Sunday, 29 September 2024

Groups pitch scholarships to local students

Rebecca Baker, president of The Scholarship Group, reviews scholarship options at Clear Lake High School in Lakeport, Calif., on Friday, March 25, 2011. Courtesy photo.




LAKEPORT, Calif. – Four local nonprofit organizations took the opportunity to describe who they are and how their scholarship programs work to a group of college bound high school students on Friday, March 25, at Clear Lake High School.

The event was hosted by the Clear Lake High Scholarship Group.

Phil Smoley, president of the Lake County Historical Society, led off with an explanation as to what his organization is all about, and how this year marks the sesquicentennial of the county’s founding.

He touched on the many fascinating stories that make up our local history and heritage, and encouraged applicants to choose one for the required essay to accompany their application. He offered his assistance in doing their research.

Marty Klier from the Konocti Rod and Gun Club spoke next. He explained that his group’s mission is to provide a safe environment for target practice, and that their Highland Springs range has met that goal.

Another goal of the club is to promote environmental awareness, so to qualify for their scholarship an applicant needs to complete a 500 word essay on “the effects of non-native species have on ecosystems in Lake County.”

Kay Hancock, scholarship chair of the Lakeport Women Civic Club, gave another inspiring presentation. Formed in 1921, her group offers $1,000 scholarships for vocational training.

This scholarship is restricted to those students that are pursuing a vocational training because the Civic Club wants to encourage an increase of qualified young persons for these important jobs. Some examples would be various nursing programs or an automotive technician program.

She stressed the importance of completing the applications completely and legibly. “The application is a representation of the applicant,” she said.

Anne Baker, representing the Lake County Association of Realtors, explained that they offer a $1,000 scholarship to each high school in the county.

In addition to the application, they interview the applicant, which weighs heavily in the committee’s decision process, according to Baker.

She described the various ways they raise funds for the scholarship, and encouraged students to participate in these activities as it adds to the amounts given back to students and provides an excellent chance to network.

Each presenter encouraged interested parties to contact their respective school counselors for applications and more information.

“Every dollar you get in a scholarship is a dollar that doesn’t have to come from your parent’s bank account,” Smoley stated.

Rebecca Baker, president of Scholarship Group, concluded by thanking the presenters, and encouraged students to get involved in the group.

“We meet every week for an hour, similar to a study group, to help keep each other informed about upcoming scholarships, and bounce ideas of each other,” Baker said.

For more information on Scholarship Group, contact Rebecca Baker at 707-245-7108 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .



Marty Klier of the Lake County Rod and Gun Club describes the nature of the scholarships his group provides at Clear Lake High School in Lakeport, Calif., on Friday, March 25, 2011. Courtesy photo.

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