Saturday, 28 September 2024

Robey: Provinsalia issue requires respect on all sides

I’d like to offer a few comments regarding the Clearlake City Council and the proposed Provinsalia development.

I have watched this project come and go in different forms over the last 20 years or so. We need to realize that any proposal for a large development which makes significant changes must go through a process which reminds me of the digestive system of a cow.

The latest iteration began with an extremely flawed proposal and the worst environmental impact report (EIR) I have ever read.

The city staff began the process, and after several years and many meetings and public workshops the project was changed significantly. The old EIR was thrown out, and a much more thorough EIR prepared. The proposal to use Dam Road as the main access road was abandoned and replaced with the requirement to construct a new road named Provinsalia Avenue.

The original EIR proposed financing the roads in a way which could have made the city responsible. This was taken out, and now the city is requiring the roads to be built using private funds and maintained by the parcels within the development through a maintenance district. Many other beneficial changes have been made.

In other words, by going through the process, the city folks have worked to address the issues raised by various people and agencies and have modified the project requirements accordingly. This is the way the process is supposed to work.

Property owners have the right to propose projects. The city has the responsibility to place requirements and conditions on projects to mitigate their impacts on the community. Sometimes the conditions are so expensive that the project just isn’t economically possible.

In my opinion, this project is not economically viable and will not happen in its present form. If I were the developer, I would revise it and make it an upscale community for retired people. This would eliminate the impact on schools and commuter traffic and not compete with existing parcels for family residential use.

Now, some people have criticized the City Council regarding this project and in particular for the way the final public hearing on this project was conducted, claiming that public comment was restricted in violation of the Brown Act. I was not at this hearing, but did attend the previous one where I spoke in opposition to the project, concluding that although the city has done a good job, it could be better.

I know each one of the council members, and can vouch for their sincerity and good intentions. I know the staff, and have complimented them publicly for the good job they have done in adding many new conditions and requirements to this project. I also know many of the opponents to the project, and they are also good people with good intentions.

What I think we need here is more respect, on all sides of this issue.

If the council wants to alleviate the complaint that they restricted public comment, they can step back and hold another public hearing. They don’t have to start the process all over again. Individual council members may feel that they have heard enough, and ruminated enough, but sometimes you just need to let concerned citizens have their say. It’s all about the process. Sometimes the cow swallows its cud, sometimes it regurgitates and chews it some more.

Those who have complained should show some respect for the City Council and their staff, who have a difficult job. If you think there was a flaw in the process, then complain about the process and don’t attack council members personally.

The quickest way to lose respect is to disrespect someone else, and the best way to earn respect is to show some respect yourself.

Ed Robey is a former Clearlake City Council member and the recently retired District 1 supervisor. He lives in Lower Lake.


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