Sunday, 29 September 2024




March 5 is right around the corner, meaning the end of the fourth grading period!

We have two more six-week grading periods left after we are done with this one, and prom is almost here. The date is set for April 24 and the theme is “Masquerade.”

We have also settled on dates for spirit week: it will be the week of April 19. Specific events for each day are not set but will follow.

On March 4 we have Aaron Trammel and Josh Hays' portfolios. Good luck and good job to both of you.

The mouse pad competition is over and we had a lot of great winners, 25 in all. Among the winners were Kara Boyce, Ryan Cumpston, Kodi Burr, Jessie Eubanks, Dikota David, Gerald Stahlmen, Justin Boyce, Chelle Perry-Alden, Kayellia Lansdowne, Jonathan Truax, Ittally Heart, Tyler Gillam, Cierra

Tripp, Christine Mcquown and Mathew Vaughn. All received mouse pads from Carlé's student-based enterprise.

The next contest coming up will be a flag contest where students will be able to design their own flags, with a Carlé theme which will be flown around the quad until the end of the year. Flag designs are due March 14.

The fashion fest went very well, and there were a lot of compliments from the community.

“The students represented Carlé very well, they served food and cleaned up afterwards. Kara Boyce was one of the models and all Carlé students cheered her on,” said our principal, Ed Zander.

The students who participated in this event were Kara Boyce, Anthony Henson, Phoenix King, Erika Streckfuss, Andrea McMullen, Tonya Smith, Daniel Alverez, Allen Weemes, Christine Mcquown and Chantelle Clemons.

We would like to thank all of the students who worked community service events this past weekend and did a great job representing Carlé in the community.

Daniel Alvarez was our student of the week because he always has great attendance, signs up for every community service, does great work and is very dedicated. He has a great attitude and overall embodies what a Carlé student should represent. Congratulations, Daniel, and keep up the great work.

On March 24 René and Michael Skidmore will come to talk with our student council about restarting a paintball club. Of course, this will be done safely and under supervision. René and Michael provide the equipment and a place to hold the paintball tournament and we are all very grateful to them for providing this privilege.

At the school site council meeting, we managed to get the funds to replace Angie's old, slow computers with six new ones. We will also be purchasing two digital video cameras and one new still camera for Carlé students who are doing photography and video.

Andrea McMullen is a student at Carlé Continuation High School in Lower Lake.

Upcoming Calendar

Columbus Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve

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