.

The slight increase is based on the current economic downturn and the subsequent decrease in property values in our region.

Thanks to Measure J, the board was also able to approve at last night’s meeting the donation of athletic equipment to Colusa High School (CHS).

The Yuba College Athletic Department recently purchased new equipment for the track and field program through the Measure J furniture, fixtures and equipment budget assigned to the Building 1200 renovation project.

As a result, some older equipment that is still usable became expendable, including 40 hurdles and four starting blocks.

The YCCD Board of Trustees approved that this equipment be donated to CHS.

“On behalf of Colusa High School, I would like to thank … [the] Yuba Community College [District] for the donation of hurdles, starting blocks and miscellaneous track equipment,” said Colusa High School Principal Dave McGrath.

The Yuba Community College District spans eight counties and nearly 4,200 square miles of territory in rural, north-central California. It has colleges in Marysville and Woodland, an educational center in Clearlake, outreach operations at Beale Air Force Base and in Williams, and will be adding an outreach facility in Sutter County as part of the Measure J facilities bond.

For more information about YCCD visit

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