Sunday, 29 September 2024


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On Friday, Sept. 24, Carlé High School students went on our annual team building trip to Highland Springs. It was an exciting, fun-filled experience for all of students and staff.

The purpose of this excursion was to put the students through character-building games, which involve each of the students working together as a team. Students and staff members have became even closer while achieving the goals of each activity and having a superb time doing so.

The entire day was jam-packed with physical and athletic things to do, whether it was running in several of the fantastic games, jumping into the water for a swim or kayaking. Thanks to Alan and Angie Siegel for providing the kayaks. We would also like to thank Bob Rumfelt for doing a great job

as our lifeguard. Students definately had quite the workout throughout the entire day.

The first athletic challenge was a chase game. The students were split into two teams. It was then up to the teams to decide whether to be the babe, the bear or the hunter. In deciding which to be the team members had to keep in mind in each round the rules to figure out who chased who.

To show which of the three possibilities was chosen by each team the teams would have to “strike the pose” that best fits one of the categories. If your team was to be chased, you had to make it safely to the end of the field. If a student was tagged they had to switch to the other teams side until one of the teams

retrieved everyone. Team two defeated team one and had won that game.

The next game to be played was known as The Blob. The Blob starts off with two people who had to hold hands, standing in the middle of the field while everyone else who is playing runs across the field, in hopes that they won't be tagged. If they are tagged they must join the blob and attempt to tag others.

The blob groups had to be at least sets of two students holding hands, working together, to make “tag” count. This was a very physical activity. The overall student winner of this game was Lucas Powell. Lucas was the final student who hadn't be captured by “the blob.”

We then went into a calm, yet not so calm game called “The Snake and The Rabbit. In this game all the students participating sat in a huge circle while two students or staff went in the middle of the circle blindfolded.

One person was the “rattlesnake” while the other person was the “rabbit.” They both had to shake cans full of rocks to determined where each other were. Then the rattle snake would have to chase the rabbit blind folded by merely sound. This was a hilarious game that brought everyone to laughter as they watched their friends and teachers uncertainly find each other.

We were then taken into another challenge that was a race to determine who was the fastest boy and fastest girl this year at Carlé High School. The boys started their race first; they had to line up on one side of the field and ran their hearts out to the other side.

Nate Oberdorf came in the lead, maintaining the title he won last year as well. He is Carlé's fastest boy and will receive a plaque from our school based enterprise designed by Kayellia Landsdowne.

Andrew Johnson finished second and will receive a medallion from our business.

It was then the girls' turn to show their running skills. The girls also lined up in the same fashion as the boys. Tonya Smith came in first place earning the title of Carlé's fastest girl. Tonya will receive a plaque created by Nia Edmunds.

Bianca Frias finished second and will also receive a medallion homemade at Carlé.

Our two winners both have incredible speed and were able to show Carlé just that.

After eating a delicious lunch of hamburgers cooked up by Verna Rogers, Leah Davidson and Amanda Gamble with help from a host of others, each advisory dueled the others to a game of tug of war. They each grabbed a side of the four part rope and pulled until they could pull no more. Angie Siegel's advisory won overall.

At the end of the amazing day everyone was allowed to go swimming, kayaking or simply rest and relax from all the activities. The day was sunny and warm and was entirely a “dream day.”

On another note, our student of the week this week was Gary Martin.

Alan Siegel said of Gary, “He is really working hard to graduate, has been recycling the school and going out of his way to beautify the school and help others out.”

Gary, Carlé High School is very appreciative of everything you do to make our school just that much better.

Back to school night is this Thursday, Oct. 7. This will be a splendid evening of fun, and will allow parents and guardians to see how Carlé works.

Students, parents and guardians will also be able to seek college and FASFA information from our guest speaker Pamela Bordisso from Yuba College. She will provide the information needed for the possibilities after high school. Hope to see all the parents and guardians there. We will share a meal and listen to the music of teacher Dan Maes and students Nick Ford and Justin Boyce.

We as a school are very proud of all of the remodeling that was done over this past summer. We recognize the hard work it took and the effort that was put into our school. We realize that it is steps like this that built up and brought Carlé High School to what it is today.

Some things that were done over the summer were the bathrooms being remodeled to be more accessible for handicapped persons; some of the rooms were recarpeted; the media room has all new cabinets; lockers were repainted in our school color, maroon; and the school looks incredible.

Our school-based enterprise as a way of expressing our thanks to everyone who was involved in our remodel will be making thank you gifts including mugs for all who played a role in this wonderful project.

We are even planning a Dana Moore Day to express our gratitude to Konocti's head of maintenance who shepherded the whole project to completion. It has really made a difference here at our home away from home.

Karaleena Cole is a student at Carlé Continuation High School in Lower Lake, Calif.

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