Monday, 30 September 2024

William Brooks


William Claude Brooks
Jan. 8, 1947 - July 1, 2014

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – William Brooks shed this mortal coil on July 1, 2014.

His passing was sudden and unexpected. Willie will be sorely missed by those who deeply loved him.

Willie moved to Lake County 17 years ago at the urging of his friend and neighbor, Tom Carter.

Willie cherished the solitude of his mountain, which he shared with his loves, Pat Cichowicz and daughter, Sascha Cichowicz. He was a mentor and partner to Gerrad Cichowicz.

He is missed by his faithful companions, Chewie and Butterbean. Willie left behind his dear, dear friends, Shannon and Denny Marble of Kentucky.

Willie had many interests in life. He would master any project tackled. While life may have held many bumps, Willie faced all with his face to the wind.

He was a musician who played by ear and, at the age of 16, Willie left home and played piano (after lying about his age) in a bar in Winnemuca, Nev.

Music became a lifelong passion. He held a special affinity for the blues, bluegrass, folk, The Beatles, Dylan, Nat King Cole and The Eagles but all genres were held close to his heart.

In the 1970s and 1980s, Willie was a hot musician playing keyboards in Bay Area rock bands – most notably, MotherGoose and KingFish. His enhanced memory of song lyrics served him well during this period. His talent as a songwriter was well known among his peers.

He was a carpenter, home restorer, sculptor, artist, poet, historian, philosopher and recluse. Stained glass artisan and co-founder of MoonLight Madness Stained Glass, he imparted a unique, whimsical aspect to a multitude of stained glass artworks.

Never idle, never boring, an intellectual wit with an everlasting quizzical nature, who sought the truth at every turn.

All of Willie’s multiple accomplishments paled in comparison to his 40-year study of the word of Jesus Christ and Bible prophecy. To all, who were within earshot, Willie would try to enlighten. More often than not his message fell on seemingly deaf ears but none could walk away without having knowledge.

Author of “The Mystery of God,” his quest never ceased. He was called by God, as he edited his
final chapter.

Following is one of Willie’s favorite verses:

“Behold, I show you a MYSTERY;
We shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed,
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye:
at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound,
and the dead shall be raised incorruptible,
and we shall be changed ...”
– I Corinthians 15:51

“Good times, still settle nice and easy on my mind
Old times, now are gone but not so far behind
The years keep stealing memories of a past that I once knew
but when I think of good times, I’ll remember you ...”
– wc brooks

À bientôt, Willie – until we meet again.


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