Sunday, 29 September 2024


It's senior portfolio time, and recently we have had Allen Weemes on the 15th, Kaitlyn Sliger on the 19th, Tosha McKeehan on the 22nd, and Jakie Stephenson on the 29th all deliver their final project to the staff and their families. We would like to congratulate them for all the hard work

they have done at Carlé.

We would like to thank Highlands High and the Community Court School for coming to our school and participating in our fleet ball tournament.

Our football game went very well. “We had strong performances form every player at different times,” Steve said. “Our players worked for a number of weeks preparing, which enabled them to understand how the game is played: its pass-pass-pass not long bumps.”

Carlé's football players were Manuel Armijo, Jeremy Burton, Tyler Giliam, Jason Hammond, Anthony Henson, Chris McCarley, Dylan Nevarez, Nate Oberdorf, Marco Ochoa, Lucas Powel and Gerald Stahlman. Thank you all for contributing to such a great time.

A big thank you to our students who barbequed for us and the visiting teams on Friday. We would like to thank Vince Copas and John Watson for their hard work.

We would also like to thank Steve for doing a great job coaching and running our football tournament.

Thank yous also go out to Marta Fuller, Mari Valdez and Katherine Henry for coming to Carlé and doing free dental screenings for our students.

Happy birthday to Kara Boyce, Ryan Cumpston, Tanner Greer and our principle Ed Zander, we hope you all have a great day.

We would also like to welcome Sandra Jones to our school and we hope she feels comfortable here. Our CHILY prize winner this week was Amber Bradford, congratulations Amber.

Our student of the week was Josh Hays who literally saved our school based enterprise. He also sets up all the P.E. equipment for the girls and does great things for the school every day. Thank you to Josh Hays for configuring all the computers and printers for us and getting it all up and running. Keep up the great work!

Konocti Adult School is offering citizenship classes Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. There are currently ten students enrolled and there is childcare available if students need that service.

Finally, Barbra Dye our secretary, has posted and listed all of our gold level students for the first grading period of the year and they are as follows; Kara Boyce, Katie Boulrice, Amber Bradford, Jeremy Burton, Stefani Conner, Stefani Cook, Vince Copas, Ryan Cumpston, Dikota David, Lisa Davis, Stacey Fedewa, Nick Ford, Bianca Frias, Trever Giovacchini, Derek Grace, Winter Gray, Ellie Hackler, Geneva Hudson, Phoenix King, Kayellia Lansdowne, Doyle Lopez, Gary Martin, Jeffrey Martin, Will McAlister, Lexi Nance, Nate Oberdorf, Marco Ochoa, Christina Ortega, Lucas Powell, Brooke Robb, Paul Silsby, Kaitlyn Sliger, Jerry Stahlman, Jackie Stephenson, Aaron Trammell,

Alex VonRekowski, John Watson and Ashley Wiebusch. Congratulations to all of our Gold Level students who have worked very hard.

Andrea McMullen and Kaitlyn Sliger are students at Carlé Continuation High School.

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